

当班级声明执行时,Python 首先将班级声明的身体作为一个正常的代码块执行。 结果的名称空间(dict)保留了班级的属性. 金属阶级通过观察班级的基层(金属阶级继承),在 __金属阶级__属性的班级(如果有)或 __金属阶级__全球变量来确定。

def make_hook(f):
    """Decorator to turn 'foo' method into '__foo__'"""
    f.is_hook = 1
    return f

class MyType(type):
    def __new__(mcls, name, bases, attrs):

        if name.startswith('None'):
            return None

        # Go over attributes and see if they should be renamed.
        newattrs = {}
        for attrname, attrvalue in attrs.iteritems():
            if getattr(attrvalue, 'is_hook', 0):
                newattrs['__%s__' % attrname] = attrvalue
                newattrs[attrname] = attrvalue

        return super(MyType, mcls).__new__(mcls, name, bases, newattrs)

    def __init__(self, name, bases, attrs):
        super(MyType, self).__init__(name, bases, attrs)

        # classregistry.register(self, self.interfaces)
        print "Would register class %s now." % self

    def __add__(self, other):
        class AutoClass(self, other):
        return AutoClass
        # Alternatively, to autogenerate the classname as well as the class:
        # return type(self.__name__ + other.__name__, (self, other), {})

    def unregister(self):
        # classregistry.unregister(self)
        print "Would unregister class %s now." % self

class MyObject:
    __metaclass__ = MyType

class NoneSample(MyObject):

# Will print "NoneType None"
print type(NoneSample), repr(NoneSample)

class Example(MyObject):
    def __init__(self, value):
        self.value = value
    def add(self, other):
        return self.__class__(self.value + other.value)

# Will unregister the class

inst = Example(10)
# Will fail with an AttributeError

print inst + inst
class Sibling(MyObject):

ExampleSibling = Example + Sibling
# ExampleSibling is now a subclass of both Example and Sibling (with no
# content of its own) although it will believe it's called 'AutoClass'
print ExampleSibling
print ExampleSibling.__mro__






from django.db import models

class Author(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=50)
    email = models.EmailField()

    class Meta:
        abstract = True


from wtforms.form import Form
from wtforms.csrf.session import SessionCSRF
from wtforms.fields import StringField

class MyBaseForm(Form):
    class Meta:
        csrf = True
        csrf_class = SessionCSRF

    name = StringField("name")

这个合成不会在Python编程语言中得到特别的处理. Meta 不是这里的一个关键词,也不会引发 meta 类行为. 相反,第三方图书馆代码在 Django 和 WTForms 等包中,在某些类的构建者和其他地方读到这个属性。

这些声明的存在改变了具有这些声明的类别的行为. 例如,WTForms 阅读 self.Meta.csrf 以确定表格是否需要一个 csrf 字段。

当班级声明执行时,Python 首先将班级声明的身体作为一个正常的代码块执行。 结果的名称空间(dict)保留了班级的属性. 金属阶级通过观察班级的基层(金属阶级继承),在 __金属阶级__属性的班级(如果有)或 __金属阶级__全球变量来确定。

def make_hook(f):
    """Decorator to turn 'foo' method into '__foo__'"""
    f.is_hook = 1
    return f

class MyType(type):
    def __new__(mcls, name, bases, attrs):

        if name.startswith('None'):
            return None

        # Go over attributes and see if they should be renamed.
        newattrs = {}
        for attrname, attrvalue in attrs.iteritems():
            if getattr(attrvalue, 'is_hook', 0):
                newattrs['__%s__' % attrname] = attrvalue
                newattrs[attrname] = attrvalue

        return super(MyType, mcls).__new__(mcls, name, bases, newattrs)

    def __init__(self, name, bases, attrs):
        super(MyType, self).__init__(name, bases, attrs)

        # classregistry.register(self, self.interfaces)
        print "Would register class %s now." % self

    def __add__(self, other):
        class AutoClass(self, other):
        return AutoClass
        # Alternatively, to autogenerate the classname as well as the class:
        # return type(self.__name__ + other.__name__, (self, other), {})

    def unregister(self):
        # classregistry.unregister(self)
        print "Would unregister class %s now." % self

class MyObject:
    __metaclass__ = MyType

class NoneSample(MyObject):

