Xcode 3.2在Build菜单下提供了一个很棒的新功能,“Build and Archive”,它可以生成一个适合Ad Hoc分发的。ipa文件。你也可以打开管理器,选择“存档应用程序”和“向iTunesConnect提交应用程序”。


Michael Grinich要求澄清;以下是你不能用命令行构建的功能,这些功能你只能在“构建和存档”之后用Xcode的管理器实现。

You can click "Share Application..." to share your IPA with beta testers. As Guillaume points out below, due to some Xcode magic, this IPA file does not require a separately distributed .mobileprovision file that beta testers need to install; that's magical. No command-line script can do it. For example, Arrix's script (submitted May 1) does not meet that requirement. More importantly, after you've beta tested a build, you can click "Submit Application to iTunes Connect" to submit that EXACT same build to Apple, the very binary you tested, without rebuilding it. That's impossible from the command line, because signing the app is part of the build process; you can sign bits for Ad Hoc beta testing OR you can sign them for submission to the App Store, but not both. No IPA built on the command-line can be beta tested on phones and then submitted directly to Apple.

我希望有人能来证明我是错的:这两个功能在Xcode GUI中都很好用,不能从命令行复制。



Go to the folder which contains the MyApp.xcodeproject file in terminal By using the command given below you will get all the Targets of the application /usr/bin/xcodebuild -list After the above command is executed, you will get a list of targets of which you should select a specific target you need to generate .ipa /usr/bin/xcodebuild -target $TARGET -sdk iphoneos -configuration Release The above command builds the project and creates a .app file.The path to locate the .app file is ./build/Release-iphoneos/MyApp.app After Build gets succeeded then execute the following command to generate .ipa of the application using Developer Name and Provisioning Profile using the syntax below: /usr/bin/xcrun -sdk iphoneos PackageApplication -v “${TARGET}.app” -o “${OUTDIR}/${TARGET}.ipa” –sign “${IDENTITY}” –embed “${PROVISONING_PROFILE}”


${TARGET}.app                == Target path (ex :/Users/XXXXXX/desktop/Application/build/Release-iphoneos/MyApp.app)
${OUTDIR}                    == Select the output directory(Where you want to save .ipa file)
${IDENTITY}                   == iPhone Developer: XXXXXXX (XXXXXXXXXX)(which can be obtained from Keychain access)
${PROVISONING_PROFILE}   == Path to the provisioning profile(/Users/XXXXXX/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles/XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX.mobileprovision”)





/usr/bin/xcrun -sdk iphoneos PackageApplication \
--sign "${DEVELOPER_NAME}" \




which ipa 1>/dev/null 2>&1 || echo 'no shenzhen. to install use: sudo gem install shenzhen --no-ri --no-rdoc'
ipa build --verbose --scheme "${schemeName}"

在Xcode 4.2中,你可以使用-scheme标志来做到这一点:

xcodebuild -scheme <SchemeName> archive


为了改进Vincent的回答,我写了一个脚本:xcodearchive 它允许您通过命令行存档(生成ipa)您的项目。 可以把它看作xcodebuild命令的姐妹,但用于归档。

代码可在github: http://github.com/gcerquant/xcodearchive


更进一步,用Xcode 7通过命令行上传到iTunesConnect ! (假设您从一个.ipa开始,该ipa已经使用正确的发布概要文件和签名标识进行了签名。)

输入altool,应用程序加载器的CLI界面(文档,第38页)。 隐藏在Xcode的深处。应用程序的结构,是一个方便的功能,让我们直接上传到ItunesConnect。

/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Applications/Application Loader.app/Contents/Frameworks/ITunesSoftwareService.framework/Versions/A/Support/altool

只需运行$ altool——upload-app -f file -u username [-p password]即可将你新创建的。ipa文件直接上传到苹果。 密码是可选的,如果您不使用该命令,将提示您输入密码。



export PATH=$PATH:/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Applications/Application\ Loader.app/Contents/Frameworks/ITunesSoftwareService.framework/Versions/A/Support/


最后注意:如果你在启动iTunesTransporter时出现异常:Transporter not found at path: /usr/local/itms/bin/iTMSTransporter。你应该重新安装应用程序,你可以按照这个SO答案上的建议,运行一个符号链接到正确的位置:

ln -s /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Applications/Application\ Loader.app/Contents/itms /usr/local/itms