大学期间我一直在使用public,想知道public, private和protected之间的区别吗?







公共-任何人在任何地方都可以访问。 Private -只能从它所属的类中的with访问。 Protected -只能从类中的with或从类继承的任何对象访问。

除了在VB中,没有什么是像null的。 静态意味着你有那个对象的一个实例,那个类的每个实例都有方法。



public The type or member can be accessed by any other code in the same assembly or another assembly that references it. private The type or member can only be accessed by code in the same class or struct. protected The type or member can only be accessed by code in the same class or struct, or in a derived class. private protected (added in C# 7.2) The type or member can only be accessed by code in the same class or struct, or in a derived class from the same assembly, but not from another assembly. internal The type or member can be accessed by any code in the same assembly, but not from another assembly. protected internal The type or member can be accessed by any code in the same assembly, or by any derived class in another assembly.






static class Foo()
    static Foo()
        Bar = "fubar";
    public static string Bar { get; set; }



public means that it can be accessed by any class in any assembly, which includes the class itself. protected internal means it can be accessed by the class itself (in the class definition), and it can be accessed by any class in the current assembly, but outside of the assembly it can only be accessed by a class that inherits the class, or by the class itself (if it is a partial class) – basically it means internal inside the assembly and protected outside of the assembly. protected means it can only be accessed by the class itself, or accessed by a class that inherits it and that class can be in any assembly internal means it can be accessed by the class itself or by any class in the assembly but can't be accessed at all outside of the assembly unless by the class itself (i.e. it is a partial class) private protected means it can only be accessed by the class itself, or it can be accessed by a class that inherits it and only if that class is in the current assembly. Outside of the assembly, it can only be accessed by the class itself (i.e. it is a partial class) – basically combines internal and protected, or another way of putting it is it's private outside of the assembly and protected inside the assembly. private means that it can only be accessed by the class itself no access modifier: The default access for everything in C# is "the most restricted access you could declare for that member"., which is private for a member / method / nested class in a class and internal for a non-nested class.

In the above text 'accessed' means accessed via an object of the class type, which within a method of the class itself will be the implicit this object, or perhaps the method instantiates an explicit object of the current class type and accesses it through that object. Both are considered to be being accessed by the class itself and therefore the access rules are the same. This also applies to an access being performed from a static method, or when it is a static member / method being accessed, except the access is performed using the class scope and not and object. A member / method of a static class needs to be explicitly made static or it won't compile.



Inheritance in C# is always public unlike C++, which can privately or protectedly inherit, which then changes the access of all classes that then inherit from the class that is inheriting from this class, as well as the access via object / via class scope of type of the class that inheriting privately / protectedly from the class and the class that is inheriting from the class that is inheriting privately / protectedly form the class, and so on. The access is changed such that all access modifiers less restrictive than private or protected are made private and protected respectively.







“Nothing”是VB。NET等价于null。虽然如果你提到的“nothing”意味着“没有访问修饰符”,那么这要视情况而定,尽管一个非常粗略的经验法则(当然在c#中)是,如果你没有显式地指定访问修饰符,方法/变量声明通常会受到尽可能多的限制。 即。

public class MyClass
    string s = "";


public class MyClass
    private string s = "";



此外,微软在显示访问修饰符(公共的,受保护的,等等。关键字)当Visual Studio中创建新类时。因此,请仔细考虑类的可访问性,因为它是通往实现内部的大门。