select some_column, ...
from some_table
group by some_column
使用游标而不是基于集合 表达式。我想当程序员以过程的方式思考时,这种情况经常发生。 使用相关子查询,当a 连接到派生表可以执行 的工作。
select some_column, ...
from some_table
group by some_column
physical I/O minimization strategies, given that most queries' bottleneck is I/O not CPU perf impact of different kinds of physical storage access (e.g. lots of sequential I/O will be faster than lots of small random I/O, although less so if your physical storage is an SSD!) how to hand-tune a query if the DBMS produces a poor query plan how to diagnose poor database performance, how to "debug" a slow query, and how to read a query plan (or EXPLAIN, depending on your DBMS of choice) locking strategies to optimize throughput and avoid deadlocks in multi-user applications importance of batching and other tricks to handle processing of data sets table and index design to best balance space and performance (e.g. covering indexes, keeping indexes small where possible, reducing data types to minimum size needed, etc.)
The Altered View - A view that is altered too often and without notice or reason. The change will either be noticed at the most inappropriate time or worse be wrong and never noticed. Maybe your application will break because someone thought of a better name for that column. As a rule views should extend the usefulness of base tables while maintaining a contract with consumers. Fix problems but don't add features or worse change behavior, for that create a new view. To mitigate do not share views with other projects and, use CTEs when platforms allow. If your shop has a DBA you probably can't change views but all your views will be outdated and or useless in that case. The !Paramed - Can a query have more than one purpose? Probably but the next person who reads it won't know until deep meditation. Even if you don't need them right now chances are you will, even if it's "just" to debug. Adding parameters lowers maintenance time and keep things DRY. If you have a where clause you should have parameters. The case for no CASE - SELECT CASE @problem WHEN 'Need to replace column A with this medium to large collection of strings hanging out in my code.' THEN 'Create a table for lookup and add to your from clause.' WHEN 'Scrubbing values in the result set based on some business rules.' THEN 'Fix the data in the database' WHEN 'Formating dates or numbers.' THEN 'Apply formating in the presentation layer.' WHEN 'Createing a cross tab' THEN 'Good, but in reporting you should probably be using cross tab, matrix or pivot templates' ELSE 'You probably found another case for no CASE but now I have to edit my code instead of enriching the data...' END
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