
function NotImplementedError() { 
  Error.apply(this, arguments); 
NotImplementedError.prototype = new Error();

var nie = new NotImplementedError("some message");
console.log("The message is: '"+nie.message+"'")




/**  Custom Errors
    // Depends on underscore js
    // This will declare an CustError() class in both 'this' and '_exports' namespaces
    // ctor is optional
    declare_cust_error(function CustError(){}, {ns: [this, _exports], ctor: 
        function cust_err_ctor(instance, clazz, name, msg, info){

    // Usage:
    // Second param (pojso) is optional
    try {
        throw CustError.create("foo", {k1: 'v1', k2: 'v2'})
            console.error("its a CustError", ex)
        } else {
            throw ex

function declare_cust_error(error_class, opts){
    var p, c, cp
    if(!error_class||!(p=error_class.prototype))throw new Error("error_class must be a Class")
        c = p.constructor; cp = c.toString()
    if(!cp || cp.indexOf('function ') != 0 || cp.indexOf('[native code]') > 0)
        throw new Error("error_class must be a classic proto class (pre-es6) but got: " + error_class.toString())

    error_class.__is_cust_error__ = true
    error_class.__cust_error_name__ = c.name

    error_class.create = function cust_error_create(msg, info){
        var instance = new Error(msg)
        instance.info = info
        instance.__is_cust_error__ = true
        instance.__cust_error_name__ = c.name
            opts.ctor(instance, error_class, c.name, msg, info)
        return instance

    error_class.is_inst = function cust_error_is_inst(instanace){
        return ( (instanace instanceof Error) && instanace.__cust_error_name__ === error_class.__cust_error_name__ )
    // Declare error in namespace(s)
    _.each(_.isArray(opts.ns)?opts.ns:[opts.ns], function(ns){ ns[c.name] = error_class })

    return error_class



function InvalidValueError(value, type) {
    this.message = "Expected `" + type.name + "`: " + value;
    var error = new Error(this.message);
    this.stack = error.stack;
InvalidValueError.prototype = new Error();
InvalidValueError.prototype.name = InvalidValueError.name;
InvalidValueError.prototype.constructor = InvalidValueError;


最后一个是一个实际的错误。如果您使用字符串,它看起来很好,但它不会提供堆栈跟踪。如果你抛出错误,你不能有“Uncaught BadError: bad”,所以你必须删除自定义错误(遗憾的是)。如果你抛出一个对象,它看起来有点偏离,最后一个只是一个平均错误。


var errProto = Object.create(Error.prototype, { constructor: { value: Error, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true } }) var isFirefox = !!window.InstallTrigger // Hide stack for Firefox only, as stacks can cause problems with high "frame" counts. function createError(name, message, hideStack) { if (message == null) { message = "" } var customError = Error(message) customError.name = name Object.setPrototypeOf(customError, errProto) if (isFirefox && hideStack) { customError.stack = "" } else if (isFirefox) { var stack = customError.stack var newline = stack.indexOf("\n") + 1 stack = stack.slice(newline) customError.stack = stack var split = stack.split(":") if (split.length > 4) { var a = split[3] var b = split[4] var t = b.slice(0, b.indexOf("\n")) customError.lineNumber = Number(a) customError.columnNumber = Number(t) } } else { var stack = customError.stack var split = stack.split("\n") var secondPart = split.slice(2).join("\n") stack = split[0] + "\n" + secondPart customError.stack = stack var split = secondPart.split(":") var a = split[2] var b = split[3] } throw customError } var frame = 0 function aFunction() { if (++frame === 100) { createError("LazyError", "function getting lazy", false, true) } else { requestAnimationFrame(aFunction) } } setTimeout(aFunction, Math.random() * 500) * { font-family: Verdana; } Check your inspector!


// the function itself
var fixError = function(err, name) {
    err.name = name;
    return err;

// using the function
try {
    throw fixError(new Error('custom error message'), 'CustomError');
} catch (e) {
    if (e.name == 'CustomError')
        console.log('Wee! Custom Error! Msg:', e.message);
        throw e; // unhandled. let it propagate upwards the call stack


err instanceof Error err instanceof CustomErrorType console.log() returns [CustomErrorType] when created with a message console.log() returns [CustomErrorType: message] when created without a message throw/stack provides the information at the point the error was created. Works optimally in Node.JS, and Chrome. Will pass instanceof checks in Chrome, Safari, Firefox and IE 8+, but will not have a valid stack outside of Chrome/Safari. I'm OK with that because I can debug in chrome, but code which requires specific error types will still function cross browser. If you need Node only you can easily remove the if statements and you're good to go.


var CustomErrorType = function(message) {
    if (Object.defineProperty) {
        Object.defineProperty(this, "message", {
            value : message || "",
            enumerable : false
    } else {
        this.message = message;

    if (Error.captureStackTrace) {
        Error.captureStackTrace(this, CustomErrorType);

CustomErrorType.prototype = new Error();
CustomErrorType.prototype.name = "CustomErrorType";


var err = new CustomErrorType("foo");


var err = new CustomErrorType("foo");

[CustomErrorType: foo]
CustomErrorType: foo
    at Object.<anonymous> (/errorTest.js:27:12)
    at Module._compile (module.js:456:26)
    at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:474:10)
    at Module.load (module.js:356:32)
    at Function.Module._load (module.js:312:12)
    at Function.Module.runMain (module.js:497:10)
    at startup (node.js:119:16)
    at node.js:906:3

        throw err;
CustomErrorType: foo
    at Object.<anonymous> (/errorTest.js:27:12)
    at Module._compile (module.js:456:26)
    at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:474:10)
    at Module.load (module.js:356:32)
    at Function.Module._load (module.js:312:12)
    at Function.Module.runMain (module.js:497:10)
    at startup (node.js:119:16)
    at node.js:906:3


/**  Custom Errors
    // Depends on underscore js
    // This will declare an CustError() class in both 'this' and '_exports' namespaces
    // ctor is optional
    declare_cust_error(function CustError(){}, {ns: [this, _exports], ctor: 
        function cust_err_ctor(instance, clazz, name, msg, info){

    // Usage:
    // Second param (pojso) is optional
    try {
        throw CustError.create("foo", {k1: 'v1', k2: 'v2'})
            console.error("its a CustError", ex)
        } else {
            throw ex

function declare_cust_error(error_class, opts){
    var p, c, cp
    if(!error_class||!(p=error_class.prototype))throw new Error("error_class must be a Class")
        c = p.constructor; cp = c.toString()
    if(!cp || cp.indexOf('function ') != 0 || cp.indexOf('[native code]') > 0)
        throw new Error("error_class must be a classic proto class (pre-es6) but got: " + error_class.toString())

    error_class.__is_cust_error__ = true
    error_class.__cust_error_name__ = c.name

    error_class.create = function cust_error_create(msg, info){
        var instance = new Error(msg)
        instance.info = info
        instance.__is_cust_error__ = true
        instance.__cust_error_name__ = c.name
            opts.ctor(instance, error_class, c.name, msg, info)
        return instance

    error_class.is_inst = function cust_error_is_inst(instanace){
        return ( (instanace instanceof Error) && instanace.__cust_error_name__ === error_class.__cust_error_name__ )
    // Declare error in namespace(s)
    _.each(_.isArray(opts.ns)?opts.ns:[opts.ns], function(ns){ ns[c.name] = error_class })

    return error_class
