在Python中似乎有很多方法来定义单例对象。对Stack Overflow是否有一致的意见?
class Foo:
def __init__(self):
print 'Foo created'
f = Foo() # Error, this isn't how you get the instance of a singleton
f = Foo.instance() # Good. Being explicit is in line with the Python Zen
g = Foo.instance() # Returns already created instance
print f is g # True
class Singleton:
A non-thread-safe helper class to ease implementing singletons.
This should be used as a decorator -- not a metaclass -- to the
class that should be a singleton.
The decorated class can define one `__init__` function that
takes only the `self` argument. Also, the decorated class cannot be
inherited from. Other than that, there are no restrictions that apply
to the decorated class.
To get the singleton instance, use the `instance` method. Trying
to use `__call__` will result in a `TypeError` being raised.
def __init__(self, decorated):
self._decorated = decorated
def instance(self):
Returns the singleton instance. Upon its first call, it creates a
new instance of the decorated class and calls its `__init__` method.
On all subsequent calls, the already created instance is returned.
return self._instance
except AttributeError:
self._instance = self._decorated()
return self._instance
def __call__(self):
raise TypeError('Singletons must be accessed through `instance()`.')
def __instancecheck__(self, inst):
return isinstance(inst, self._decorated)
class Singleton(type):
def __init__(cls, name, bases, dict):
super(Singleton, cls).__init__(name, bases, dict)
cls.instance = None
def __call__(cls,*args,**kw):
if cls.instance is None:
cls.instance = super(Singleton, cls).__call__(*args, **kw)
return cls.instance
class MyClass(object):
__metaclass__ = Singleton
class Singleton(object):
def __new__(cls, *args, **kwds):
it = cls.__dict__.get("__it__")
if it is not None:
return it
cls.__it__ = it = object.__new__(cls)
it.init(*args, **kwds)
return it
def init(self, *args, **kwds):
class Singleton(object):
"""Use to create a singleton"""
def __new__(cls, *args, **kwds):
>>> s = Singleton()
>>> p = Singleton()
>>> id(s) == id(p)
it_id = "__it__"
# getattr will dip into base classes, so __dict__ must be used
it = cls.__dict__.get(it_id, None)
if it is not None:
return it
it = object.__new__(cls)
setattr(cls, it_id, it)
it.init(*args, **kwds)
return it
def init(self, *args, **kwds):
class A(Singleton):
class B(Singleton):
class C(A):
assert A() is A()
assert B() is B()
assert C() is C()
assert A() is not B()
assert C() is not B()
assert C() is not A()
class Bus(Singleton):
def init(self, label=None, *args, **kwds):
self.label = label
self.channels = [Channel("system"), Channel("app")]
class Foo:
def __init__(self):
print 'Foo created'
f = Foo() # Error, this isn't how you get the instance of a singleton
f = Foo.instance() # Good. Being explicit is in line with the Python Zen
g = Foo.instance() # Returns already created instance
print f is g # True
class Singleton:
A non-thread-safe helper class to ease implementing singletons.
This should be used as a decorator -- not a metaclass -- to the
class that should be a singleton.
The decorated class can define one `__init__` function that
takes only the `self` argument. Also, the decorated class cannot be
inherited from. Other than that, there are no restrictions that apply
to the decorated class.
To get the singleton instance, use the `instance` method. Trying
to use `__call__` will result in a `TypeError` being raised.
def __init__(self, decorated):
self._decorated = decorated
def instance(self):
Returns the singleton instance. Upon its first call, it creates a
new instance of the decorated class and calls its `__init__` method.
On all subsequent calls, the already created instance is returned.
return self._instance
except AttributeError:
self._instance = self._decorated()
return self._instance
def __call__(self):
raise TypeError('Singletons must be accessed through `instance()`.')
def __instancecheck__(self, inst):
return isinstance(inst, self._decorated)
class Foo:
x = 1
def increment(cls, y=1):
cls.x += y
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