



Geeks For Geeks对HashMap按值排序

Input : Key = Math, Value = 98
    Key = Data Structure, Value = 85
    Key = Database, Value = 91
    Key = Java, Value = 95
    Key = Operating System, Value = 79
    Key = Networking, Value = 80

Output : Key = Operating System, Value = 79
         Key = Networking, Value = 80
         Key = Data Structure, Value = 85
         Key = Database, Value = 91
         Key = Java, Value = 95
         Key = Math, Value = 98
Solution: The idea is to store the entry set in a list and sort the list on the basis of values. Then fetch values and keys from the list and put them in a new hashmap. Thus, a new hashmap is sorted according to values.
Below is the implementation of the above idea: 

// Java program to sort hashmap by values
import java.util.*;
import java.lang.*;
public class GFG {
    // function to sort hashmap by values
    public static HashMap<String, Integer> sortByValue(HashMap<String, Integer> hm)
        // Create a list from elements of HashMap
        List<Map.Entry<String, Integer> > list =
               new LinkedList<Map.Entry<String, Integer> >(hm.entrySet());
        // Sort the list
        Collections.sort(list, new Comparator<Map.Entry<String, Integer> >() {
            public int compare(Map.Entry<String, Integer> o1,
                               Map.Entry<String, Integer> o2)
                return (o1.getValue()).compareTo(o2.getValue());
        // put data from sorted list to hashmap
        HashMap<String, Integer> temp = new LinkedHashMap<String, Integer>();
        for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> aa : list) {
            temp.put(aa.getKey(), aa.getValue());
        return temp;
    // Driver Code
    public static void main(String[] args)
        HashMap<String, Integer> hm = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
        // enter data into hashmap
        hm.put("Math", 98);
        hm.put("Data Structure", 85);
        hm.put("Database", 91);
        hm.put("Java", 95);
        hm.put("Operating System", 79);
        hm.put("Networking", 80);
        Map<String, Integer> hm1 = sortByValue(hm);
        // print the sorted hashmap
        for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> en : hm1.entrySet()) {
            System.out.println("Key = " + en.getKey() +
                          ", Value = " + en.getValue());
Key = Operating System, Value = 79
Key = Networking, Value = 80
Key = Data Structure, Value = 85
Key = Database, Value = 91
Key = Java, Value = 95
Key = Math, Value = 98



public int compare(String a, String b) {
        if (base.get(a) > base.get(b)) {
            return 1;
        } else if (base.get(a) < base.get(b)){
            return -1;

        return 0;
        // returning 0 would merge keys


 * Sort a map by it's keys in ascending order. 
 * @return new instance of {@link LinkedHashMap} contained sorted entries of supplied map.
 * @author Maxim Veksler
public static <K, V> LinkedHashMap<K, V> sortMapByKey(final Map<K, V> map) {
    return sortMapByKey(map, SortingOrder.ASCENDING);

 * Sort a map by it's values in ascending order.
 * @return new instance of {@link LinkedHashMap} contained sorted entries of supplied map.
 * @author Maxim Veksler
public static <K, V> LinkedHashMap<K, V> sortMapByValue(final Map<K, V> map) {
    return sortMapByValue(map, SortingOrder.ASCENDING);

 * Sort a map by it's keys.
 * @param sortingOrder {@link SortingOrder} enum specifying requested sorting order. 
 * @return new instance of {@link LinkedHashMap} contained sorted entries of supplied map.
 * @author Maxim Veksler
public static <K, V> LinkedHashMap<K, V> sortMapByKey(final Map<K, V> map, final SortingOrder sortingOrder) {
    Comparator<Map.Entry<K, V>> comparator = new Comparator<Entry<K,V>>() {
        public int compare(Entry<K, V> o1, Entry<K, V> o2) {
            return comparableCompare(o1.getKey(), o2.getKey(), sortingOrder);

    return sortMap(map, comparator);

