Android LiveData是原始观察者模式的变体,增加了活动/非活动转换。因此,它的范围非常有限。
使用Android LiveData中描述的示例,创建了一个类来监视位置数据,并根据应用程序状态注册和注销。
Observable<LocationData> locationObservable;
可观察对象的实现可以使用observable .create()来映射回调操作。当可观察对象被订阅时,回调被注册,当它被取消订阅时,回调被取消注册。实现看起来与示例中提供的代码非常相似。
Observable<Boolean> isActive;
Observable<LocationData> liveLocation =
.switchMap( active -> active ? locationObservable : Observable.never() );
.filter( location -> isLocationInAreaOfInterest( location ) )
.subscribe( location -> doSomethingWithNewLocation( location ) );
它只会在位置改变时执行操作,并且位置是有趣的。您可以创建类似的操作 结合时间运算符来确定速度。更重要的是,您可以使用RxJava操作符详细控制操作是发生在主线程、后台线程还是多个线程中。
LiveData在ViewModel层上表现出色,它与Android生命周期和ViewModel紧密集成。RxJava在转换方面提供了更多的功能(正如@Bob Dalgleish所提到的)。
(B) RXJava
2)在Main Activity的OnCreate方法中(不是ViewModel) 你“订阅”一个观察者对象(通常是一个onChanged方法)
class ViewModel : ViewModel() { //Point 1
var liveData: MutableLiveData<Int> = MutableLiveData()
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
val ViewModelProvider= ViewModelProviders.of(this).get(ViewModel::class.java)
ViewModelProvider.observe(this, Observer {//Points 2 and 3
//what you want to observe
Observable.just(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) // Point 1
.subscribe(new Subscriber() { //Points 2 & 3
public void onCompleted() {
public void onError(Throwable e) {
public void onNext(Double value) {
System.out.println("onNext: " + value);
In particular LiveData is used with Lifecycle and often with ViewModel(as we have seen) architecture components. In fact when LiveData is combined with a ViewModel allows you to keep updated in real time every change in the Observer, so that the events are managed in real time where is needed. To use LiveData is strongly recommended to know the concept of lifecycle and the relative objects LifeCycleOwner/LifeCycle, also I would suggest you to have a look at Transformations, if you want to implement LiveData in real life scenarios. Here you can find some use cases from the great commonsware.
To wrap up basically LiveData is a simplified RXJava, an elegant way to observe changes across multiple components without creating explicit so called dependency rules between the components, so that you can test much easier the code and make it much more readable. RXJava, allows you to do the things of LiveData and much more. Because of the extended functionalities of RXJava, you can both use LiveData for simple cases or exploit all the power of RXJava keep using Android Architecture components as the ViewModel, of course this means that RXJava can be far more complex, just think has hundreds of operators instead of SwitchMap and Map of LiveData(at the moment).
But in short, yes, it could, but that would need first overriding the relevant lifecycle methods besides having the basic lifecycle knowledge. This still might not make sense for some, but the fact is that according to one of the Jetpack sessions in Google I/O 2018 many developers find lifecycle management complex. The crash errors arising from not handling lifecycle dependence might be another sign that some developers, even if knowledgable of lifecycle, forget to take care of that in every Activity / Fragment they use in their app. In large apps this could become an issue, notwithstanding the negative effect it could have on productivity.
The bottom line is that by introducing LiveData , larger number of developers are expected to adopt MVVM without even having to understand the lifecycle management, memory leak and crash. Even though I have no doubt that LiveData is not comparable with RxJava in terms of capabilities and the power it gives to developers, reactive programming and RxJava is a hard-to-understand concept and tool for many. On the other side, I do not think LiveData is meant to be a replacement for RxJava–it simply cannot–but a very simple tool for handling a controversial widespread issue experienced by many developers.
**更新** 我在这里添加了一篇新文章,解释了滥用LiveData会导致意想不到的结果。RxJava可以在这些情况下发挥作用
LiveData只是数据持有者而已。我们也可以说LiveData是具有生命周期意识的消费者。强烈建议LiveData了解生命周期的概念和相关对象LifeCycleOwner/ lifecycle,您可以获得业务逻辑的转换和流功能,以及UI的生命周期感知操作。
LiveData is not a STREAM while in RxJava everything (literally everything) is a STREAM. LiveData is an observable data holder class. Unlike a regular observable, LiveData is lifecycle-aware, meaning it respects the lifecycle of other app components, such as activities, fragments, or services. This awareness ensures LiveData only updates app component observers that are in an active lifecycle state. LiveData is synchronous, So you can't execute a chunk of code (network call, database manipulation etc.) asynchronously using just LiveData as you do with RxJava. What best you can do to exploit the most of this duo is to use RxJava for your business logic (network call, data manipulation etc, anything that happens in and beyond Repository) and use LiveData for your presentation layer. By this, you get transformation and stream capabilities for your business logic and lifecycle-aware operation for your UI. LiveData and RxJava compliment each other if used together. What I mean is, do everything with RxJava and at the end when you want to update UI, do something like the code given below to change your Observable into LiveData. So, your View (UI) observes to the LiveData in ViewModel where your LiveData is nothing but non-mutable MutableLiveData (or MutableLiveData is mutable LiveData). So the question here is, why should you even use LiveData at the first place? As you can see below in the code, you store your response from RxJava to MutableLiveData (or LiveData) and your LiveData is lifecycle-aware, so in a way, your data is lifecycle-aware. Now, just imagine the possibility when your data itself know when and when-not-to update the UI. LiveData doesn't have a history (just the current state). Hence, you shouldn't use LiveData for a chat application. When you use LiveData with RxJava you don't need stuff like MediatorLiveData, SwitchMap etc. They are stream control tools and RxJava is better at that by many times. See LiveData as a data holder thing and nothing else. We can also say LiveData is lifecycle-aware consumer.
public class RegistrationViewModel extends ViewModel {
Disposable disposable;
private RegistrationRepo registrationRepo;
private MutableLiveData<RegistrationResponse> modelMutableLiveData =
new MutableLiveData<>();
public RegistrationViewModel() {
public RegistrationViewModel(RegistrationRepo registrationRepo) {
this.registrationRepo = registrationRepo;
public void init(RegistrationModel registrationModel) {
disposable = registrationRepo.loginForUser(registrationModel)
.subscribe(new Consumer<Response<RegistrationResponse>>() {
public void accept(Response<RegistrationResponse>
registrationModelResponse) throws Exception {
public LiveData<RegistrationResponse> getModelLiveData() {
return modelMutableLiveData;
protected void onCleared() {
LiveData部分等于Rx Subject或SharedRxObservable LiveData管理订阅的生命周期,但Rx主题 订阅应该手动创建和处理 LiveData没有终止状态,但Rx Subject有OnError 和oncomplete
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