c.Click += new EventHandler(mainFormButton_Click);
c.Click += mainFormButton_Click;
c.Click -= mainFormButton_Click;
c.Click += new EventHandler(mainFormButton_Click);
c.Click += mainFormButton_Click;
c.Click -= mainFormButton_Click;
public class MyMain()
public void MyMethod() {
AnotherClass.TheEventHandler += DoSomeThing;
private void DoSomething(object sender, EventArgs e) {
Debug.WriteLine("I did something");
public static class AnotherClass {
public static event EventHandler TheEventHandler;
public static void ClearAllDelegatesOfTheEventHandler() {
foreach (Delegate d in TheEventHandler.GetInvocationList())
TheEventHandler -= (EventHandler)d;
简单!感谢Stephen Punak。
Directly no, in large part because you cannot simply set the event to null. Indirectly, you could make the actual event private and create a property around it that tracks all of the delegates being added/subtracted to it. Take the following: List<EventHandler> delegates = new List<EventHandler>(); private event EventHandler MyRealEvent; public event EventHandler MyEvent { add { MyRealEvent += value; delegates.Add(value); } remove { MyRealEvent -= value; delegates.Remove(value); } } public void RemoveAllEvents() { foreach(EventHandler eh in delegates) { MyRealEvent -= eh; } delegates.Clear(); }
namespace CMessWin05
public class EventSuppressor
Control _source;
EventHandlerList _sourceEventHandlerList;
FieldInfo _headFI;
Dictionary<object, Delegate[]> _handlers;
PropertyInfo _sourceEventsInfo;
Type _eventHandlerListType;
Type _sourceType;
public EventSuppressor(Control control)
if (control == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("control", "An instance of a control must be provided.");
_source = control;
_sourceType = _source.GetType();
_sourceEventsInfo = _sourceType.GetProperty("Events", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
_sourceEventHandlerList = (EventHandlerList)_sourceEventsInfo.GetValue(_source, null);
_eventHandlerListType = _sourceEventHandlerList.GetType();
_headFI = _eventHandlerListType.GetField("head", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
private void BuildList()
_handlers = new Dictionary<object, Delegate[]>();
object head = _headFI.GetValue(_sourceEventHandlerList);
if (head != null)
Type listEntryType = head.GetType();
FieldInfo delegateFI = listEntryType.GetField("handler", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
FieldInfo keyFI = listEntryType.GetField("key", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
FieldInfo nextFI = listEntryType.GetField("next", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
BuildListWalk(head, delegateFI, keyFI, nextFI);
private void BuildListWalk(object entry, FieldInfo delegateFI, FieldInfo keyFI, FieldInfo nextFI)
if (entry != null)
Delegate dele = (Delegate)delegateFI.GetValue(entry);
object key = keyFI.GetValue(entry);
object next = nextFI.GetValue(entry);
Delegate[] listeners = dele.GetInvocationList();
if(listeners != null && listeners.Length > 0)
_handlers.Add(key, listeners);
if (next != null)
BuildListWalk(next, delegateFI, keyFI, nextFI);
public void Resume()
if (_handlers == null)
throw new ApplicationException("Events have not been suppressed.");
foreach (KeyValuePair<object, Delegate[]> pair in _handlers)
for (int x = 0; x < pair.Value.Length; x++)
_sourceEventHandlerList.AddHandler(pair.Key, pair.Value[x]);
_handlers = null;
public void Suppress()
if (_handlers != null)
throw new ApplicationException("Events are already being suppressed.");
foreach (KeyValuePair<object, Delegate[]> pair in _handlers)
for (int x = pair.Value.Length - 1; x >= 0; x--)
_sourceEventHandlerList.RemoveHandler(pair.Key, pair.Value[x]);
/// <summary>
/// Method to remove a (single) SocketAsyncEventArgs.Completed event handler. This is
/// partially based on information found here: http://stackoverflow.com/a/91853/253938
/// But note that this may not be a good idea, being very .Net implementation-dependent. Note
/// in particular use of "m_Completed" instead of "Completed".
/// </summary>
private static void RemoveCompletedEventHandler(SocketAsyncEventArgs eventArgs)
FieldInfo fieldInfo = typeof(SocketAsyncEventArgs).GetField("m_Completed",
BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
eventArgs.Completed -= (EventHandler<SocketAsyncEventArgs>)fieldInfo.GetValue(eventArgs);
// This class allows you to selectively suppress event handlers for controls. You instantiate
// the suppressor object with the control, and after that you can use it to suppress all events
// or a single event. If you try to suppress an event which has already been suppressed
// it will be ignored. Same with resuming; you can resume all events which were suppressed,
// or a single one. If you try to resume an un-suppressed event handler, it will be ignored.
