var totalWorkTimeInHours = (totalWorkTime/60/60)
totalWorkTime是一个NSTimeInterval (double),单位为秒。
当我打印totalWorkTimeInHours时,我如何将其四舍五入到1.543 ?
var totalWorkTimeInHours = (totalWorkTime/60/60)
totalWorkTime是一个NSTimeInterval (double),单位为秒。
当我打印totalWorkTimeInHours时,我如何将其四舍五入到1.543 ?
Lots of example are using maths, the problem is floats are approximations of real number, there is no way to express 0.1 (1/10) exactly as a float just as there is no exact way to express ⅓ exactly using decimal points, so you need to ask your self exactly what your are trying to achieve, if you just want to display them leave them as they are in code, trying to round them is going to justify give you less accurate result as you are throwing away precious, round ⅓ in decimal notation to 1 decimal place is not going to give you a number closer to ⅓, us NumberFormate to round it, if you have something like a viewModel class it can be used to return a string representation to your models numbers. NumberFormaters give you lots of control on how numbers are formatted and the number of decimal places you want.
extension Double {
var roundTo2f: Double {return Double(round(100 *self)/100) }
var roundTo3f: Double {return Double(round(1000*self)/1000) }
let regularPie: Double = 3.14159
var smallerPie: Double = regularPie.roundTo3f // results 3.142
var smallestPie: Double = regularPie.roundTo2f // results 3.14
在Swift 5.5和Xcode 13.2中:
let pi: Double = 3.14159265358979
String(format:"%.2f", pi)
附注:自Swift 2.0和Xcode 7.2以来一直如此
在Swift 3.0和Xcode 8.0中:
extension Double {
func roundTo(places: Int) -> Double {
let divisor = pow(10.0, Double(places))
return (self * divisor).rounded() / divisor
let doubleValue = 3.567
let roundedValue = doubleValue.roundTo(places: 2)
print(roundedValue) // prints 3.56
Lots of example are using maths, the problem is floats are approximations of real number, there is no way to express 0.1 (1/10) exactly as a float just as there is no exact way to express ⅓ exactly using decimal points, so you need to ask your self exactly what your are trying to achieve, if you just want to display them leave them as they are in code, trying to round them is going to justify give you less accurate result as you are throwing away precious, round ⅓ in decimal notation to 1 decimal place is not going to give you a number closer to ⅓, us NumberFormate to round it, if you have something like a viewModel class it can be used to return a string representation to your models numbers. NumberFormaters give you lots of control on how numbers are formatted and the number of decimal places you want.
//find the distance between two points
let coordinateSource = CLLocation(latitude: 30.7717625, longitude:76.5741449 )
let coordinateDestination = CLLocation(latitude: 29.9810859, longitude: 76.5663599)
let distanceInMeters = coordinateSource.distance(from: coordinateDestination)
let valueInKms = distanceInMeters/1000
let preciseValueUptoThreeDigit = Double(round(1000*valueInKms)/1000)
self.lblTotalDistance.text = "Distance is : \(preciseValueUptoThreeDigit) kms"