int main() {
unsigned char *p = (unsigned char*)malloc(4*sizeof(unsigned char));
strcpy((char*)p,"abcdabcd"); // **deliberately storing 8bytes**
cout << p;
free(p); // Obvious Crash, but I need how it works and why crash.
cout << p;
return 0;
How malloc() and free() works depends on the runtime library used. Generally, malloc() allocates a heap (a block of memory) from the operating system. Each request to malloc() then allocates a small chunk of this memory be returning a pointer to the caller. The memory allocation routines will have to store some extra information about the block of memory allocated to be able to keep track of used and free memory on the heap. This information is often stored in a few bytes just before the pointer returned by malloc() and it can be a linked list of memory blocks.
How malloc() and free() works depends on the runtime library used. Generally, malloc() allocates a heap (a block of memory) from the operating system. Each request to malloc() then allocates a small chunk of this memory be returning a pointer to the caller. The memory allocation routines will have to store some extra information about the block of memory allocated to be able to keep track of used and free memory on the heap. This information is often stored in a few bytes just before the pointer returned by malloc() and it can be a linked list of memory blocks.
Your process has a region of memory, from address x to address y,
called the heap. All your malloc'd data lives in this area. malloc()
keeps some data structure, let's say a list, of all the free chunks of
space in the heap. When you call malloc, it looks through the list for
a chunk that's big enough for you, returns a pointer to it, and
records the fact that it's not free any more as well as how big it is.
When you call free() with the same pointer, free() looks up how big
that chunk is and adds it back into the list of free chunks(). If you
call malloc() and it can't find any large enough chunk in the heap, it
uses the brk() syscall to grow the heap, i.e. increase address y and
cause all the addresses between the old y and the new y to be valid
memory. brk() must be a syscall; there is no way to do the same thing
entirely from userspace.
The call to free may or may not crash. The memory "after" the 4 bytes of your allocation might be used for something else by your C or C++ implementation. If it is used for something else, then scribbling all over it will cause that "something else" to go wrong, but if it isn't used for anything else, then you could happen to get away with it. "Getting away with it" might sound good, but is actually bad, since it means your code will appear to run OK, but on a future run you might not get away with it.