



By itself, a loop invariant doesn't do much. However, given an appropriate invariant, it can be used to help prove the correctness of an algorithm. The simple example in CLRS probably has to do with sorting. For example, let your loop invariant be something like, at the start of the loop, the first i entries of this array are sorted. If you can prove that this is indeed a loop invariant (i.e. that it holds before and after every loop iteration), you can use this to prove the correctness of a sorting algorithm: at the termination of the loop, the loop invariant is still satisfied, and the counter i is the length of the array. Therefore, the first i entries are sorted means the entire array is sorted.






Loop invariant is a mathematical formula such as (x=y+1). In that example, x and y represent two variables in a loop. Considering the changing behavior of those variables throughout the execution of the code, it is almost impossible to test all possible to x and y values and see if they produce any bug. Lets say x is an integer. Integer can hold 32 bit space in the memory. If that number exceeds, buffer overflow occurs. So we need to be sure that throughout the execution of the code, it never exceeds that space. for that, we need to understand a general formula that shows the relationship between variables. After all, we just try to understand the behavior of the program.


正如你提到的@Tomas Petricek

另一个较弱的不变式也是成立的,即i >= 0 && i < 10(因为这是连续条件!)”


我希望我没有错,据我理解[1],循环不变将在循环开始时为真(初始化),它将在每次迭代(维护)之前和之后为真,它也将在循环结束后为真(终止)。但是在最后一次迭代之后,i变成了10。因此,条件i >= 0 && i < 10变为假值并终止循环。它违反了循环不变量的第三个性质(终止)。

[1] http://www.win.tue.nl/~kbuchin/teaching/JBP030/notebooks/loop-invariants.html



By itself, a loop invariant doesn't do much. However, given an appropriate invariant, it can be used to help prove the correctness of an algorithm. The simple example in CLRS probably has to do with sorting. For example, let your loop invariant be something like, at the start of the loop, the first i entries of this array are sorted. If you can prove that this is indeed a loop invariant (i.e. that it holds before and after every loop iteration), you can use this to prove the correctness of a sorting algorithm: at the termination of the loop, the loop invariant is still satisfied, and the counter i is the length of the array. Therefore, the first i entries are sorted means the entire array is sorted.




for(int i=0; i<10; i++)
{ }
