



如果不考虑网络情况,只讨论TCP或UDP是没有意义的。 如果两点之间的网络质量非常高,UDP绝对比TCP快,但在其他一些情况下,如GPRS网络,TCP可能比UDP更快,更可靠。



您可以在这里找到一篇关于TCP与UDP的非常好的文章 游戏开发的背景。 此外,iperf (jperf增强iperf与GUI)是一个 这是一个很好的工具,可以通过测量来回答你的问题。 我用Python实现了一个基准测试(参见这个SO问题)。在平均10^6次迭代中,UDP发送8字节的差异大约是1-2微秒。


如果说到吞吐量- TCP的流控制(在其他答案中提到),是非常重要的,在UDP上做任何类似的事情,虽然肯定有可能,但会是一个大头痛(tm)。因此,当你需要吞吐量时使用UDP,很少被认为是一个好主意(除非你想获得比TCP更不公平的优势)。


After any packet loss, TCP will wait for retransmit for at least 200ms (1sec per paragraph 2.4 of RFC6298, but practical modern implementations tend to reduce it to 200ms). Moreover, with TCP, even those packets which did reach destination host - will not be delivered to your app until the missing packet is received (i.e., the whole communication is delayed by ~200ms) - BTW, this effect, known as Head-of-Line Blocking, is inherent to all reliable ordered streams, whether TCP or reliable+ordered UDP. To make things even worse - if the retransmitted packet is also lost, then we'll be speaking about delay of ~600ms (due to so-called exponential backoff, 1st retransmit is 200ms, and second one is 200*2=400ms). If our channel has 1% packet loss (which is not bad by today's standards), and we have a game with 20 updates per second - such 600ms delays will occur on average every 8 minutes. And as 600ms is more than enough to get you killed in a fast-paced game - well, it is pretty bad for gameplay. These effects are exactly why gamedevs often prefer UDP over TCP.

However, when using UDP to reduce latencies - it is important to realize that merely "using UDP" is not sufficient to get substantial latency improvement, it is all about HOW you're using UDP. In particular, while RUDP libraries usually avoid that "exponential backoff" and use shorter retransmit times - if they are used as a "reliable ordered" stream, they still have to suffer from Head-of-Line Blocking (so in case of a double packet loss, instead of that 600ms we'll get about 1.5*2*RTT - or for a pretty good 80ms RTT, it is a ~250ms delay, which is an improvement, but it is still possible to do better). On the other hand, if using techniques discussed in http://gafferongames.com/networked-physics/snapshot-compression/ and/or http://ithare.com/udp-from-mog-perspective/#low-latency-compression , it IS possible to eliminate Head-of-Line blocking entirely (so for a double-packet loss for a game with 20 updates/second, the delay will be 100ms regardless of RTT).

顺便说一句——如果你碰巧只能访问TCP而不能访问UDP(比如在浏览器中,或者你的客户端位于阻止UDP的丑陋防火墙的6-9%之一)——似乎有一种方法可以在不引起太多延迟的情况下实现UDP- in -TCP,请参阅这里:http://ithare.com/almost-zero-additional-latency-udp-over-tcp/(也请确保阅读注释(!))。



I will just make things clear. TCP/UDP are two cars are that being driven on the road. suppose that traffic signs & obstacles are Errors TCP cares for traffic signs, respects everything around. Slow driving because something may happen to the car. While UDP just drives off, full speed no respect to street signs. Nothing, a mad driver. UDP doesn't have error recovery, If there's an obstacle, it will just collide with it then continue. While TCP makes sure that all packets are sent & received perfectly, No errors , so , the car just passes obstacles without colliding. I hope this is a good example for you to understand, Why UDP is preferred in gaming. Gaming needs speed. TCP is preffered in downloads, or downloaded files may be corrupted.