在java.sql实例中使用SQL IN子句的最佳变通方法是什么?由于SQL注入攻击安全问题,不支持多值的PreparedStatement:一个?占位符表示一个值,而不是一个值列表。


SELECT my_column FROM my_table where search_column IN (?)

使用preparedStatement。setString(1, "'A', 'B', 'C'");本质上是一种无用的尝试,试图解决使用原因?首先。




    String inParenthesis = "(?";
    for(int i = 1;i < myList.size();i++) {
      inParenthesis += ", ?";
    inParenthesis += ")";

    try(PreparedStatement statement = SQLite.connection.prepareStatement(
        String.format("UPDATE table SET value='WINNER' WHERE startTime=? AND name=? AND traderIdx=? AND someValue IN %s", inParenthesis))) {
      int x = 1;
      statement.setLong(x++, race.startTime);
      statement.setString(x++, race.name);
      statement.setInt(x++, traderIdx);

      for(String str : race.betFair.winners) {
        statement.setString(x++, str);

      int effected = statement.executeUpdate();




public class SqlHelper
    public static final ArrayList<String>platformList = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList("iOS","Android","Windows","Mac"));

    public static final String testQuery = "select * from devices where platform_nm in (:PLATFORM_NAME)";


public class Test extends NamedParameterJdbcDaoSupport
public List<SampleModelClass> runQuery()
    //define rowMapper to insert in object of SampleClass
    final Map<String,Object> map = new HashMap<>();
    return getNamedParameterJdbcTemplate().query(SqlHelper.testQuery, map, rowMapper)

对于某些情况,regexp可能会有所帮助。 下面是我在Oracle上查看的一个例子,它是有效的。

select * from my_table where REGEXP_LIKE (search_column, 'value1|value2')


它应用的任何列都应该转换为varchar/char,至少是隐式转换。 使用特殊字符时要小心。 它会降低性能——在我的例子中,in版本使用索引和范围扫描,而REGEXP版本执行全扫描。


public void myQuery(List<String> items, int other) {
  String q4in = generateQsForIn(items.size());
  String sql = "select * from stuff where foo in ( " + q4in + " ) and bar = ?";
  PreparedStatement ps = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
  int i = 1;
  for (String item : items) {
    ps.setString(i++, item);
  ps.setInt(i++, other);
  ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery();

private String generateQsForIn(int numQs) {
    String items = "";
    for (int i = 0; i < numQs; i++) {
        if (i != 0) items += ", ";
        items += "?";
    return items;


select my_column from my_table where  instr(?, ','||search_column||',') > 0


ps.setString(1, ",A,B,C,"); 




Util u = new Util(500); //500 items per bracket. 
String sqlBefore  = "select * from myTable where (";
List<Integer> values = new ArrayList<Integer>(Arrays.asList(1,2,4,5)); 
string sqlAfter = ") and foo = 'bar'"; 

PreparedStatement ps = u.prepareStatements(sqlBefore, values, sqlAfter, connection, "someId");

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class Util {

    private int numValuesInClause;

    public Util(int numValuesInClause) {
        this.numValuesInClause = numValuesInClause;

    public int getNumValuesInClause() {
        return numValuesInClause;

    public void setNumValuesInClause(int numValuesInClause) {
        this.numValuesInClause = numValuesInClause;

    /** Split a given list into a list of lists for the given size of numValuesInClause*/
    public List<List<Integer>> splitList(
            List<Integer> values) {

        List<List<Integer>> newList = new ArrayList<List<Integer>>(); 
        while (values.size() > numValuesInClause) {
            List<Integer> sublist = values.subList(0,numValuesInClause);
            List<Integer> values2 = values.subList(numValuesInClause, values.size());   
            values = values2; 

            newList.add( sublist);

        return newList;

     * Generates a series of split out in clause statements. 
     * @param sqlBefore ""select * from dual where ("
     * @param values [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
     * @param "sqlAfter ) and id = 5"
     * @return "select * from dual where (id in (1,2,3) or id in (4,5,6) or id in (7,8,9) or id in (10)"
    public String genInClauseSql(String sqlBefore, List<Integer> values,
            String sqlAfter, String identifier) 
        List<List<Integer>> newLists = splitList(values);
        String stmt = sqlBefore;

        /* now generate the in clause for each list */
        int j = 0; /* keep track of list:newLists index */
        for (List<Integer> list : newLists) {
            stmt = stmt + identifier +" in (";
            StringBuilder innerBuilder = new StringBuilder();

            for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {

            String inClause = innerBuilder.deleteCharAt(
                    innerBuilder.length() - 1).toString();

            stmt = stmt + inClause;
            stmt = stmt + ")";

            if (++j < newLists.size()) {
                stmt = stmt + " OR ";


        stmt = stmt + sqlAfter;
        return stmt;

     * Method to convert your SQL and a list of ID into a safe prepared
     * statements
     * @throws SQLException
    public PreparedStatement prepareStatements(String sqlBefore,
            ArrayList<Integer> values, String sqlAfter, Connection c, String identifier)
            throws SQLException {

        /* First split our potentially big list into lots of lists */
        String stmt = genInClauseSql(sqlBefore, values, sqlAfter, identifier);
        PreparedStatement ps = c.prepareStatement(stmt);

        int i = 1;
        for (int val : values)

            ps.setInt(i++, val);

        return ps;

