

Machines don't understand English or any other languages, they understand only byte code, which they have to be compiled (e.g., C/C++, Java) or interpreted (e.g., Ruby, Python), the .pyc is a cached version of the byte code. Here is a quick read on what is the difference between compiled language vs interpreted language, TLDR is interpreted language does not require you to compile all the code before run time and thus most of the time they are not strict on typing etc.


Machines don't understand English or any other languages, they understand only byte code, which they have to be compiled (e.g., C/C++, Java) or interpreted (e.g., Ruby, Python), the .pyc is a cached version of the byte code. Here is a quick read on what is the difference between compiled language vs interpreted language, TLDR is interpreted language does not require you to compile all the code before run time and thus most of the time they are not strict on typing etc.

Python的*.py文件只是一个文本文件,您可以在其中编写一些代码行。当你试图使用"python filename。py"来执行这个文件时






Executing/running on CPU Converting bytecode to machine code. Machine code is the final stage of conversion. Instructions to be executed on CPU are given in machine code. Machine code can be executed directly by CPU. Converting Bytecode to machine code. Bytecode is a medium stage. It could be skipped for efficiency, but sacrificing portability. Converting Source code to bytecode. Source code is a human readable code. This is what is used when working on IDEs (code editors) such as Pycharm.


For example, we could compile a source code to bytecode, compile bytecode to machine code, interpret machine code for execution. Some implementations of languages skip stage 3 for efficiency, i.e. compile source code into machine code and then interpret machine code for execution. Some implementations skip all middle steps and interpret the source code directly for execution. Modern languages often involve both compiling an interpreting. JAVA for example, compiles source code to bytecode [that is how JAVA source is stored, as a bytecode, compile bytecode to machine code [using JVM], and interpret machine code for execution. [Thus JVM is implemented differently for different OSs, but the same JAVA source code could be executed on different OS that have JVM installed.] Python for example, compile source code to bytecode [usually found as .pyc files accompanying the .py source codes], compile bytecode to machine code [done by a virtual machine such as PVM and the result is an executable file], interpret the machine code/executable for execution. When can we say that a language is interpreted or compiled? The answer is by looking into the approach used in execution. If it executes the machine code all at once (== compile), then it's a compiled language. On the other hand, if it executes the machine code line-by-line (==interpret) then it's an interpreted language. Therefore, JAVA and Python are interpreted languages. A confusion might occur because of the third stage, that's converting bytecode to machine code. Often this is done using a software called a virtual machine. The confusion occurs because a virtual machine acts like a machine, but it's actually not! Virtual machines are introduced for portability, having a VM on any REAL machine will allow us to execute the same source code. The approach used in most VMs [that's the third stage] is compiling, thus some people would say it's a compiled language. For the importance of VMs, we often say that such languages are both compiled and interpreted.







裁判:PEP3147 参考:“编译”的Python文件