我在MVC 3中看到了ViewBag。这和MVC 2中的ViewData有什么不同?




<title>@ViewData["Title"] - MyApp</title>


ViewData["Title"] = "Details";


最显著的区别是ViewData是一个强类型字典 ViewBag是一个动态类型。

注意里面的数据IS the SAME

ViewData["Title"] = "MyTitle";
ViewBag.Title; // returns "MyTitle";


ViewBag doesn't support not valid C# names. you can't access ViewData["Key With Space"] with ViewBag ViewBag.Something is dynamic and you may have problems when calling methods (like extension methods) that needs to know the exact parameter at compile time. ViewBag can check for nulls syntactical cleaner: ViewBag.Person?.Name ViewData have all the properties of a Dictionary like ContainsKey, Add, etc. so you can use ViewData.Add("somekey", "somevalue") keep in mind it might throw exceptions. Using ViewData on views needs TypeCasting while ViewBag don't.








<title>@ViewData["Title"] - MyApp</title>


ViewData["Title"] = "Details";


最显著的区别是ViewData是一个强类型字典 ViewBag是一个动态类型。

注意里面的数据IS the SAME

ViewData["Title"] = "MyTitle";
ViewBag.Title; // returns "MyTitle";


ViewBag doesn't support not valid C# names. you can't access ViewData["Key With Space"] with ViewBag ViewBag.Something is dynamic and you may have problems when calling methods (like extension methods) that needs to know the exact parameter at compile time. ViewBag can check for nulls syntactical cleaner: ViewBag.Person?.Name ViewData have all the properties of a Dictionary like ContainsKey, Add, etc. so you can use ViewData.Add("somekey", "somevalue") keep in mind it might throw exceptions. Using ViewData on views needs TypeCasting while ViewBag don't.



下面是关于ViewData, ViewBag, TempData和Session的点对点差异。 信贷/ askforprogram复制。在这里,遵循我没有提到的代码示例的链接。

ViewData in MVC ViewData is property of ControllerBase class. ViewData is a type of dictionary object. ViewData is key-value dictionary collection. ViewData was introduced in MVC 1.0 version. ViewData works with .Net framework 3.5 and above. Need to do type conversion of code while enumerating. ViewData object keeps data only for current request. ViewBag in MVC ViewBag is property of ControllerBase class. ViewBag is a type of dynamic object. ViewBag is a type of object. ViewBag was introduced in MVC 3.0 version. ViewBag works with .Net framework 4.0 and above. ViewBag uses property and handles it, so no need to do type conversion while enumerating. ViewBag object keeps data only for current request. TempData in MVC TempData is property of ControllerBase class. TempData is a type of dictionary object. TempData is key-value dictionary collection. TempData was introduced in MVC 1.0 version. TempData works with .Net framework 3.5 and above. Need to do type conversion of code while enumerating. TempData object is used to data between current request and subsequent request. Session in MVC Session is property of Controller(Abstract Class). Session is a type of HttpSessionStateBase. Session is key-value dictionary collection. Session was introduced in MVC 1.0 version. TempData works with .Net framework 1.0 and above. Need to do type conversion of code while enumerating. Session object keeps data for all requests. Valid for all requests, never expires.

public ActionResult Index()
    ViewBag.Name = "Monjurul Habib";
    return View();

public ActionResult Index()
    ViewData["Name"] = "Monjurul Habib";
    return View();

In View:


ViewBag vs MVC中的ViewData



当您从控制器移动到视图时,有助于维护数据。用于 将数据从控制器传递到相应的视图。短寿命意味着 值在重定向发生时变为空。这是因为他们的目标 是提供一种在控制器和视图之间通信的方法。这是 服务器调用中的通信机制。


ViewData是派生自的对象字典 viewdatdictionary类,并使用字符串作为键访问。ViewBag 动态属性是否利用了新的动态特性 在c# 4.0。ViewData需要对复杂的数据类型进行类型转换 检查空值以避免错误。ViewBag不需要 复杂数据类型的类型转换。

ViewBag & ViewData示例:

public ActionResult Index()
    ViewBag.Name = "Arun Prakash";   
    return View();

public ActionResult Index()
    ViewData["Name"] = "Arun Prakash";  
    return View();

