


使用下面的命令安装这个插件: NPM安装gulp-remove-logging 接下来,将这一行添加到gulpfile中: Var gulp_remove_logging = require("gulp-remove-logging"); 最后,将配置设置(见下文)添加到gulpfile中。 任务配置 饮而尽。任务("remove_logging",函数(){ 返回gulp.src (" src / javascript / * * / * . js”) .pipe ( gulp_remove_logging () ) .pipe ( gulp.dest ( “构建/ javascript /” ) ); });



var DEBUG_MODE = true; // Set this value to false for production

if(typeof(console) === 'undefined') {
   console = {}

if(!DEBUG_MODE || typeof(console.log) === 'undefined') {
   // FYI: Firebug might get cranky...
   console.log = console.error = console.info = console.debug = console.warn = console.trace = console.dir = console.dirxml = console.group = console.groupEnd = console.time =    console.timeEnd = console.assert = console.profile = function() {};


switch (process.env.LOG_LEVEL) {
  case 'ERROR':
    console.warn = function() {};
  case 'WARN':
    console.info = function() {};
  case 'INFO':
    console.log = function() {};
  case 'LOG':
    console.debug = function() {};
    console.dir = function() {};

这是来自SolutionYogi和Chris s的答案的混合。它维护console.log行号和文件名。jsFiddle示例。

// Avoid global functions via a self calling anonymous one (uses jQuery)
(function(MYAPP, $, undefined) {
    // Prevent errors in browsers without console.log
    if (!window.console) window.console = {};
    if (!window.console.log) window.console.log = function(){};

    //Private var
    var console_log = console.log;  

    //Public methods
    MYAPP.enableLog = function enableLogger() { console.log = console_log; };   
    MYAPP.disableLog = function disableLogger() { console.log = function() {}; };

}(window.MYAPP = window.MYAPP || {}, jQuery));

// Example Usage:
$(function() {    
    console.log('this should not show');

    console.log('This will show');


class logger {
  static isEnabled = true;

  static enable () {
    if(this.constructor.isEnabled === true){ return; }

    this.constructor.isEnabled = true;

  static disable () {
    if(this.constructor.isEnabled === false){ return; }

    this.constructor.isEnabled = false;

  static log () {
    if(this.constructor.isEnabled === false ) { return; }

    const copy = [].slice.call(arguments);

    window['console']['log'].apply(this, copy);

  static warn () {
    if(this.constructor.isEnabled === false ) { return; }

    const copy = [].slice.call(arguments);

    window['console']['warn'].apply(this, copy);

  static error () {
    if(this.constructor.isEnabled === false ) { return; }

    const copy = [].slice.call(arguments);

    window['console']['error'].apply(this, copy);


Along with logger.enable and logger.disable you can use console.['log','warn','error'] methods as well using logger class. By using logger class for displaying, enabling or disabling messages makes the code much cleaner and maintainable. The code below shows you how to use the logger class: logger.disable() - disable all console messages logger.enable() - enable all console messages logger.log('message1', 'message2') - works exactly like console.log. logger.warn('message1', 'message2') - works exactly like console.warn. logger.error('message1', 'message2') - works exactly like console.error. Happy coding..


const debugging = true;

function log(toLog) {
  if (debugging) {
function log(toLog) {
  if (true) { // You could manually change it (Annoying, though)


您仍然在运行时调用函数 您必须记住在第二个选项中更改调试变量或if语句 您需要确保在加载所有其他文件之前加载了该函数

And my retorts to these statements is that this is the only method that won't completely remove the console or console.log function which I think is bad programming because other developers who are working on the website would have to realize that you ignorantly removed them. Also, you can't edit JavaScript source code in JavaScript, so if you really want something to just wipe all of those from the code you could use a minifier that minifies your code and removes all console.logs. Now, the choice is yours, what will you do?