



I may have found one further difference of a minor nature. I have my python environments under /usr rather than /home or whatever. In order to install to it, I would have to use sudo install pip. For me, the undesired side effect of sudo install pip was slightly different than what are widely reported elsewhere: after doing so, I had to run python with sudo in order to import any of the sudo-installed packages. I gave up on that and eventually found I could use sudo conda to install packages to an environment under /usr which then imported normally without needing sudo permission for python. I even used sudo conda to fix a broken pip rather than using sudo pip uninstall pip or sudo pip --upgrade install pip.



您可以使用pip进行包管理。自Python 3以来,Pip是Python.org的官方内置包管理器。



basics pip is the default package manager for python pip is built-in as of Python 3.0 Usage: python3 -m venv myenv; source myenv/bin/activate; python3 -m pip install requests Packages are downloaded from pypi.org, the official public python repository It can install precompiled binaries (wheels) when available, or source (tar/zip archive). Compiled binaries are important because many packages are mixed Python/C/other with third-party dependencies and complex build chains. They MUST be distributed as binaries to be ready-to-use. advanced pip can actually install from any archive, wheel, or git/svn repo... ...that can be located on disk, or on a HTTP URL, or a personal pypi server. pip install git+https://github.com/psf/requests.git@v2.25.0 for example (it can be useful for testing patches on a branch). pip install https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cpu/torch-1.9.0%2Bcpu-cp39-cp39-linux_x86_64.whl (that wheel is Python 3.9 on Linux). when installing from source, pip will automatically build the package. (it's not always possible, try building TensorFlow without the google build system :D) binary wheels can be python-version specific and OS specific, see manylinux specification to maximize portability.


conda is an open source environment manager AND package manager maintained by the open source community. It is separate from Anaconda, Inc. and does not require a commercial license to use. conda is also bundled into Anaconda Navigator, a popular commercial Python distribution from Anaconda, Inc. Anaconda) that includes most common data science and Python developer libraries ready-to-use. You will use conda when you use Anaconda Navigator GUI. Packages may be downloaded from conda-forge, anaconda repo4, and other public and private conda package "channels" (aka repos). It only installs precompiled packages. conda has its own package format. It doesn't use wheels. conda install to install a package. conda build to build a package. conda can build the python interpreter (and other C packages it depends on). That's how an interpreter is built and bundled for Anaconda Navigator. conda allows to install and upgrade the Python interpreter (pip does not). advanced Historically, one selling point of conda was to support building and installing binary packages, because pip did not support binary packages very well (until wheels and manylinux2010 spec). Emphasis on building packages. conda has extensive build settings and it stores extensive metadata, to work with dependencies and build chains. Some projects use conda to initiate complex build systems and generate a wheel, that is published to pypi.org for pip. conda emphasizes building and managing virtual environments. conda is by design a programming language-agnostic virtual environment manager. conda can install and manage other package managers such as npm, pip, and other language package managers. Can I use Anaconda Navigator packages for commercial use? The new language states that use by individual hobbyists, students, universities, non-profit organizations, or businesses with less than 200 employees is allowed, and all other usage is considered commercial and thus requires a business relationship with Anaconda. (as of Oct 28, 2020) IF you are a large developer organization, i.e., greater than 200 employees, you are NOT permitted to use Anaconda or packages from Anaconda repository for commercial use, unless you acquire a license. Pulling and using (properly open-sourced) packages from conda-forge repository do not require commercial licenses from Anaconda, Inc. Developers are free to build their own conda packages using the packaging tools provided in the conda-forge infrastructure.


For historical reference only. DO NOT USE egg is an abandoned format of package, it was used up to mid 2010s and completely replaced by wheels. an egg is a zip archive, it contains python source files and/or compiled libraries. eggs are used with easy_install and the first releases of pip. easy_install was yet another package manager, that preceded pip and conda. It was removed in setuptools v58.3 (year 2021). it too caused a lot of confusion, just like pip vs conda :D egg files are slow to load, poorly specified, and OS specific. Each egg was setup in a separate directory, an import mypackage would have to look for mypackage.py in potentially hundreds of directories (how many libraries were installed?). That was slow and not friendly to the filesystem cache.




