从http://www.madore.org/ ~大卫/电脑/ callcc.html:
/* Yow! DEMONS are flying through my NOSE! */
mov si, pCard ; captain?
return 0; // Happy ending
int32_t Interpolate1DSignal(
Array1D<float64>::Handle hfInputSamples, // samples to be interpolated
Array1D<float64>::Handle hfInterpolationFilter, // polyphase filter coefficients,
int32_t iFilterInterpolationFactor, // # of "rows" in polyphase filter
int32_t iFilterLength, // Length of each row in filter
float64 fInterpolationFactor, // Factor to interpolate the
// signal by
float64 fTimingOffset, // Offset into the signal (units
// of samples)
Array1D<float64>::Handle hfOutputSamples // left as an exercise for the reader
"This code makes baby Jesus very sad!".
String blankSpaces=" "+ //100 whitespaces
" "+ //200 Whitespaces
" " //100 whitespaces
Get This hack!
/* Mark: If there's one thing you learn from this code, it is this...
Never, ever fly Air France. Their customer service is absolutely
the worst. I've never heard the words "That's not my problem" as
many times as I have from their staff -- It should, without doubt
be their corporate motto if it isn't already. Don't bother giving
them business because you're just a pain in their side and they
will be sure to let you know the first time you speak to them.
If you ever want to make me happy just tell me that you, too, will
never fly Air France again either (in spite of their excellent
Update by oej: The merger with KLM has transferred this
behaviour to KLM as well.
Don't bother giving them business either...
Only if you want to travel randomly without luggage, you
might pick either of them.