每次我从CocoaPods导入文件时,我都会得到一个Apple Mach-O链接器错误。
Undefined symbols for architecture arm64:
"_OBJC_CLASS_$_FBSession", referenced from: someFile
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture arm64
我试图使用XCode 5为iPhone 5S构建。
Ignoring file ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/SomeApp/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/libPods.a,
问题是cocoapods还没有为arm64架构构建,因此当你构建它们时,它们不能链接。在更新并使用该体系结构之前,您可能无法使用这些包。您可以通过进入项目->目标(您的项目名称)->构建设置并将架构更改为标准架构(armv7, armv7s),并将有效架构更改为armv7, armv7s来修复链接器错误。
Note though, this means you won't get the full power of the 64 bit processor. You said you are building for the 5s, so there may be some reason you need this. If you for some reason absolutely need that power (perhaps you are building a game), and desperately need those files, you could submit a pull request and then recompile the project to arm64 by setting those same fields to arm64 in the files you pulled from the open source projects. But, unless you really need these files to be 64 bit compatible, that seems like a bit of overkill for now.