
你不能在foreach (var element in X)中使用.Remove(element)(因为它会导致Collection被修改;枚举操作可能无法执行。例外)……你也不能使用for (int I = 0;i < elements.Count();i++)和. removeat (i),因为它破坏了你在集合中相对于i的当前位置。




A faster approach is to scan through the list to find the first item to be removed (if any), and then from that point forward copy each item which should be retained to the spot where it belongs. Once this is done, if R items should be retained, the first R items in the list will be those R items, and all of the items requiring deletion will be at the end. If those items are deleted in reverse order, the system won't end up having to copy any of them, so if the list had N items of which R items, including all of the first F, were retained, it will be necessary to copy R-F items, and shrink the list by one item N-R times. All linear time.




var list = new List<int>(Enumerable.Range(1, 10));
list.RemoveAll(item => 
    // Do some complex operations here
    // Or even some operations on the items
    // In the end return true if the item is to be removed. False otherwise
    return item > 5;


for (int i = 0, j = 0, n = 3; i < list.Count; i++)
    if ((j + 1) % n == 0) //Check current iteration is at the nth interval
        j++; //This extra addition is necessary. Without it j will wrap
             //down to zero, which will throw off our index.
    j++; //This will always advance the j counter


A faster approach is to scan through the list to find the first item to be removed (if any), and then from that point forward copy each item which should be retained to the spot where it belongs. Once this is done, if R items should be retained, the first R items in the list will be those R items, and all of the items requiring deletion will be at the end. If those items are deleted in reverse order, the system won't end up having to copy any of them, so if the list had N items of which R items, including all of the first F, were retained, it will be necessary to copy R-F items, and shrink the list by one item N-R times. All linear time.


var newSequence = (from el in list
                   where el.Something || el.AnotherThing < 0
                   select el);

我想把这篇评论作为对Michael Dillon下面评论的回应,但它太长了,可能在我的回答中有用:





list = list.Where(item => ...).ToList();
