我将添加一个带有我自己最初建议的回复,并期待Stack Overflow社区能想到的任何其他东西。
Avoid I/O: Any I/O (disk, network, ports, etc.) is
always going to be far slower than any code that is
performing calculations, so get rid of any I/O that you do
not strictly need.
Move I/O up-front: Load up all the data you are going
to need for a calculation up-front, so that you do not
have repeated I/O waits within the core of a critical
algorithm (and maybe as a result repeated disk seeks, when
loading all the data in one hit may avoid seeking).
Delay I/O: Do not write out your results until the
calculation is over, store them in a data structure and
then dump that out in one go at the end when the hard work
is done.
Threaded I/O: For those daring enough, combine 'I/O
up-front' or 'Delay I/O' with the actual calculation by
moving the loading into a parallel thread, so that while
you are loading more data you can work on a calculation on
the data you already have, or while you calculate the next
batch of data you can simultaneously write out the results
from the last batch.
That may seem obvious to some, but it's something I try to focus on regardless of the language I'm working with. If you're dealing with nested loops, for example, and you find an opportunity to take some code down a level, you can in some cases drastically speed up your code. As another example, there are the little things to think about like working with integers instead of floating point variables whenever you can, and using multiplication instead of division whenever you can. Again, these are things that should be considered for your most inner loop.