
编辑: 例如,我有以下内容

Name   id  Col1  Col2
Row1   1    6     1
Row2   2    2     3
Row3   3    9     5
Row4   4    16    8


UPDATE table SET Col1 = 1 WHERE id = 1;
UPDATE table SET Col1 = 2 WHERE id = 2;
UPDATE table SET Col2 = 3 WHERE id = 3;
UPDATE table SET Col1 = 10 WHERE id = 4;
UPDATE table SET Col2 = 12 WHERE id = 4;



我的观点是,实现它的最简单的方法是用一个事务包装多个查询。这句话的意思是:ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE是一个很好的黑客,但人们应该意识到它的缺点和限制:

As being said, if you happen to launch the query with rows whose primary keys don't exist in the table, the query inserts new "half-baked" records. Probably it's not what you want If you have a table with a not null field without default value and don't want to touch this field in the query, you'll get "Field 'fieldname' doesn't have a default value" MySQL warning even if you don't insert a single row at all. It will get you into trouble, if you decide to be strict and turn mysql warnings into runtime exceptions in your app.

I made some performance tests for three of suggested variants, including the INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE variant, a variant with "case / when / then" clause and a naive approach with transaction. You may get the python code and results here. The overall conclusion is that the variant with case statement turns out to be twice as fast as two other variants, but it's quite hard to write correct and injection-safe code for it, so I personally stick to the simplest approach: using transactions.




Update Table Set
Column1 = 'New Value'


Update Table Set
Column1 = 'New Value'
Column2 > 5


UPDATE table1, table2 SET
table1.col1 = 'value',
table2.col1 = 'value'
table1.col3 = '567'
AND table2.col6='567'
UPDATE `your_table` SET 

`something` = IF(`id`="1","new_value1",`something`), `smth2` = IF(`id`="1", "nv1",`smth2`),
`something` = IF(`id`="2","new_value2",`something`), `smth2` = IF(`id`="2", "nv2",`smth2`),
`something` = IF(`id`="4","new_value3",`something`), `smth2` = IF(`id`="4", "nv3",`smth2`),
`something` = IF(`id`="6","new_value4",`something`), `smth2` = IF(`id`="6", "nv4",`smth2`),
`something` = IF(`id`="3","new_value5",`something`), `smth2` = IF(`id`="3", "nv5",`smth2`),
`something` = IF(`id`="5","new_value6",`something`), `smth2` = IF(`id`="5", "nv6",`smth2`) 


$q = 'UPDATE `your_table` SET ';

foreach($data as $dat){

  $q .= '

       `something` = IF(`id`="'.$dat->id.'","'.$dat->value.'",`something`), 
       `smth2` = IF(`id`="'.$dat->id.'", "'.$dat->value2.'",`smth2`),';


$q = substr($q,0,-1);



update my_table m, -- let create a temp table with populated values
    (select 1 as id, 20 as value union -- this part will be generated
     select 2 as id, 30 as value union -- using a backend code
     -- for loop 
     select N as id, X as value
        ) t
set m.value = t.value where t.id=m.id -- now update by join - quick


UPDATE my_table m
    SELECT 1 as id, 10 as _col1, 20 as _col2
    SELECT 2, 5, 10
    SELECT 3, 15, 30
) vals ON m.id = vals.id
SET col1 = _col1, col2 = _col2;


我的观点是,实现它的最简单的方法是用一个事务包装多个查询。这句话的意思是:ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE是一个很好的黑客,但人们应该意识到它的缺点和限制:

As being said, if you happen to launch the query with rows whose primary keys don't exist in the table, the query inserts new "half-baked" records. Probably it's not what you want If you have a table with a not null field without default value and don't want to touch this field in the query, you'll get "Field 'fieldname' doesn't have a default value" MySQL warning even if you don't insert a single row at all. It will get you into trouble, if you decide to be strict and turn mysql warnings into runtime exceptions in your app.

I made some performance tests for three of suggested variants, including the INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE variant, a variant with "case / when / then" clause and a naive approach with transaction. You may get the python code and results here. The overall conclusion is that the variant with case statement turns out to be twice as fast as two other variants, but it's quite hard to write correct and injection-safe code for it, so I personally stick to the simplest approach: using transactions.
