编辑:从Java 8开始,静态方法现在被允许出现在接口中。
public interface IXMLizable<T>
static T newInstanceFromXML(Element e);
Element toXMLElement();
如果有人想创建实现IXMLizable接口的类的新实例,他们总是知道会有一个newInstanceFromXML(Element e)静态构造函数。
cmd = createCmd(Person.getCreateCmdId());
Person p = cmd.execute();
cmd = createCmd(Person.getGetCmdId());
cmd.set(ID, id);
Person p = cmd.execute();
EJBs solve this problem by having a Home interface; each object knows how to find its Home and the Home contains the "static" methods. This way the "static" methods can be overridden as needed, and you don't clutter up the normal (it's called "Remote") interface with methods that don't apply to an instance of your bean. Just make the normal interface specify a "getHome()" method. Return an instance of the Home object (which could be a singleton, I suppose) and the caller can perform operations that affect all Person objects.
虽然我意识到Java 8解决了这个问题,但我认为我应该加入我目前正在研究的一个场景(锁定在使用Java 7),在这个场景中,能够在接口中指定静态方法将会很有帮助。
I have several enum definitions where I've defined "id" and "displayName" fields along with helper methods evaluating the values for various reasons. Implementing an interface allows me to ensure that the getter methods are in place but not the static helper methods. Being an enum, there really isn't a clean way to offload the helper methods into an inherited abstract class or something of the like so the methods have to be defined in the enum itself. Also because it is an enum, you wouldn't ever be able to actually pass it as an instanced object and treat it as the interface type, but being able to require the existence of the static helper methods through an interface is what I like about it being supported in Java 8.
public interface IGenericEnum <T extends Enum<T>> {
String getId();
String getDisplayName();
//If I was using Java 8 static helper methods would go here
public enum ExecutionModeType implements IGenericEnum<ExecutionModeType> {
STANDARD ("Standard", "Standard Mode"),
DEBUG ("Debug", "Debug Mode");
String id;
String displayName;
//Getter methods
public String getId() {
return id;
public String getDisplayName() {
return displayName;
private ExecutionModeType(String id, String displayName) {
this.id = id;
this.displayName = displayName;
//Helper methods - not enforced by Interface
public static boolean isValidId(String id) {
return GenericEnumUtility.isValidId(ExecutionModeType.class, id);
public static String printIdOptions(String delimiter){
return GenericEnumUtility.printIdOptions(ExecutionModeType.class, delimiter);
public static String[] getIdArray(){
return GenericEnumUtility.getIdArray(ExecutionModeType.class);
public static ExecutionModeType getById(String id) throws NoSuchObjectException {
return GenericEnumUtility.getById(ExecutionModeType.class, id);
public class GenericEnumUtility {
public static <T extends Enum<T> & IGenericEnum<T>> boolean isValidId(Class<T> enumType, String id) {
for(IGenericEnum<T> enumOption : enumType.getEnumConstants()) {
if(enumOption.getId().equals(id)) {
return true;
return false;
public static <T extends Enum<T> & IGenericEnum<T>> String printIdOptions(Class<T> enumType, String delimiter){
String ret = "";
delimiter = delimiter == null ? " " : delimiter;
int i = 0;
for(IGenericEnum<T> enumOption : enumType.getEnumConstants()) {
if(i == 0) {
ret = enumOption.getId();
} else {
ret += delimiter + enumOption.getId();
return ret;
public static <T extends Enum<T> & IGenericEnum<T>> String[] getIdArray(Class<T> enumType){
List<String> idValues = new ArrayList<String>();
for(IGenericEnum<T> enumOption : enumType.getEnumConstants()) {
return idValues.toArray(new String[idValues.size()]);
public static <T extends Enum<T> & IGenericEnum<T>> T getById(Class<T> enumType, String id) throws NoSuchObjectException {
id = id == null ? "" : id;
for(IGenericEnum<T> enumOption : enumType.getEnumConstants()) {
if(id.equals(enumOption.getId())) {
return (T)enumOption;
throw new NoSuchObjectException(String.format("ERROR: \"%s\" is not a valid ID. Valid IDs are: %s.", id, printIdOptions(enumType, " , ")));