我读过各种关于测试中模仿和存根的文章,包括Martin Fowler的《Mocks Aren't Stubs》,但我仍然不理解其中的区别。



Fake: Fakes are objects that have working implementations, but not the same as production one. Such as: in-memory implementation of Data Access Object or Repository. Stub: Stub is an object that holds predefined data and uses it to answer calls during tests. Such as: an object that needs to grab some data from the database to respond to a method call. Mocks: Mocks are objects that register calls they receive. In test assertion, we can verify on Mocks that all expected actions were performed. Such as: a functionality that calls e-mail sending service. for more just check this.


上面有很多有效的答案,但我认为值得一提的是这个表格鲍勃叔叔: https://8thlight.com/blog/uncle-bob/2014/05/14/TheLittleMocker.html


他使用的通用术语是测试替身(想想特技替身)。Test Double是一个通用术语,用于为测试目的替换生产对象的任何情况。杰拉德列出了各种各样的替身:

Dummy objects are passed around but never actually used. Usually they are just used to fill parameter lists. Fake objects actually have working implementations, but usually take some shortcut which makes them not suitable for production (an InMemoryTestDatabase is a good example). Stubs provide canned answers to calls made during the test, usually not responding at all to anything outside what's programmed in for the test. Spies are stubs that also record some information based on how they were called. One form of this might be an email service that records how many messages it was sent(also called Partial Mock). Mocks are pre-programmed with expectations which form a specification of the calls they are expected to receive. They can throw an exception if they receive a call they don't expect and are checked during verification to ensure they got all the calls they were expecting.


function foo(){}


function foo(bar){ window = this; return window.toString(bar); }


在事件或状态更改之前断言模拟 存根不被断言,它们在事件之前提供状态,以避免执行来自不相关单元的代码 间谍就像存根一样被设置,然后在事件或状态改变后被断言 假的是不断言的,他们运行后的事件硬编码的依赖,以避免状态


极客词汇:Mock 极客词汇:存根 极客术语:间谍 测试替身:假的,模拟和存根



我偶然看到了《小嘲笑者鲍勃叔叔》的一篇有趣的文章。它以一种非常容易理解的方式解释了所有的术语,因此对初学者很有用。Martin fowler的文章很难读,尤其是对于像我这样的初学者。