在C和c++中,什么是未定义的行为(UB) ?未指定的行为和实现定义的行为呢?它们之间的区别是什么?



实现定义的行为: 语言说我们有数据类型。编译器供应商指定了他们应该使用的大小,并提供了他们所做的工作的文档。

未定义的行为: 你做错了什么。例如,int型中有一个非常大的值,但不适合char型。如何将该值放入char?其实没有办法!任何事情都可能发生,但最明智的做法是将int的第一个字节放入char类型。这样做分配第一个字节是错误的,但这是在引擎盖下发生的事情。

未指明的行为: 这两个函数哪个先执行?

void fun(int n, int m);

int fun1() {
    std::cout << "fun1";
    return 1;
int fun2() {
    std::cout << "fun2";
    return 2;


fun(fun1(), fun2()); // which one is executed first?



For fun(fun1(), fun2());行为不是“实现定义的”吗?编译器必须选择一个或另一个过程,毕竟?

The difference between implementation-defined and unspecified, is that the compiler is supposed to pick a behavior in the first case but it doesn't have to in the second case. For example, an implementation must have one and only one definition of sizeof(int). So, it can't say that sizeof(int) is 4 for some portion of the program and 8 for others. Unlike unspecified behavior, where the compiler can say: "OK I am gonna evaluate these arguments left-to-right and the next function's arguments are evaluated right-to-left." It can happen in the same program, that's why it is called unspecified. In fact, C++ could have been made easier if some of the unspecified behaviors were specified. Take a look here at Dr. Stroustrup's answer for that:

It is claimed that the difference between what can be produced giving the compiler this freedom and requiring "ordinary left-to-right evaluation" can be significant. I'm unconvinced, but with innumerable compilers "out there" taking advantage of the freedom and some people passionately defending that freedom, a change would be difficult and could take decades to penetrate to the distant corners of the C and C++ worlds. I am disappointed that not all compilers warn against code such as ++i+i++. Similarly, the order of evaluation of arguments is unspecified. IMO far too many "things" are left undefined, unspecified, that's easy to say and even to give examples of, but hard to fix. It should also be noted that it is not all that difficult to avoid most of the problems and produce portable code.



3.4.1 1 implementation-defined behavior unspecified behavior where each implementation documents how the choice is made 2 EXAMPLE An example of implementation-defined behavior is the propagation of the high-order bit when a signed integer is shifted right. 3.4.3 1 undefined behavior behavior, upon use of a nonportable or erroneous program construct or of erroneous data, for which this International Standard imposes no requirements 2 NOTE Possible undefined behavior ranges from ignoring the situation completely with unpredictable results, to behaving during translation or program execution in a documented manner characteristic of the environment (with or without the issuance of a diagnostic message), to terminating a translation or execution (with the issuance of a diagnostic message). 3 EXAMPLE An example of undefined behavior is the behavior on integer overflow. 3.4.4 1 unspecified behavior use of an unspecified value, or other behavior where this International Standard provides two or more possibilities and imposes no further requirements on which is chosen in any instance 2 EXAMPLE An example of unspecified behavior is the order in which the arguments to a function are evaluated.



总而言之,未指定的行为通常是不应该发生的 担心,除非你的软件被要求是可移植的。 相反,未定义的行为总是不受欢迎的,也不应该这样做 发生。


实现定义的行为: 语言说我们有数据类型。编译器供应商指定了他们应该使用的大小,并提供了他们所做的工作的文档。

未定义的行为: 你做错了什么。例如,int型中有一个非常大的值,但不适合char型。如何将该值放入char?其实没有办法!任何事情都可能发生,但最明智的做法是将int的第一个字节放入char类型。这样做分配第一个字节是错误的,但这是在引擎盖下发生的事情。

未指明的行为: 这两个函数哪个先执行?

void fun(int n, int m);

int fun1() {
    std::cout << "fun1";
    return 1;
int fun2() {
    std::cout << "fun2";
    return 2;


fun(fun1(), fun2()); // which one is executed first?



For fun(fun1(), fun2());行为不是“实现定义的”吗?编译器必须选择一个或另一个过程,毕竟?

The difference between implementation-defined and unspecified, is that the compiler is supposed to pick a behavior in the first case but it doesn't have to in the second case. For example, an implementation must have one and only one definition of sizeof(int). So, it can't say that sizeof(int) is 4 for some portion of the program and 8 for others. Unlike unspecified behavior, where the compiler can say: "OK I am gonna evaluate these arguments left-to-right and the next function's arguments are evaluated right-to-left." It can happen in the same program, that's why it is called unspecified. In fact, C++ could have been made easier if some of the unspecified behaviors were specified. Take a look here at Dr. Stroustrup's answer for that:

It is claimed that the difference between what can be produced giving the compiler this freedom and requiring "ordinary left-to-right evaluation" can be significant. I'm unconvinced, but with innumerable compilers "out there" taking advantage of the freedom and some people passionately defending that freedom, a change would be difficult and could take decades to penetrate to the distant corners of the C and C++ worlds. I am disappointed that not all compilers warn against code such as ++i+i++. Similarly, the order of evaluation of arguments is unspecified. IMO far too many "things" are left undefined, unspecified, that's easy to say and even to give examples of, but hard to fix. It should also be noted that it is not all that difficult to avoid most of the problems and produce portable code.



#include <iostream>

int main()
    char* p = "hello!\n";   // yes I know, deprecated conversion
    p[0] = 'y';
    p[5] = 'w';
    std::cout << p;



I can hear people screaming "But wait, I can compile this no problem and get the output yellow" or "What do you mean undefined, string literals are stored in read-only memory, so the first assignment attempt results in a core dump". This is exactly the problem with undefined behavior. Basically, the standard allows anything to happen once you invoke undefined behavior (even nasal demons). If there is a "correct" behavior according to your mental model of the language, that model is simply wrong; The C++ standard has the only vote, period.

未定义行为的其他例子包括访问超出其边界的数组,对空指针进行解引用,在对象的生命周期结束后访问对象,或者编写像i++ + ++i这样据称很聪明的表达式。


The semantic descriptions in this International Standard define a parameterized nondeterministic abstract machine. Certain aspects and operations of the abstract machine are described in this International Standard as implementation-defined (for example, sizeof(int)). These constitute the parameters of the abstract machine. Each implementation shall include documentation describing its characteristics and behavior in these respects. Certain other aspects and operations of the abstract machine are described in this International Standard as unspecified (for example, order of evaluation of arguments to a function). Where possible, this International Standard defines a set of allowable behaviors. These define the nondeterministic aspects of the abstract machine. Certain other operations are described in this International Standard as undefined (for example, the effect of dereferencing the null pointer). [ Note: this International Standard imposes no requirements on the behavior of programs that contain undefined behavior. —end note ]