 * Sort a map by it's values.
 * @param sortingOrder {@link SortingOrder} enum specifying requested sorting order. 
 * @return new instance of {@link LinkedHashMap} contained sorted entries of supplied map.
 * @author Maxim Veksler
public static <K, V> LinkedHashMap<K, V> sortMapByValue(final Map<K, V> map, final SortingOrder sortingOrder) {
    Comparator<Map.Entry<K, V>> comparator = new Comparator<Entry<K,V>>() {
        public int compare(Entry<K, V> o1, Entry<K, V> o2) {
            return comparableCompare(o1.getValue(), o2.getValue(), sortingOrder);

    return sortMap(map, comparator);

private static <T> int comparableCompare(T o1, T o2, SortingOrder sortingOrder) {
    int compare = ((Comparable<T>)o1).compareTo(o2);

    switch (sortingOrder) {
    case ASCENDING:
        return compare;
    case DESCENDING:
        return (-1) * compare;

    return 0;

 * Sort a map by supplied comparator logic.
 * @return new instance of {@link LinkedHashMap} contained sorted entries of supplied map.
 * @author Maxim Veksler
public static <K, V> LinkedHashMap<K, V> sortMap(final Map<K, V> map, final Comparator<Map.Entry<K, V>> comparator) {
    // Convert the map into a list of key,value pairs.
    List<Map.Entry<K, V>> mapEntries = new LinkedList<Map.Entry<K, V>>(map.entrySet());

    // Sort the converted list according to supplied comparator.
    Collections.sort(mapEntries, comparator);

    // Build a new ordered map, containing the same entries as the old map.  
    LinkedHashMap<K, V> result = new LinkedHashMap<K, V>(map.size() + (map.size() / 20));
    for(Map.Entry<K, V> entry : mapEntries) {
        // We iterate on the mapEntries list which is sorted by the comparator putting new entries into 
        // the targeted result which is a sorted map. 
        result.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());

    return result;

 * Sorting order enum, specifying request result sort behavior.
 * @author Maxim Veksler
public static enum SortingOrder {
     * Resulting sort will be from smaller to biggest.
     * Resulting sort will be from biggest to smallest.
public class SortedMapExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();

        map.put("Cde", "C");
        map.put("Abc", "A");
        map.put("Cbc", "Z");
        map.put("Dbc", "D");
        map.put("Bcd", "B");
        map.put("sfd", "Bqw");
        map.put("DDD", "Bas");
        map.put("BGG", "Basd");

        System.out.println(sort(map, new Comparator<String>() {
            public int compare(String o1, String o2) {
                    return o1.compareTo(o2);

    public static <K, V> Map<K,V> sort(Map<K, V> in, Comparator<? super V> compare) {
        Map<K, V> result = new LinkedHashMap<K, V>();
        V[] array = (V[])in.values().toArray();
        for(int i=0;i<array.length;i++)

        Arrays.sort(array, compare);
        for (V item : array) {
            K key= (K) getKey(in, item);
            result.put(key, item);
        return result;

    public static <K, V>  Object getKey(Map<K, V> in,V value)
       Set<K> key= in.keySet();
       Iterator<K> keyIterator=key.iterator();
       while (keyIterator.hasNext()) {
           K valueObject = (K) keyIterator.next();
                   return valueObject;
       return null;





public static <K, V extends Comparable<V>> Map<K, V> sortByValues(final Map<K, V> map) {
    Comparator<K> valueComparator =  new Comparator<K>() {
        public int compare(K k1, K k2) {
            int compare = map.get(k2).compareTo(map.get(k1));
            if (compare == 0) return 1;
            else return compare;
    Map<K, V> sortedByValues = new TreeMap<K, V>(valueComparator);
    return sortedByValues;



TreeMap<Integer, Collection<String>> sortedMap = new TreeMap<>(
        ArrayListMultimap.<Integer, String>create()).asMap());
