

function doSomething(param1, param2, .... paramN){
   // fill an array with the parameter name and value
   // some other code 



//See this:

// global var, naming bB
var bB = 5;

//  Dependency Injection cokntroller
var a = function(str, fn) {
  //stringify function body
  var fnStr = fn.toString();

  // Key: get form args to string
  var args = fnStr.match(/function\s*\((.*?)\)/);
  // if the form arg is 'bB', then exec it, otherwise, do nothing
  for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
    if(args[i] == 'bB') {
// will do nothing
a('sdfdfdfs,', function(some){
// will alert 5

a('sdfdsdsfdfsdfdsf,', function(bB){

// see, this shows you how to get function args in string



if (result[0] === '{' && result[result.length - 1 === '}']) result = result.slice(1, -1)

我想建议解决方案,支持箭头函数像 我将本文用于基本正则表达式和https://davidwalsh.name/javascript-arguments,并添加了箭头函数支持

(arg1,arg2) => {}


arg => {}

function getArgs(func) {
  if(func.length === 0){
      return []

  let string = func.toString();

  let args;
  // First match everything inside the function argument parens. like `function (arg1,arg2) {}` or `async function(arg1,arg2) {}

  args = string.match(/(?:async|function)\s*.*?\(([^)]*)\)/)?.[1] ||
      // arrow functions with multiple arguments  like `(arg1,arg2) => {}`
         string.match(/^\s*\(([^)]*)\)\s*=>/)?.[1] ||
      // arrow functions with single argument without parens like `arg => {}`

  // Split the arguments string into an array comma delimited.
  return args.split(',').map(function(arg) {
    // Ensure no inline comments are parsed and trim the whitespace.
    return arg.replace(/\/\*.*\*\//, '').trim();
  }).filter(function(arg) {
    // Ensure no undefined values are added.
    return arg;


function $args(func) {  
    return (func + '')
      .replace(/[/][/].*$/mg,'') // strip single-line comments
      .replace(/\s+/g, '') // strip white space
      .replace(/[/][*][^/*]*[*][/]/g, '') // strip multi-line comments  
      .split('){', 1)[0].replace(/^[^(]*[(]/, '') // extract the parameters  
      .replace(/=[^,]+/g, '') // strip any ES6 defaults  
      .split(',').filter(Boolean); // split & filter [""]


'function (a,b,c)...' // returns ["a","b","c"]
'function ()...' // returns []
'function named(a, b, c) ...' // returns ["a","b","c"]
'function (a /* = 1 */, b /* = true */) ...' // returns ["a","b"]
'function fprintf(handle, fmt /*, ...*/) ...' // returns ["handle","fmt"]
'function( a, b = 1, c )...' // returns ["a","b","c"]
'function (a=4*(5/3), b) ...' // returns ["a","b"]
'function (a, // single-line comment xjunk) ...' // returns ["a","b"]
'function (a /* fooled you...' // returns ["a","b"]
'function (a /* function() yes */, \n /* no, */b)/* omg! */...' // returns ["a","b"]
'function ( A, b \n,c ,d \n ) \n ...' // returns ["A","b","c","d"]
'function (a,b)...' // returns ["a","b"]
'function $args(func) ...' // returns ["func"]
'null...' // returns ["null"]
'function Object() ...' // returns []

function $args(func) { return (func + '') .replace(/[/][/].*$/mg,'') // strip single-line comments .replace(/\s+/g, '') // strip white space .replace(/[/][*][^/*]*[*][/]/g, '') // strip multi-line comments .split('){', 1)[0].replace(/^[^(]*[(]/, '') // extract the parameters .replace(/=[^,]+/g, '') // strip any ES6 defaults .split(',').filter(Boolean); // split & filter [""] } // test cases document.getElementById('console_info').innerHTML = ( [ // formatting -- typical function(a,b,c){}, function(){}, function named(a, b, c) { /* multiline body */ }, // default values -- conventional function(a /* = 1 */, b /* = true */) { a = a||1; b=b||true; }, function fprintf(handle, fmt /*, ...*/) { }, // default values -- ES6 "function( a, b = 1, c ){}", "function (a=4*(5/3), b) {}", // embedded comments -- sardonic function(a, // single-line comment xjunk) {} b //,c,d ) // single-line comment {}, function(a /* fooled you{*/,b){}, function /* are you kidding me? (){} */(a /* function() yes */, /* no, */b)/* omg! */{/*}}*/}, // formatting -- sardonic function ( A, b ,c ,d ) { }, // by reference this.jQuery || function (a,b){return new e.fn.init(a,b,h)}, $args, // inadvertent non-function values null, Object ].map(function(f) { var abbr = (f + '').replace(/\n/g, '\\n').replace(/\s+|[{]+$/g, ' ').split("{", 1)[0] + "..."; return " '" + abbr + "' // returns " + JSON.stringify($args(f)); }).join("\n") + "\n"); // output for copy and paste as a markdown snippet <pre id='console_info'></pre>


// Utility function to extract arg name-value pairs
function getArgs(args) {
    var argsObj = {};

    var argList = /\(([^)]*)/.exec(args.callee)[1];
    var argCnt = 0;
    var tokens;
    var argRe = /\s*([^,]+)/g;

    while (tokens = argRe.exec(argList)) {
        argsObj[tokens[1]] = args[argCnt++];

    return argsObj;

// Test subject
function add(number1, number2) {
    var args = getArgs(arguments);
    console.log(args); // ({ number1: 3, number2: 4 })

// Invoke test subject
add(3, 4);



const acorn = require('acorn');    

function f(a, b, c) {
   // ...

const argNames = acorn.parse(f).body[0].params.map(x => x.name);
console.log(argNames);  // Output: [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ]