让我们深入研究Python和计算机的历史。= D


世界上大多数的代码都依赖于C,这对于Python解释器来说是如此,它是用C编写的。对于许多Python包来说也是如此,这些包是围绕C库的Python包装器或混合了Python /C/ c++代码的项目。

任何涉及SSL、压缩、GUI (X11和Windows子系统)、数学库、GPU、CUDA等的东西……通常与一些C代码相结合。




作为参考,这就是为什么要运行的第一个命令是python3 -m venv myvenv && source myvenv/bin/activate && pip install -upgrade pip setuptools在旧系统上,因为操作系统自带的是5年前的旧python+pip,它有bug,不能识别当前的包格式。

Continuum Analytics(后来更名为Anaconda, Inc.)并行开发他们自己的解决方案(发布为Anaconda Navigator)。Anaconda Navigator专门用于使数据科学库易于开箱即用(数据科学= C和c++无处不在),因此他们提出了一个专门用于构建和分发二进制包的包管理器,并将其构建到环境管理器conda中。

如果你现在安装任何带有pip install xxx的软件包,它通常都能正常工作。pip是安装内置到当前版本Python中的包的推荐方法。



截至2015年9月11日,pypi本身的车轮包装数量为48%(2015年5月为38%,2014年9月为24%), 最新的python 2.7.9版本现在支持开箱即用的wheel格式,


你可以在http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs上找到几乎所有的科学软件包, mingwpy项目可能有一天会给Windows用户带来一个“编译”包,允许他们在需要的时候从源代码安装所有东西。



引用Conda: Myths and misconcepts(一个全面的描述):





In short, pip is a general-purpose manager for Python packages; conda is a language-agnostic cross-platform environment manager. For the user, the most salient distinction is probably this: pip installs python packages within any environment; conda installs any package within conda environments. If all you are doing is installing Python packages within an isolated environment, conda and pip+virtualenv are mostly interchangeable, modulo some difference in dependency handling and package availability. By isolated environment I mean a conda-env or virtualenv, in which you can install packages without modifying your system Python installation.

Even setting aside Myth #2, if we focus on just installation of Python packages, conda and pip serve different audiences and different purposes. If you want to, say, manage Python packages within an existing system Python installation, conda can't help you: by design, it can only install packages within conda environments. If you want to, say, work with the many Python packages which rely on external dependencies (NumPy, SciPy, and Matplotlib are common examples), while tracking those dependencies in a meaningful way, pip can't help you: by design, it manages Python packages and only Python packages.


免责声明:这个答案描述的是十年前的情况,当时pip还不支持二进制包。Conda是专门为更好地支持构建和分发二进制包而创建的,特别是带有C扩展的数据科学库。作为参考,pip只获得了带轮子的便携式二进制包的广泛支持(2013年的pip 1.4)和manylinux1规范(2016年3月的pip 8.1)。查看最近的答案了解更多历史。



只支持Python包。 从源代码编译所有内容。编辑:pip现在安装二进制车轮,如果他们是可用的。 受到核心Python社区的支持(即Python 3.4+包含自动引导pip的代码)。


Python agnostic. The main focus of existing packages are for Python, and indeed Conda itself is written in Python, but you can also have Conda packages for C libraries, or R packages, or really anything. Installs binaries. There is a tool called conda build that builds packages from source, but conda install itself installs things from already built Conda packages. External. conda is an environment and package manager. It is included in the Anaconda Python distribution provided by Continuum Analytics (now called Anaconda, Inc.).

conda is an environment manager written in Python and is language-agnostic. conda environment management functions cover the functionality provided by venv, virtualenv, pipenv, pyenv, and other Python-specific package managers. You could use conda within an existing Python installation by pip installing it (though this is not recommended unless you have a good reason to use an existing installation). As of 2022, conda and pip are not fully aware of one another package management activities within a virtual environment, not are they interoperable for Python package management.


用Python编写 开源(conda是BSD, pip是MIT) 警告:虽然conda本身是开源的,但包存储库由Anaconda Inc托管,并且在商业使用方面有限制。

The first two bullet points of conda are really what make it advantageous over pip for many packages. Since pip installs from source, it can be painful to install things with it if you are unable to compile the source code (this is especially true on Windows, but it can even be true on Linux if the packages have some difficult C or FORTRAN library dependencies). conda installs from binary, meaning that someone (e.g., Continuum) has already done the hard work of compiling the package, and so the installation is easy.


I may have found one further difference of a minor nature. I have my python environments under /usr rather than /home or whatever. In order to install to it, I would have to use sudo install pip. For me, the undesired side effect of sudo install pip was slightly different than what are widely reported elsewhere: after doing so, I had to run python with sudo in order to import any of the sudo-installed packages. I gave up on that and eventually found I could use sudo conda to install packages to an environment under /usr which then imported normally without needing sudo permission for python. I even used sudo conda to fix a broken pip rather than using sudo pip uninstall pip or sudo pip --upgrade install pip.