




Using spaces when creating tables, sprocs etc. I'm fine with CamelCase or under_scores and singular or plurals and UPPERCASE or lowercase but having to refer to a table or column [with spaces], especially if [ it is oddly spaced] (yes, I've run into this) really irritates me. Denormalized data. A table doesn't have to be perfectly normalized, but when I run into a table of employees that has information about their current evaluation score or their primary anything, it tells me that I will probably need to make a separate table at some point and then try to keep them synced. I will normalize the data first and then if I see a place where denormalization helps, I'll consider it. Overuse of either views or cursors. Views have a purpose, but when each table is wrapped in a view it's too much. I've had to use cursors a few times, but generally you can use other mechanisms for this. Access. Can a program be an anti-pattern? We have SQL Server at my work, but a number of people use access due to it's availabilty, "ease of use" and "friendliness" to non-technical users. There is too much here to go into, but if you've been in a similar environment, you know.

我见过太多人死死抓着IN(…),却完全忘记了EXISTS(存在)。有关一个好例子,请参见Symfony Propel ORM。

把东西放在临时表中,特别是那些从SQL Server切换到Oracle的人有过度使用临时表的习惯。只需使用嵌套的选择语句。

var query = "select COUNT(*) from Users where UserName = '" 
            + tbUser.Text 
            + "' and Password = '" 
            + tbPassword.Text +"'";

盲目相信用户输入 不使用参数化查询 明文密码


大多数SQL/ rbdb系统提供了许多非常有用的特性(事务、复制),即使对于非标准化的数据也是如此。磁盘空间很便宜,有时操作/过滤/搜索获取的数据比编写1NF模式更简单(更容易的代码,更快的开发时间),并处理其中的所有麻烦(复杂的连接,讨厌的子选择等)。

