






关于merge的更多细节将帮助你使用merge over persist:

Returning a managed instance other than the original entity is a critical part of the merge process. If an entity instance with the same identifier already exists in the persistence context, the provider will overwrite its state with the state of the entity that is being merged, but the managed version that existed already must be returned to the client so that it can be used. If the provider did not update the Employee instance in the persistence context, any references to that instance will become inconsistent with the new state being merged in. When merge() is invoked on a new entity, it behaves similarly to the persist() operation. It adds the entity to the persistence context, but instead of adding the original entity instance, it creates a new copy and manages that instance instead. The copy that is created by the merge() operation is persisted as if the persist() method were invoked on it. In the presence of relationships, the merge() operation will attempt to update the managed entity to point to managed versions of the entities referenced by the detached entity. If the entity has a relationship to an object that has no persistent identity, the outcome of the merge operation is undefined. Some providers might allow the managed copy to point to the non-persistent object, whereas others might throw an exception immediately. The merge() operation can be optionally cascaded in these cases to prevent an exception from occurring. We will cover cascading of the merge() operation later in this section. If an entity being merged points to a removed entity, an IllegalArgumentException exception will be thrown. Lazy-loading relationships are a special case in the merge operation. If a lazy-loading relationship was not triggered on an entity before it became detached, that relationship will be ignored when the entity is merged. If the relationship was triggered while managed and then set to null while the entity was detached, the managed version of the entity will likewise have the relationship cleared during the merge."

以上所有信息都摘自Mike Keith和Merrick Schnicariol的“Pro JPA 2掌握Java™Persistence API”。第六章。分段分离与合并。这本书实际上是作者专门介绍JPA的第二本书。这本新书比前一本有许多新信息。我非常推荐那些将认真参与JPA的人阅读这本书。我很抱歉匿名发布了我的第一个答案。


JPA is indisputably a great simplification in the domain of enterprise applications built on the Java platform. As a developer who had to cope up with the intricacies of the old entity beans in J2EE I see the inclusion of JPA among the Java EE specifications as a big leap forward. However, while delving deeper into the JPA details I find things that are not so easy. In this article I deal with comparison of the EntityManager’s merge and persist methods whose overlapping behavior may cause confusion not only to a newbie. Furthermore I propose a generalization that sees both methods as special cases of a more general method combine.






In comparison to persist, the description of the merge's behavior is not so simple. There is no main scenario, as it is in the case of persist, and a programmer must remember all scenarios in order to write a correct code. It seems to me that the JPA designers wanted to have some method whose primary concern would be handling detached entities (as the opposite to the persist method that deals with newly created entities primarily.) The merge method's major task is to transfer the state from an unmanaged entity (passed as the argument) to its managed counterpart within the persistence context. This task, however, divides further into several scenarios which worsen the intelligibility of the overall method's behavior.




您希望该方法总是创建一个新实体,而从不更新实体。否则,该方法将因违反主键惟一性而引发异常。 批处理流程,以有状态的方式处理实体(参见网关模式)。 性能优化

您希望该方法插入或更新数据库中的实体。 您希望以无状态的方式处理实体(服务中的数据传输对象) 您希望插入一个新实体,该实体可能对另一个实体有引用,但可能尚未创建(关系必须标记为MERGE)。例如,插入带有新相册或已有相册引用的新照片。



可能持久是生成INSERT sql语句和合并UPDATE sql语句(但我不确定)。




        Spitter spitter=new Spitter();  
    Spittle spittle3=new Spittle();     
    spittle3.setSpittle("I love java 2");       
    dao.addSpittle(spittle3); // <--persist     
    Spittle spittle=new Spittle();
    spittle.setSpittle("I love java");
    dao.saveSpittle(spittle); //<-- merge!!



        Spitter spitter=new Spitter();  
    Spittle spittle3=new Spittle();     
    spittle3.setSpittle("I love java 2");       
    dao.save(spittle3); // <--merge!!       
    Spittle spittle=new Spittle();
    spittle.setSpittle("I love java");
    dao.saveSpittle(spittle); //<-- merge!!