我经常在其他Stack Overflow问题上看到关于如何不鼓励使用except: pass的评论。这为什么不好呢?有时我不在乎错误是什么,我只想继续写代码。


为什么使用except: pass块不好?是什么让它变得糟糕?是我传递了一个错误还是我排除了任何错误?






What makes this particularly important in Python is that by the idioms of this language, exceptions are not necessarily errors. They're often used this way, of course, just as in most languages. But Python in particular has occasionally used them to implement an alternative exit path from some code tasks which isn't really part of the normal running case, but is still known to come up from time to time and may even be expected in most cases. SystemExit has already been mentioned as an old example, but the most common example nowadays may be StopIteration. Using exceptions this way caused a lot of controversy, especially when iterators and generators were first introduced to Python, but eventually the idea prevailed.

In my opinion errors have a reason to appear, that my sound stupid, but thats the way it is. Good programming only raises errors when you have to handle them. Also, as i read some time ago, "the pass-Statement is a Statement that Shows code will be inserted later", so if you want to have an empty except-statement feel free to do so, but for a good program there will be a part missing. because you dont handle the things you should have. Appearing exceptions give you the chance to correct input data or to change your data structure so these exceptions dont occur again (but in most cases (Network-exceptions, General input-exceptions) exceptions indicate that the next parts of the program wont execute well. For example a NetworkException can indicate a broken network-connection and the program cant send/recieve data in the next program steps.


    #code here
except Error1:
    #exception handle1

except Error2:
    #exception handle2
#and so on


    #code here
except BaseException as e:
    if isinstance(e, Error1):
        #exception handle1

    elif isinstance(e, Error2):
        #exception handle2






不要捕捉任何错误。始终指定准备从哪些异常中恢复,并只捕获这些异常。 尽量避免传入除块。除非有明确的愿望,否则这通常不是一个好迹象。




For example, when you ask for the user to input a number, you can convert the input using int() which might raise a ValueError. You can easily recover that by simply asking the user to try it again, so catching the ValueError and prompting the user again would be an appropriate plan. A different example would be if you want to read some configuration from a file, and that file happens to not exist. Because it is a configuration file, you might have some default configuration as a fallback, so the file is not exactly necessary. So catching a FileNotFoundError and simply applying the default configuration would be a good plan here. Now in both these cases, we have a very specific exception we expect and have an equally specific plan to recover from it. As such, in each case, we explicitly only except that certain exception.


Let’s take the configuration file example from above. In case of a missing file, we just applied our default configuration and might decide at a later point to automatically save the configuration (so next time, the file exists). Now imagine we get a IsADirectoryError, or a PermissionError instead. In such cases, we probably do not want to continue; we could still apply our default configuration, but we later won’t be able to save the file. And it’s likely that the user meant to have a custom configuration too, so using the default values is likely not desired. So we would want to tell the user about it immediately, and probably abort the program execution too. But that’s not something we want to do somewhere deep within some small code part; this is something of application-level importance, so it should be handled at the top—so let the exception bubble up.

Python 2习语文档中还提到了另一个简单的例子。这里,代码中存在一个简单的拼写错误,导致代码中断。因为我们正在捕获每个异常,所以我们还捕获NameErrors和SyntaxErrors。这两种错误都是我们在编程过程中会遇到的,而且这两种错误都是我们在发布代码时绝对不希望出现的。但是因为我们也捕获了这些,我们甚至不知道它们发生在那里,并且失去了正确调试它的任何帮助。


In any case, it’s very unlikely that you are prepared for everything in a small-scale part of the code, so that’s really where you should only catch those exceptions you are prepared for. Some people suggest to at least catch Exception as it won’t include things like SystemExit and KeyboardInterrupt which by design are to terminate your application, but I would argue that this is still far too unspecific. There is only one place where I personally accept catching Exception or just any exception, and that is in a single global application-level exception handler which has the single purpose to log any exception we were not prepared for. That way, we can still retain as much information about unexpected exceptions, which we then can use to extend our code to handle those explicitly (if we can recover from them) or—in case of a bug—to create test cases to make sure it won’t happen again. But of course, that only works if we only ever caught those exceptions we were already expecting, so the ones we didn’t expect will naturally bubble up.


当显式地捕获一小部分特定异常时,在许多情况下,我们什么都不做就可以了。在这种情况下,使用except SomeSpecificException: pass就可以了。但大多数情况下,情况并非如此,因为我们可能需要一些与恢复过程相关的代码(如上所述)。例如,这可以是再次重试操作,或者设置一个默认值。


def askForNumber ():
    while True:
            return int(input('Please enter a number: '))
        except ValueError:




The worst offender though is the combination of both. This means that we are willingly catching any error although we are absolutely not prepared for it and we also don’t do anything about it. You at least want to log the error and also likely reraise it to still terminate the application (it’s unlikely you can continue like normal after a MemoryError). Just passing though will not only keep the application somewhat alive (depending on where you catch of course), but also throw away all the information, making it impossible to discover the error—which is especially true if you are not the one discovering it.



with suppress(FileNotFoundError):



fruits = [ 'apple', 'pear', 'carrot', 'banana' ]

found = False
     for i in range(len(fruit)):
         if fruits[i] == 'apple':
             found = true

if found:
    print "Found an apple"
    print "No apples in list"
