
举个例子。 如何阻止访问instance.property?

class Something {
    this.property = "test";

var instance = new Something();
console.log(instance.property); //=> "test"


事实上,使用符号和代理是可能的。您可以使用类作用域中的符号,并在代理中设置两个陷阱:一个用于类原型,以便Reflect.ownKeys(实例)或Object。getOwnPropertySymbols不会泄露你的符号,另一个是构造函数本身,所以当调用new ClassName(attrs)时,返回的实例将被拦截,并有自己的属性符号被阻塞。 代码如下:

const Human = (function() { const pet = Symbol(); const greet = Symbol(); const Human = privatizeSymbolsInFn(function(name) { this.name = name; // public this[pet] = 'dog'; // private }); Human.prototype = privatizeSymbolsInObj({ [greet]() { // private return 'Hi there!'; }, revealSecrets() { console.log(this[greet]() + ` The pet is a ${this[pet]}`); } }); return Human; })(); const bob = new Human('Bob'); console.assert(bob instanceof Human); console.assert(Reflect.ownKeys(bob).length === 1) // only ['name'] console.assert(Reflect.ownKeys(Human.prototype).length === 1 ) // only ['revealSecrets'] // Setting up the traps inside proxies: function privatizeSymbolsInObj(target) { return new Proxy(target, { ownKeys: Object.getOwnPropertyNames }); } function privatizeSymbolsInFn(Class) { function construct(TargetClass, argsList) { const instance = new TargetClass(...argsList); return privatizeSymbolsInObj(instance); } return new Proxy(Class, { construct }); }





const pvt = require('private-members');
const _ = pvt();

let Exemplo = (function () {    
    function Exemplo() {
        _(this).msg = "Minha Mensagem";

    _().mensagem = function() {
        return _(this).msg;

    Exemplo.prototype.showMsg = function () {
        let msg = _(this).mensagem();

    return Exemplo;

module.exports = Exemplo;




事实上,使用符号和代理是可能的。您可以使用类作用域中的符号,并在代理中设置两个陷阱:一个用于类原型,以便Reflect.ownKeys(实例)或Object。getOwnPropertySymbols不会泄露你的符号,另一个是构造函数本身,所以当调用new ClassName(attrs)时,返回的实例将被拦截,并有自己的属性符号被阻塞。 代码如下:

const Human = (function() { const pet = Symbol(); const greet = Symbol(); const Human = privatizeSymbolsInFn(function(name) { this.name = name; // public this[pet] = 'dog'; // private }); Human.prototype = privatizeSymbolsInObj({ [greet]() { // private return 'Hi there!'; }, revealSecrets() { console.log(this[greet]() + ` The pet is a ${this[pet]}`); } }); return Human; })(); const bob = new Human('Bob'); console.assert(bob instanceof Human); console.assert(Reflect.ownKeys(bob).length === 1) // only ['name'] console.assert(Reflect.ownKeys(Human.prototype).length === 1 ) // only ['revealSecrets'] // Setting up the traps inside proxies: function privatizeSymbolsInObj(target) { return new Proxy(target, { ownKeys: Object.getOwnPropertyNames }); } function privatizeSymbolsInFn(Class) { function construct(TargetClass, argsList) { const instance = new TargetClass(...argsList); return privatizeSymbolsInObj(instance); } return new Proxy(Class, { construct }); }



// 1. Create closure var SomeClass = function() { // 2. Create `key` inside a closure var key = {}; // Function to create private storage var private = function() { var obj = {}; // return Function to access private storage using `key` return function(testkey) { if(key === testkey) return obj; // If `key` is wrong, then storage cannot be accessed console.error('Cannot access private properties'); return undefined; }; }; var SomeClass = function() { // 3. Create private storage this._ = private(); // 4. Access private storage using the `key` this._(key).priv_prop = 200; }; SomeClass.prototype.test = function() { console.log(this._(key).priv_prop); // Using property from prototype }; return SomeClass; }(); // Can access private property from within prototype var instance = new SomeClass(); instance.test(); // `200` logged // Cannot access private property from outside of the closure var wrong_key = {}; instance._(wrong_key); // undefined; error logged

我称这个方法为accessor pattern。基本思想是我们有一个闭包,闭包中有一个键,我们创建一个私有对象(在构造函数中),只有当你拥有键时才能访问它。


实际上这是可能的。 1. 首先,创建类,并在构造函数中返回被调用的_public函数。 2. 在被调用的_public函数中传递this引用(以获得对所有私有方法和道具的访问),以及构造函数的所有参数(将在new Names()中传递) 3.在_public函数作用域中,还有一个Names类,它可以访问私有Names类的this (_this)引用

class Names {
  constructor() {
    this.privateProperty = 'John';
    return _public(this, arguments);
  privateMethod() { }

const names = new Names(1,2,3);
console.log(names.somePublicMethod); //[Function]
console.log(names.publicProperty); //'Jasmine'
console.log(names.privateMethod); //undefined
console.log(names.privateProperty); //undefind

function _public(_this, _arguments) {
  class Names {
    constructor() {
      this.publicProperty = 'Jasmine';
      _this.privateProperty; //"John";
      _this.privateMethod; //[Function]

    somePublicMethod() {
      _this.privateProperty; //"John";
      _this.privateMethod; //[Function]

  return new Names(..._arguments);