



JSON。stringify({a: val1}) == JSON。stringify ({a: val2})


你需要用你的Object替换val1和val2 对于对象,必须对两侧对象进行递归排序(按键)



function compare(a,b) {
    var paths = [];
    [...new Set(Object.keys(a).concat(Object.keys(b)))].forEach(key=>{
        if(typeof a[key] === 'object' && typeof b[key] === 'object') {
            var results = compare(a[key], b[key]);
            if(JSON.stringify(results)!=='[]') {
        else if (a[key]!==b[key]) {
    return paths;


if(JSON.stringify(compare(object1, object2))==='[]') {
   // the two objects are equal
} else {
   // the two objects are not equal


const object = {};
JSON.stringify(object) === "{}" will pass but {} === "{}" will not


_.isEqual(object, other);

它将使用ECMAScript 5和本地优化(如果它们在浏览器中可用)强力检查每个键值——就像本页上的其他示例一样。




public class Objects {
     * Checks whether a value is of type Object
     * @param value the value
    public static isObject = (value: any): boolean => {
        return value === Object(value) && Object.prototype.toString.call(value) !== '[object Array]'

     * Checks whether a value is of type Array
     * @param value the value
    public static isArray = (value: any): boolean => {
        return Object.prototype.toString.call(value) === '[object Array]' && !Objects.isObject(value)

     * Check whether two values are equal
    public static isEqual = (objectA: any, objectB: any) => {
        // Objects
        if (Objects.isObject(objectA) && !Objects.isObject(objectB)) {
            return false
        else if (!Objects.isObject(objectA) && Objects.isObject(objectB)) {
            return false
        // Arrays
        else if (Objects.isArray(objectA) && !Objects.isArray(objectB)) {
            return false
        else if (!Objects.isArray(objectA) && Objects.isArray(objectB)) {
            return false
        // Primitives
        else if (!Objects.isArray(objectA) && !Objects.isObject(objectA)) {
            return objectA === objectB
        // Object or array
        else {
            const compareObject = (objectA: any, objectB: any): boolean => {
                if (Object.keys(objectA).length !== Object.keys(objectB).length) return false

                for (const propertyName of Object.keys(objectA)) {
                    const valueA = objectA[propertyName]
                    const valueB = objectB[propertyName]

                    if (!Objects.isEqual(valueA, valueB)) {
                        return false

                return true
            const compareArray = (arrayA: any[], arrayB: any[]): boolean => {
                if (arrayA.length !== arrayB.length) return false

                for (const index in arrayA) {
                    const valueA = arrayA[index]
                    const valueB = arrayB[index]

                    if (!Objects.isEqual(valueA, valueB)) {
                        return false

                return true
            if (Objects.isObject(objectA)) {
                return compareObject(objectA, objectB)
            } else {
                return compareArray(objectA, objectB)


const primitveDataTypes = ['number', 'boolean', 'string', 'undefined']; const isDateOrRegExp = (value) => value instanceof Date || value instanceof RegExp; const compare = (first, second) => { let agg = true; if(typeof first === typeof second && primitveDataTypes.indexOf(typeof first) !== -1 && first !== second){ agg = false; } // adding support for Date and RegExp. else if(isDateOrRegExp(first) || isDateOrRegExp(second)){ if(first.toString() !== second.toString()){ agg = false; } } else { if(Array.isArray(first) && Array.isArray(second)){ if(first.length === second.length){ for(let i = 0; i < first.length; i++){ if(typeof first[i] === 'object' && typeof second[i] === 'object'){ agg = compare(first[i], second[i]); } else if(first[i] !== second[i]){ agg = false; } } } else { agg = false; } } else { const firstKeys = Object.keys(first); const secondKeys = Object.keys(second); if(firstKeys.length !== secondKeys.length){ agg = false; } for(let j = 0 ; j < firstKeys.length; j++){ if(firstKeys[j] !== secondKeys[j]){ agg = false; } if(first[firstKeys[j]] && second[secondKeys[j]] && typeof first[firstKeys[j]] === 'object' && typeof second[secondKeys[j]] === 'object'){ agg = compare(first[firstKeys[j]], second[secondKeys[j]]); } else if(first[firstKeys[j]] !== second[secondKeys[j]]){ agg = false; } } } } return agg; } console.log('result', compare({a: 1, b: { c: [4, {d:5}, {e:6}]}, r: null}, {a: 1, b: { c: [4, {d:5}, {e:6}]}, r: 'ffd'})); //returns false.