//cEventSuppressor _supButton1 = null;
//private cEventSuppressor SupButton1 {
// get {
// if (_supButton1 == null) {
// _supButton1 = new cEventSuppressor(this.button1);
// }
// return _supButton1;
// }
//private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
// MessageBox.Show("Clicked!");
//private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
// SupButton1.Suppress("button1_Click");
//private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
// SupButton1.Resume("button1_Click");
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.ComponentModel;
namespace Crystal.Utilities {
public class cEventSuppressor {
Control _source;
EventHandlerList _sourceEventHandlerList;
FieldInfo _headFI;
Dictionary<object, Delegate[]> suppressedHandlers = new Dictionary<object, Delegate[]>();
PropertyInfo _sourceEventsInfo;
Type _eventHandlerListType;
Type _sourceType;
public cEventSuppressor(Control control) {
if (control == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("control", "An instance of a control must be provided.");
_source = control;
_sourceType = _source.GetType();
_sourceEventsInfo = _sourceType.GetProperty("Events", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
_sourceEventHandlerList = (EventHandlerList)_sourceEventsInfo.GetValue(_source, null);
_eventHandlerListType = _sourceEventHandlerList.GetType();
_headFI = _eventHandlerListType.GetField("head", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
private Dictionary<object, Delegate[]> BuildList() {
Dictionary<object, Delegate[]> retval = new Dictionary<object, Delegate[]>();
object head = _headFI.GetValue(_sourceEventHandlerList);
if (head != null) {
Type listEntryType = head.GetType();
FieldInfo delegateFI = listEntryType.GetField("handler", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
FieldInfo keyFI = listEntryType.GetField("key", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
FieldInfo nextFI = listEntryType.GetField("next", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
retval = BuildListWalk(retval, head, delegateFI, keyFI, nextFI);
return retval;
private Dictionary<object, Delegate[]> BuildListWalk(Dictionary<object, Delegate[]> dict,
object entry, FieldInfo delegateFI, FieldInfo keyFI, FieldInfo nextFI) {
if (entry != null) {
Delegate dele = (Delegate)delegateFI.GetValue(entry);
object key = keyFI.GetValue(entry);
object next = nextFI.GetValue(entry);
if (dele != null) {
Delegate[] listeners = dele.GetInvocationList();
if (listeners != null && listeners.Length > 0) {
dict.Add(key, listeners);
if (next != null) {
dict = BuildListWalk(dict, next, delegateFI, keyFI, nextFI);
return dict;
public void Resume() {
public void Resume(string pMethodName) {
//if (_handlers == null)
// throw new ApplicationException("Events have not been suppressed.");
Dictionary<object, Delegate[]> toRemove = new Dictionary<object, Delegate[]>();
// goes through all handlers which have been suppressed. If we are resuming,
// all handlers, or if we find the matching handler, add it back to the
// control's event handlers
foreach (KeyValuePair<object, Delegate[]> pair in suppressedHandlers) {
for (int x = 0; x < pair.Value.Length; x++) {
string methodName = pair.Value[x].Method.Name;
if (pMethodName == null || methodName.Equals(pMethodName)) {
_sourceEventHandlerList.AddHandler(pair.Key, pair.Value[x]);
toRemove.Add(pair.Key, pair.Value);
// remove all un-suppressed handlers from the list of suppressed handlers
foreach (KeyValuePair<object, Delegate[]> pair in toRemove) {
for (int x = 0; x < pair.Value.Length; x++) {
//_handlers = null;
public void Suppress() {
public void Suppress(string pMethodName) {
//if (_handlers != null)
// throw new ApplicationException("Events are already being suppressed.");
Dictionary<object, Delegate[]> dict = BuildList();
foreach (KeyValuePair<object, Delegate[]> pair in dict) {
for (int x = pair.Value.Length - 1; x >= 0; x--) {
//MethodInfo mi = pair.Value[x].Method;
//string s1 = mi.Name; // name of the method
//object o = pair.Value[x].Target;
// can use this to invoke method pair.Value[x].DynamicInvoke
string methodName = pair.Value[x].Method.Name;
if (pMethodName == null || methodName.Equals(pMethodName)) {
_sourceEventHandlerList.RemoveHandler(pair.Key, pair.Value[x]);
suppressedHandlers.Add(pair.Key, pair.Value);
EventDescriptor ed = TypeDescriptor.GetEvents(this.button1).Find("MouseDown",true);
Delegate delegate = Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(EventHandler), this, "button1_MouseDownClicked");
ed.RemoveEventHandler(this.button1, delegate);