Many times the development of a system is likened to the building of a house. While this analogy isn't quite correct, we can extend it for the purposes of understanding the difference between unit and functional tests. Unit testing is analogous to a building inspector visiting a house's construction site. He is focused on the various internal systems of the house, the foundation, framing, electrical, plumbing, and so on. He ensures (tests) that the parts of the house will work correctly and safely, that is, meet the building code. Functional tests in this scenario are analogous to the homeowner visiting this same construction site. He assumes that the internal systems will behave appropriately, that the building inspector is performing his task. The homeowner is focused on what it will be like to live in this house. He is concerned with how the house looks, are the various rooms a comfortable size, does the house fit the family's needs, are the windows in a good spot to catch the morning sun. The homeowner is performing functional tests on the house. He has the user's perspective. The building inspector is performing unit tests on the house. He has the builder's perspective.
“功能测试”并不意味着测试代码中的函数(方法)。一般来说,这意味着您正在测试系统功能——当我在命令行上运行foo file.txt时,file.txt中的行可能会颠倒过来。相反,单个单元测试通常包含单个方法的单个情况——length(“hello”)应该返回5,length(“hi”)应该返回2。
单元测试测试一个独立的行为单元。行为的单位是什么?它是系统中可以独立进行单元测试的最小部分。(这个定义实际上是循环的,它根本不是一个定义,但在实践中似乎很管用,因为你可以直观地理解它。) 功能测试测试一个独立的功能部分。
行为单元非常小:虽然我绝对不喜欢这种愚蠢的“每个方法测试一个单元”的咒语,但从大小的角度来看,它是正确的。行为单元介于方法的一部分和几个方法之间。最多是一个对象,但不能超过一个。 一个功能块通常包含许多方法,并跨越多个对象,通常跨越多个体系结构层。
单元测试应该是这样的:当我调用validate_country_code()函数并将国家代码'ZZ'传递给它时,它应该返回false。 一个功能测试是:当我用国家代码ZZ填写发货表单时,我应该被重定向到一个帮助页面,该页面允许我从菜单中选择国家代码。
Unit tests are written by developers, for developers, from the developer's perspective. Functional tests may be user facing, in which case they are written by developers together with users (or maybe with the right tools and right users even by the users themselves), for users, from the user's perspective. Or they may be developer facing (e.g. when they describe some internal piece of functionality that the user doesn't care about), in which case they are written by developers, for developers, but still from the user's perspective.
在前一种情况下,功能测试还可以作为验收测试,并作为功能需求或功能规范的可执行编码,在后一种情况下,它们还可以作为集成测试。 单元测试经常更改,而功能测试在主要版本中不应该更改。
在Rails中,单元文件夹用于保存模型的测试,功能文件夹用于保存控制器的测试,集成文件夹用于保存涉及任意数量的控制器交互的测试。fixture是一种组织测试数据的方法;它们驻留在fixture文件夹中。test_helper。Rb文件保存测试的默认配置。 你可以参观一下。
单元测试: 单元测试特别用于逐个组件地测试产品,特别是在产品开发过程中。 Junit和Nunit类型的工具还将帮助您按照单元测试产品。 **与其在整合之后解决问题,不如在开发早期就解决问题。
功能测试: 就测试而言,主要有两种类型的测试 1.功能测试 2.非功能性测试。
Non-Functional Test is a test where a Tester will test that The product will perform all those quality attributes that customer doesn't mention but those quality attributes should be there. Like:-Performance,Usability,Security,Load,Stress etc. but in the Functional Test:- The customer is already present with his requirements and those are properly documented,The testers task is to Cross check that whether the Application Functionality is performing according to the Proposed System or not. For that purpose Tester should test for the Implemented functionality with the proposed System.
一个系统(或组件)的功能是“它做什么”。这是 通常在需求规范中描述的是功能性的 规范,或者用例。
组件测试,也称为单元、模块和程序测试, 查找软件的缺陷,并验证软件的功能 (例如模块、程序、对象、类等),它们是分开的 可测试的。
引用自软件测试基础- ISTQB认证
It is a type of Black Box testing where testing will be done on the functional aspects of a product without looking into the code. Functional testing is mostly done by a dedicated Software tester. It will include positive, negative and BVA techniques using un standardized data for testing the specified functionality of product. Test coverage is conducted in an improved manner by functional tests than by unit tests. It uses application GUI for testing, so it’s easier to determine what exactly a specific part of the interface is responsible for rather to determine what a code is function responsible for.
1- existing email, wrong password -> login page should show error "wrong password"!
2- non-existing email, any password -> login page should show error "no such email".
3- existing email, right password -> user should be taken to his inbox page.
4- no @symbol in email, right password -> login page should say "errors in form, please fix them!"
class LoginInputsValidator
method validate_inputs_values(email, password)
1-If email is not like string.string@myapp.com, then throw error.
2-If email contains abusive words, then throw error.
3-If password is less than 10 chars, throw error.
Unit testing - In Procedural programming unit is a procedure, in Object oriented programming unit is a class. Unit is isolated and reflects a developer perspective Functional testing - more than Unit. User perspective, which describes a feature, use case, story... Integration testing - check if all separately developed components work together. It can be other application, service, library, database, network etc. Narrow integration test - double[About] is used. The main purpose is to check if component is configured in a right way Broad integration test (End to End test, System test) - live version. The main purpose is to check if all components are configured in a right way UI testing - checks if user input triggers a correct action and the UI is changed when some actions are happened ... Non functional testing - other cases Performance testing - calculate a speed and other metrics Usability testing - UX ...
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