


注:在Framework 4.8中测试

public class StringConcatSimple
    private string
        title = "Mr.", firstName = "David", middleName = "Patrick", lastName = "Callan";

    public string FastConcat()
        return FastConcat(
            title, " ", 
            firstName, " ",
            middleName, " ", 

    public string StringBuilder()
        var stringBuilder =
            new StringBuilder();

        return stringBuilder
            .Append(title).Append(' ')
            .Append(firstName).Append(' ')
            .Append(middleName).Append(' ')

    public string StringBuilderExact24()
        var stringBuilder =
            new StringBuilder(24);

        return stringBuilder
            .Append(title).Append(' ')
            .Append(firstName).Append(' ')
            .Append(middleName).Append(' ')

    public string StringBuilderEstimate100()
        var stringBuilder =
            new StringBuilder(100);

        return stringBuilder
            .Append(title).Append(' ')
            .Append(firstName).Append(' ')
            .Append(middleName).Append(' ')

    public string StringPlus()
        return title + ' ' + firstName + ' ' +
            middleName + ' ' + lastName;

    public string StringFormat()
        return string.Format("{0} {1} {2} {3}",
            title, firstName, middleName, lastName);

    public string StringInterpolation()
        $"{title} {firstName} {middleName} {lastName}";

    public string StringJoin()
        return string.Join(" ", title, firstName,
            middleName, lastName);

    public string StringConcat()
        return string.
            Concat(new String[]
            { title, " ", firstName, " ",
                middleName, " ", lastName });


public static unsafe string FastConcat(string str1, string str2, string str3, string str4, string str5, string str6, string str7)
        var capacity = 0;

        var str1Length = 0;
        var str2Length = 0;
        var str3Length = 0;
        var str4Length = 0;
        var str5Length = 0;
        var str6Length = 0;
        var str7Length = 0;

        if (str1 != null)
            str1Length = str1.Length;
            capacity = str1Length;

        if (str2 != null)
            str2Length = str2.Length;
            capacity += str2Length;

        if (str3 != null)
            str3Length = str3.Length;
            capacity += str3Length;

        if (str4 != null)
            str4Length = str4.Length;
            capacity += str4Length;

        if (str5 != null)
            str5Length = str5.Length;
            capacity += str5Length;

        if (str6 != null)
            str6Length = str6.Length;
            capacity += str6Length;

        if (str7 != null)
            str7Length = str7.Length;
            capacity += str7Length;

        string result = new string(' ', capacity);

        fixed (char* dest = result)
            var x = dest;

            if (str1Length > 0)
                fixed (char* src = str1)
                    Unsafe.CopyBlock(x, src, (uint)str1Length * 2); 
                    x += str1Length;

            if (str2Length > 0)
                fixed (char* src = str2)
                    Unsafe.CopyBlock(x, src, (uint)str2Length * 2);
                    x += str2Length;

            if (str3Length > 0)
                fixed (char* src = str3)
                    Unsafe.CopyBlock(x, src, (uint)str3Length * 2);
                    x += str3Length;

            if (str4Length > 0)
                fixed (char* src = str4)
                    Unsafe.CopyBlock(x, src, (uint)str4Length * 2);
                    x += str4Length;

            if (str5Length > 0)
                fixed (char* src = str5)
                    Unsafe.CopyBlock(x, src, (uint)str5Length * 2);
                    x += str5Length;

            if (str6Length > 0)
                fixed (char* src = str6)
                    Unsafe.CopyBlock(x, src, (uint)str6Length * 2);
                    x += str6Length;

            if (str7Length > 0)
                fixed (char* src = str7)
                    Unsafe.CopyBlock(x, src, (uint)str7Length * 2);

        return result;


FastConcat(string str1, string str2, string str3 = null, string str4 = null, string str5 = null, string str6 = null, string str7 = null)



StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
String strResult = sb.ToString();



然而,Rico Mariani(。NET优化大师)做了一个测试,他在测试的最后说,在大多数情况下,他建议使用String.Format。

这是我为我的大规模NLP应用程序进化了十多年来最快的方法。我有IEnumerable<T>和其他输入类型的变化,有和没有不同类型的分隔符(Char, String),但在这里我展示了将数组中的所有字符串连接到单个字符串的简单情况,没有分隔符。这里的最新版本是在c# 7和。net 4.7上开发和单元测试的。





/// <summary>
/// Concatenate the strings in 'rg', none of which may be null, into a single String.
/// </summary>
public static unsafe String StringJoin(this String[] rg)
    int i;
    if (rg == null || (i = rg.Length) == 0)
        return String.Empty;

    if (i == 1)
        return rg[0];

    String s, t;
    int cch = 0;
        cch += rg[--i].Length;
    while (i > 0);
    if (cch == 0)
        return String.Empty;

    i = rg.Length;
    fixed (Char* _p = (s = new String(default(Char), cch)))
        Char* pDst = _p + cch;
            if ((t = rg[--i]).Length > 0)
                fixed (Char* pSrc = t)
                    memcpy(pDst -= t.Length, pSrc, (UIntPtr)(t.Length << 1));
        while (pDst > _p);
    return s;

[DllImport("MSVCR120_CLR0400", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
static extern unsafe void* memcpy(void* dest, void* src, UIntPtr cb);

我应该提到,这段代码与我自己使用的代码相比略有修改。在原文中,我从c#调用cpblk IL指令来执行实际的复制。为了代码的简单性和可移植性,我将其替换为P/Invoke memcpy,如您所见。为了在x64(但可能不是x86)上获得最高性能,您可能想要使用cpblk方法。


有一些开销与 创建一个StringBuilder对象,两者都有 在时间和记忆中。在一台机器上 快速内存,StringBuilder变成 如果你要做5次,那就值得了 操作。根据经验,我 10个或更多的字符串操作 开销是否合理 任何机器,即使是较慢的机器。

因此,如果你信任MSDN,如果你必须做超过10个字符串操作/连接,那么就使用StringBuilder -否则简单的字符串连接'+'就可以了。

. net性能专家Rico Mariani有一篇关于这个主题的文章。这并不像人们想象的那么简单。基本的建议是:

如果你的图案是这样的: X = f1(…)+ f2(…)+ f3(…)+ f4(…) 这是一个concat,它是活泼的,StringBuilder可能不会有帮助。 如果你的图案是这样的: 如果(…)x += f1(…) 如果(…)x += f2(…) 如果(…)x += f3(…) 如果(…)x += f4(…) 那么你可能需要StringBuilder。

另一篇支持这一说法的文章来自Eric Lippert,他详细描述了在一行+连接上执行的优化。