# Will print "NoneType None"
print type(NoneSample), repr(NoneSample)

class Example(MyObject):
    def __init__(self, value):
        self.value = value
    def add(self, other):
        return self.__class__(self.value + other.value)

# Will unregister the class

inst = Example(10)
# Will fail with an AttributeError

print inst + inst
class Sibling(MyObject):

ExampleSibling = Example + Sibling
# ExampleSibling is now a subclass of both Example and Sibling (with no
# content of its own) although it will believe it's called 'AutoClass'
print ExampleSibling
print ExampleSibling.__mro__

请注意,在Python 3.6中,引入了一个新的Dunder方法 __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs),以取代许多常见的使用案例为MetaClass。


Python 3.10.0rc2 (tags/v3.10.0rc2:839d789, Sep  7 2021, 18:51:45) [MSC v.1929 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> class Object:
...     pass
>>> class Meta(type):
...     test = 'Worked!!!'
...     def __repr__(self):
...             return 'This is "Meta" metaclass'
>>> class ObjectWithMetaClass(metaclass=Meta):
...     pass
>>> Object or type(Object())
<class '__main__.Object'>
>>> ObjectWithMetaClass or type(ObjectWithMetaClass())
This is "Meta" metaclass
>>> Object.test
AttributeError: ...
>>> ObjectWithMetaClass.test
>>> type(Object)
<class 'type'>
>>> type(ObjectWithMetaClass)
<class '__main__.Meta'>
>>> type(type(ObjectWithMetaClass))
<class 'type'>
>>> Object.__bases__
(<class 'object'>,)
>>> ObjectWithMetaClass.__bases__
(<class 'object'>,)
>>> type(ObjectWithMetaClass).__bases__
(<class 'type'>,)
>>> Object.__mro__
(<class '__main__.Object'>, <class 'object'>)
>>> ObjectWithMetaClass.__mro__
(This is "Meta" metaclass, <class 'object'>)




class MetaMemberControl(type):
    __slots__ = ()

    def __prepare__(mcs, f_cls_name, f_cls_parents,  # f_cls means: future class
                    meta_args=None, meta_options=None):  # meta_args and meta_options is not necessarily needed, just so you know.
        f_cls_attr = dict()
        if not "do something or if you want to define your cool stuff of dict...":
            return dict(make_your_special_dict=None)
            return f_cls_attr

    def __new__(mcs, f_cls_name, f_cls_parents, f_cls_attr,
                meta_args=None, meta_options=None):

        original_getattr = f_cls_attr.get('__getattribute__')
        original_setattr = f_cls_attr.get('__setattr__')

        def init_getattr(self, item):
            if not item.startswith('_'):  # you can set break points at here
                alias_name = '_' + item
                if alias_name in f_cls_attr['__slots__']:
                    item = alias_name
            if original_getattr is not None:
                return original_getattr(self, item)
                return super(eval(f_cls_name), self).__getattribute__(item)

        def init_setattr(self, key, value):
            if not key.startswith('_') and ('_' + key) in f_cls_attr['__slots__']:
                raise AttributeError(f"you can't modify private members:_{key}")
            if original_setattr is not None:
                original_setattr(self, key, value)
                super(eval(f_cls_name), self).__setattr__(key, value)

        f_cls_attr['__getattribute__'] = init_getattr
        f_cls_attr['__setattr__'] = init_setattr

        cls = super().__new__(mcs, f_cls_name, f_cls_parents, f_cls_attr)
        return cls

class Human(metaclass=MetaMemberControl):
    __slots__ = ('_age', '_name')

    def __init__(self, name, age):
        self._name = name
        self._age = age

    def __getattribute__(self, item):
        is just for IDE recognize.
        return super().__getattribute__(item)

    """ with MetaMemberControl then you don't have to write as following
    def name(self):
        return self._name

    def age(self):
        return self._age

def test_demo():
    human = Human('Carson', 27)
    # human.age = 18  # you can't modify private members:_age  <-- this is defined by yourself.
    # human.k = 18  # 'Human' object has no attribute 'k'  <-- system error.
    age1 = human._age  # It's OK, although the IDE will show some warnings. (Access to a protected member _age of a class)

    age2 = human.age  # It's OK! see below:
    if you do not define `__getattribute__` at the class of Human,
    the IDE will show you: Unresolved attribute reference 'age' for class 'Human'
    but it's ok on running since the MetaMemberControl will help you.

if __name__ == '__main__':
