我将添加一个带有我自己最初建议的回复,并期待Stack Overflow社区能想到的任何其他东西。
虽然我喜欢Mike Dunlavey的回答,但事实上这是一个很好的答案,并且有支持的例子,我认为它可以简单地表达出来:
Pre-compute rather than re-calculate: any loops or repeated calls that contain calculations that have a relatively limited range of inputs, consider making a lookup (array or dictionary) that contains the result of that calculation for all values in the valid range of inputs. Then use a simple lookup inside the algorithm instead.
Down-sides: if few of the pre-computed values are actually used this may make matters worse, also the lookup may take significant memory.
Don't use library methods: most libraries need to be written to operate correctly under a broad range of scenarios, and perform null checks on parameters, etc. By re-implementing a method you may be able to strip out a lot of logic that does not apply in the exact circumstance you are using it.
Down-sides: writing additional code means more surface area for bugs.
Do use library methods: to contradict myself, language libraries get written by people that are a lot smarter than you or me; odds are they did it better and faster. Do not implement it yourself unless you can actually make it faster (i.e.: always measure!)
Cheat: in some cases although an exact calculation may exist for your problem, you may not need 'exact', sometimes an approximation may be 'good enough' and a lot faster in the deal. Ask yourself, does it really matter if the answer is out by 1%? 5%? even 10%?
Down-sides: Well... the answer won't be exact.
Avoid I/O: Any I/O (disk, network, ports, etc.) is
always going to be far slower than any code that is
performing calculations, so get rid of any I/O that you do
not strictly need.
Move I/O up-front: Load up all the data you are going
to need for a calculation up-front, so that you do not
have repeated I/O waits within the core of a critical
algorithm (and maybe as a result repeated disk seeks, when
loading all the data in one hit may avoid seeking).
Delay I/O: Do not write out your results until the
calculation is over, store them in a data structure and
then dump that out in one go at the end when the hard work
is done.
Threaded I/O: For those daring enough, combine 'I/O
up-front' or 'Delay I/O' with the actual calculation by
moving the loading into a parallel thread, so that while
you are loading more data you can work on a calculation on
the data you already have, or while you calculate the next
batch of data you can simultaneously write out the results
from the last batch.