在java.sql实例中使用SQL IN子句的最佳变通方法是什么?由于SQL注入攻击安全问题,不支持多值的PreparedStatement:一个?占位符表示一个值,而不是一个值列表。


SELECT my_column FROM my_table where search_column IN (?)

使用preparedStatement。setString(1, "'A', 'B', 'C'");本质上是一种无用的尝试,试图解决使用原因?首先。




select my_column from my_table where  instr(?, ','||search_column||',') > 0


ps.setString(1, ",A,B,C,"); 




The prepared statements are cached only inside the same session (Postgres), so it will really work only with connection pooling A lot of different prepared statements as proposed by @BalusC may cause the cache to overfill and previously cached statements will be dropped The query has to be optimized and use indices. Sounds obvious, however e.g. the ANY(ARRAY...) statement proposed by @Boris in one of the top answers cannot use indices and query will be slow despite caching The prepared statement caches the query plan as well and the actual values of any parameters specified in the statement are unavailable.

在建议的解决方案中,我会选择一个不会降低查询性能并且查询次数较少的解决方案。这将是#4(批处理少数查询)从@Don链接或指定NULL值为不需要的'?@Vladimir Dyuzhev提出的标记

Sormula支持SQL IN操作符,它允许你提供一个java.util.Collection对象作为参数。它使用?对于集合中的每个元素。参见示例4(示例中的SQL是一个注释,用于澄清Sormula创建但不使用的内容)。




select column from table
where search_column = any (string_to_array('foo,blah,abc', ',')::text[]);


select column from table
where search_column = any (string_to_array($1, ',')::text[]);


select column from table
where search_column like any (string_to_array('foo%,blah%,abc%', ',')::text[]);

Again, no question it's a hack, but it works and allows you to still use pre-compiled prepared statements that take *ahem* discrete parameters, with the accompanying security and (maybe) performance benefits. Is it advisable and actually performant? Naturally, it depends, as you've got string parsing and possibly casting going on before your query even runs. If you're expecting to send three, five, a few dozen values, sure, it's probably fine. A few thousand? Yeah, maybe not so much. YMMV, limitations and exclusions apply, no warranty express or implied.




Util u = new Util(500); //500 items per bracket. 
String sqlBefore  = "select * from myTable where (";
List<Integer> values = new ArrayList<Integer>(Arrays.asList(1,2,4,5)); 
string sqlAfter = ") and foo = 'bar'"; 

PreparedStatement ps = u.prepareStatements(sqlBefore, values, sqlAfter, connection, "someId");

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class Util {

    private int numValuesInClause;

    public Util(int numValuesInClause) {
        this.numValuesInClause = numValuesInClause;

    public int getNumValuesInClause() {
        return numValuesInClause;

    public void setNumValuesInClause(int numValuesInClause) {
        this.numValuesInClause = numValuesInClause;

    /** Split a given list into a list of lists for the given size of numValuesInClause*/
    public List<List<Integer>> splitList(
            List<Integer> values) {

        List<List<Integer>> newList = new ArrayList<List<Integer>>(); 
        while (values.size() > numValuesInClause) {
            List<Integer> sublist = values.subList(0,numValuesInClause);
            List<Integer> values2 = values.subList(numValuesInClause, values.size());   
            values = values2; 

            newList.add( sublist);

        return newList;

     * Generates a series of split out in clause statements. 
     * @param sqlBefore ""select * from dual where ("
     * @param values [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
     * @param "sqlAfter ) and id = 5"
     * @return "select * from dual where (id in (1,2,3) or id in (4,5,6) or id in (7,8,9) or id in (10)"
    public String genInClauseSql(String sqlBefore, List<Integer> values,
            String sqlAfter, String identifier) 
        List<List<Integer>> newLists = splitList(values);
        String stmt = sqlBefore;

        /* now generate the in clause for each list */
        int j = 0; /* keep track of list:newLists index */
        for (List<Integer> list : newLists) {
            stmt = stmt + identifier +" in (";
            StringBuilder innerBuilder = new StringBuilder();

            for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {

            String inClause = innerBuilder.deleteCharAt(
                    innerBuilder.length() - 1).toString();

            stmt = stmt + inClause;
            stmt = stmt + ")";

            if (++j < newLists.size()) {
                stmt = stmt + " OR ";


        stmt = stmt + sqlAfter;
        return stmt;

     * Method to convert your SQL and a list of ID into a safe prepared
     * statements
     * @throws SQLException
    public PreparedStatement prepareStatements(String sqlBefore,
            ArrayList<Integer> values, String sqlAfter, Connection c, String identifier)
            throws SQLException {

        /* First split our potentially big list into lots of lists */
        String stmt = genInClauseSql(sqlBefore, values, sqlAfter, identifier);
        PreparedStatement ps = c.prepareStatement(stmt);

        int i = 1;
        for (int val : values)

            ps.setInt(i++, val);

        return ps;



Spring允许将java.util.Lists传递给NamedParameterJdbcTemplate,这将自动生成(?, ?, ?,…, ?),作为适当的参数数量。

对于Oracle,这篇博文讨论了Oracle .sql. array (Connection. array)的使用。createArrayOf不支持Oracle)。为此你必须修改你的SQL语句:

SELECT my_column FROM my_table where search_column IN (select COLUMN_VALUE from table(?))

oracle table函数将传递的数组转换为在in语句中可用的类似表的值。