
public async void Method1()
    int op;
    int result = await GetDataTaskAsync(out op);



我认为像这样使用ValueTuples是可行的。你必须先添加ValueTuple NuGet包:

public async void Method1()
    (int op, int result) tuple = await GetDataTaskAsync();
    int op = tuple.op;
    int result = tuple.result;

public async Task<(int op, int result)> GetDataTaskAsync()
    int x = 5;
    int y = 10;
    return (op: x, result: y):


模式匹配来拯救!c# 9(我认为)之后:

// example of a method that would traditionally would use an out parameter
public async Task<(bool success, int? value)> TryGetAsync()
    int? value = // get it from somewhere
    return (value.HasValue, value);


if (await TryGetAsync() is (true, int value))
    Console.WriteLine($"This is the value: {value}");


Lucian Wischik解释了为什么这是不可能的MSDN线程:http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/d2f48a52-e35a-4948-844d-828a1a6deb74/why-async-methods-cannot-have-ref-or-out-parameters

As for why async methods don't support out-by-reference parameters? (or ref parameters?) That's a limitation of the CLR. We chose to implement async methods in a similar way to iterator methods -- i.e. through the compiler transforming the method into a state-machine-object. The CLR has no safe way to store the address of an "out parameter" or "reference parameter" as a field of an object. The only way to have supported out-by-reference parameters would be if the async feature were done by a low-level CLR rewrite instead of a compiler-rewrite. We examined that approach, and it had a lot going for it, but it would ultimately have been so costly that it'd never have happened.

对于这种情况,一个典型的解决方法是让async方法返回一个元组。 你可以像这样重写你的方法:

public async Task Method1()
    var tuple = await GetDataTaskAsync();
    int op = tuple.Item1;
    int result = tuple.Item2;

public async Task<Tuple<int, int>> GetDataTaskAsync()
    return new Tuple<int, int>(1, 2);

我认为像这样使用ValueTuples是可行的。你必须先添加ValueTuple NuGet包:

public async void Method1()
    (int op, int result) tuple = await GetDataTaskAsync();
    int op = tuple.op;
    int result = tuple.result;

public async Task<(int op, int result)> GetDataTaskAsync()
    int x = 5;
    int y = 10;
    return (op: x, result: y):

这与Michael Gehling提供的答案非常相似,但我有自己的解决方案,直到我找到了他的解决方案,并注意到我不是第一个想到使用隐式转换的人。


public readonly struct TryResult<TOut>
    #region constructors

    public TryResult(bool success, TOut? value) => (Success, Value) = (success, value);


    #region properties

    public                                            bool  Success { get; init; }
    [MemberNotNullWhen(true, nameof(Success))] public TOut? Value   { get; init; }


    #region methods

    public static implicit operator bool(TryResult<TOut> result) => result.Success;
    public static implicit operator TryResult<TOut>(TOut value) => new (true, value);

    public void Deconstruct(out bool success, out TOut? value) => (success, value) = (Success, Value);

    public TryResult<TOut> Out([NotNullWhen(true)] out TOut? value)
        value = Value;

        return this;



public static async Task<TryResult<byte[]>> TryGetBytesAsync(string file) =>
        ? await File.ReadAllBytesAsync(file)
        : default(TryResult<byte[]>);


if ((await TryGetBytesAsync(file)).Out(out var bytes))
    Console.WriteLine($"File has {bytes.Length} bytes.");


private bool CheckInCategory(int? id, out Category category)
        if (id == null || id == 0)
            category = null;
            category = Task.Run(async () => await _context.Categories.FindAsync(id ?? 0)).Result;

        return category != null;

if(!CheckInCategory(int? id, out var category)) return error