

我曾经在一个用Paradox 3.5 -编写的大型预算系统工作多年后接到一个客户的电话


// This shouldn't happen, if it does, then the bits that automagically 
// worked when I wrote it have stopped working

... !


//If you're reading this, then my program is probably a success
const int TEN=10; // As if the value of 10 will fluctuate... 
 * Happy Javadoc haiku:
 * Without Javadoc
 * Builds break in Maven site stage
 * This fixes the build.
// TODO - Comment this function
// barcore.cpp - MFC

HBRUSH CControlBar::OnCtlColor(CDC* pDC, CWnd* pWnd, UINT nCtlColor)
    LRESULT lResult;
    if (pWnd->SendChildNotifyLastMsg(&lResult))
        return (HBRUSH)lResult;     // eat it


// Eat it - just like eat this.