

var str = "I have a cat, a dog, and a goat.";
str = str.replace(/cat/gi, "dog");
str = str.replace(/dog/gi, "goat");
str = str.replace(/goat/gi, "cat");

//this produces "I have a cat, a cat, and a cat"
//but I wanted to produce the string "I have a dog, a goat, and a cat".



const regex = /(?:cat|dog|goat)/gmi;
const str = `I have a cat, a dog, and a goat.`;

let mapper = (key) => {
  switch (key) {
    case "cat":
      return "dog"
    case "dog":
      return "goat";
    case "goat":
      return "cat"
let result = str.replace(regex, mapper);

console.log('Substitution result: ', result);
//Substitution result1:  I have a dog, a goat, and a cat.



var str = "I have a cat, a dog, and a goat.";

str = str.replace(/cat/gi, "dog");
// now str = "I have a dog, a dog, and a goat."

str = str.replace(/dog/gi, "goat");
// now str = "I have a goat, a goat, and a goat."

str = str.replace(/goat/gi, "cat");
// now str = "I have a cat, a cat, and a cat."


const regex = /(?:cat|dog|goat)/gmi;
const str = `I have a cat, a dog, and a goat.`;

let mapper = (key) => {
  switch (key) {
    case "cat":
      return "dog"
    case "dog":
      return "goat";
    case "goat":
      return "cat"
let result = str.replace(regex, mapper);

console.log('Substitution result: ', result);
//Substitution result1:  I have a dog, a goat, and a cat.

使用Array.prototype.reduce ():

更新(更好)答案(使用对象): 此函数将替换所有出现的情况,并且不区分大小写

 * Replaces all occurrences of words in a sentence with new words.
 * @function
 * @param {string} sentence - The sentence to modify.
 * @param {Object} wordsToReplace - An object containing words to be replaced as the keys and their replacements as the values.
 * @returns {string} - The modified sentence.
function replaceAll(sentence, wordsToReplace) {
  return Object.keys(wordsToReplace).reduce(
    (f, s, i) =>
      `${f}`.replace(new RegExp(s, 'ig'), wordsToReplace[s]),

const americanEnglish = 'I popped the trunk of the car in a hurry and in a hurry I popped the trunk of the car'
const wordsToReplace = {
  'popped': 'opened',
  'trunk': 'boot',
  'car': 'vehicle',
  'hurry': 'rush'

const britishEnglish = replaceAll(americanEnglish, wordsToReplace) 
// I opened the boot of the vehicle in a rush and in a rush I opened the boot of the vehicle


    const arrayOfObjects = [
      { plants: 'men' },
      { smart:'dumb' },
      { peace: 'war' }
    const sentence = 'plants are smart'
      (f, s) => `${f}`.replace(Object.keys(s)[0], s[Object.keys(s)[0]]), sentence

    // as a reusable function
    const replaceManyStr = (obj, sentence) => obj.reduce((f, s) => `${f}`.replace(Object.keys(s)[0], s[Object.keys(s)[0]]), sentence)

    const result = replaceManyStr(arrayOfObjects , sentence1)

Example // ///////////// 1. replacing using reduce and objects // arrayOfObjects.reduce((f, s) => `${f}`.replace(Object.keys(s)[0], s[Object.keys(s)[0]]), sentence) // replaces the key in object with its value if found in the sentence // doesn't break if words aren't found // Example const arrayOfObjects = [ { plants: 'men' }, { smart:'dumb' }, { peace: 'war' } ] const sentence1 = 'plants are smart' const result1 = arrayOfObjects.reduce((f, s) => `${f}`.replace(Object.keys(s)[0], s[Object.keys(s)[0]]), sentence1) console.log(result1) // result1: // men are dumb // Extra: string insertion python style with an array of words and indexes // usage // arrayOfWords.reduce((f, s, i) => `${f}`.replace(`{${i}}`, s), sentence) // where arrayOfWords has words you want to insert in sentence // Example // replaces as many words in the sentence as are defined in the arrayOfWords // use python type {0}, {1} etc notation // five to replace const sentence2 = '{0} is {1} and {2} are {3} every {5}' // but four in array? doesn't break const words2 = ['man','dumb','plants','smart'] // what happens ? const result2 = words2.reduce((f, s, i) => `${f}`.replace(`{${i}}`, s), sentence2) console.log(result2) // result2: // man is dumb and plants are smart every {5} // replaces as many words as are defined in the array // three to replace const sentence3 = '{0} is {1} and {2}' // but five in array const words3 = ['man','dumb','plant','smart'] // what happens ? doesn't break const result3 = words3.reduce((f, s, i) => `${f}`.replace(`{${i}}`, s), sentence3) console.log(result3) // result3: // man is dumb and plants

const str = '感谢为Stack Overflow贡献一个答案!' Const substr = ['for', 'to'] 函数boldString(str, substr) { 让boldStr boldStr = str 字符串的子串。映射(e => { const strRegExp = new RegExp(e, 'g'); boldStr = boldStr。替换(strRegExp ' <强> $ {e} < / >强'); } ) 返回boldStr }

<!DOCTYPE html>

<p id="demo">Mr Blue 
has a           blue house and a blue car.</p>

<button onclick="myFunction()">Try it</button>

function myFunction() {
    var str = document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML;
    var res = str.replace(/\n| |car/gi, function myFunction(x){

if(x=='\n'){return x='<br>';}
if(x==' '){return x='&nbsp';}
if(x=='car'){return x='BMW'}
else{return x;}//must need


    document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = res;
