var originalObject = {
a : 1,
b : 2,
c : 3,
var copyObject1 = originalObject;
console.log(copyObject1.a); // it will print 1
console.log(originalObject.a); // it will also print 1
copyObject1.a = 4;
console.log(copyObject1.a); //now it will print 4
console.log(originalObject.a); // now it will also print 4
var copyObject2 = Object.assign({}, originalObject);
console.log(copyObject2.a); // it will print 1
console.log(originalObject.a); // it will also print 1
copyObject2.a = 4;
console.log(copyObject2.a); // now it will print 4
console.log(originalObject.a); // now it will print 1
var copyObject2 = Object.assign({}, originalObject);
console.log(copyObject2.a); // it will print 1
console.log(originalObject.a); // it will also print 1
copyObject2.a = 4;
console.log(copyObject2.a); // now it will print 4
console.log(originalObject.a); // !! now it will print 1 !!
The copy constructor is used to initialize the new object with the previously created object of the same class. By default compiler wrote a shallow copy. Shallow copy works fine when dynamic memory allocation is not involved because when dynamic memory allocation is involved then both objects will points towards the same memory location in a heap, Therefore to remove this problem we wrote deep copy so both objects have their own copy of attributes in a memory. In order to read the details with complete examples and explanations you could see the article C++ constructors.
arr1 = arr2; //shallow copy
arr1 = arr2.clone(); //deep copy
var source = { firstName="Jane", lastname="Jones" };
var shallow = ShallowCopyOf(source);
var deep = DeepCopyOf(source);
source.lastName = "Smith";
WriteLine(source.lastName); // prints Smith
WriteLine(shallow.lastName); // prints Smith
WriteLine(deep.lastName); // prints Jones
char * Source = "Hello, world.";
char * ShallowCopy = Source;
char * DeepCopy = new char(strlen(Source)+1);
“ShallowCopy”指向与“Source”相同的内存位置。 “DeepCopy”指向内存中的不同位置,但内容是相同的。