Using spaces when creating tables, sprocs etc. I'm fine with CamelCase or under_scores and singular or plurals and UPPERCASE or lowercase but having to refer to a table or column [with spaces], especially if [ it is oddly spaced] (yes, I've run into this) really irritates me. Denormalized data. A table doesn't have to be perfectly normalized, but when I run into a table of employees that has information about their current evaluation score or their primary anything, it tells me that I will probably need to make a separate table at some point and then try to keep them synced. I will normalize the data first and then if I see a place where denormalization helps, I'll consider it. Overuse of either views or cursors. Views have a purpose, but when each table is wrapped in a view it's too much. I've had to use cursors a few times, but generally you can use other mechanisms for this. Access. Can a program be an anti-pattern? We have SQL Server at my work, but a number of people use access due to it's availabilty, "ease of use" and "friendliness" to non-technical users. There is too much here to go into, but if you've been in a similar environment, you know.
ID INT, Name NVARCHAR(132), IntValue1 INT, IntValue2 INT, CharValue1 NVARCHAR(255), CharValue2 NVARCHAR(255), Date1 DATETIME, Date2 DATETIME
SELECT FirstName + ' ' + LastName as "Full Name", case UserRole when 2 then "Admin" when 1 then "Moderator" else "User" end as "User's Role", case SignedIn when 0 then "Logged in" else "Logged out" end as "User signed in?", Convert(varchar(100), LastSignOn, 101) as "Last Sign On", DateDiff('d', LastSignOn, getDate()) as "Days since last sign on", AddrLine1 + ' ' + AddrLine2 + ' ' + AddrLine3 + ' ' + City + ', ' + State + ' ' + Zip as "Address", 'XXX-XX-' + Substring(Convert(varchar(9), SSN), 6, 4) as "Social Security #" FROM Users
我见过太多人死死抓着IN(…),却完全忘记了EXISTS(存在)。有关一个好例子,请参见Symfony Propel ORM。
在他们职业生涯的前6个月学习SQL,在接下来的10年里从不学习其他任何东西。特别是没有学习或有效地使用窗口/分析SQL特性。特别是over()和partition by的使用。
窗口函数,比如聚合 函数时,对对象进行聚合 定义的行集(组),但是 而不是返回一个值 组,窗口函数可以返回 每个组有多个值。
请参阅O'Reilly SQL Cookbook附录A,以获得窗口函数的良好概述。
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