编辑:从Java 8开始,静态方法现在被允许出现在接口中。


public interface IXMLizable<T>
  static T newInstanceFromXML(Element e);
  Element toXMLElement();









我希望IXMLizable接口允许我将实现它的类转换为XML元素(使用多态性,工作正常)。 如果有人想创建实现IXMLizable接口的类的新实例,他们总是知道会有一个newInstanceFromXML(Element e)静态构造函数。






一个接口永远不能被静态地解引用,例如issomething .member。接口总是通过引用该接口子类实例的变量来解除引用。因此,如果没有其子类的实例,接口引用永远不可能知道它引用的是哪个子类。

Thus the closest approximation to a static method in an interface would be a non-static method that ignores "this", i.e. does not access any non-static members of the instance. At the low-level abstraction, every non-static method (after lookup in any vtable) is really just a function with class scope that takes "this" as an implicit formal parameter. See Scala's singleton object and interoperability with Java as evidence of that concept. And thus every static method is a function with class scope that does not take a "this" parameter. Thus normally a static method can be called statically, but as previously stated, an interface has no implementation (is abstract).

Thus to get closest approximation to a static method in an interface, is to use a non-static method, then don't access any of the non-static instance members. There would be no possible performance benefit any other way, because there is no way to statically link (at compile-time) a ISomething.member(). The only benefit I see of a static method in an interface is that it would not input (i.e. ignore) an implicit "this" and thus disallow access to any of the non-static instance members. This would declare implicitly that the function that doesn't access "this", is immutate and not even readonly with respect to its containing class. But a declaration of "static" in an interface ISomething would also confuse people who tried to access it with ISomething.member() which would cause a compiler error. I suppose if the compiler error was sufficiently explanatory, it would be better than trying to educate people about using a non-static method to accomplish what they want (apparently mostly factory methods), as we are doing here (and has been repeated for 3 Q&A times on this site), so it is obviously an issue that is not intuitive for many people. I had to think about it for a while to get the correct understanding.


First, all language decisions are decisions made by the language creators. There is nothing in the world of software engineering or language defining or compiler / interpreter writing which says that a static method cannot be part of an interface. I've created a couple of languages and written compilers for them -- it's all just sitting down and defining meaningful semantics. I'd argue that the semantics of a static method in an interface are remarkably clear -- even if the compiler has to defer resolution of the method to run-time.


The most likely correct answer is that there was no perceived need, at the time the language was defined, for static methods in interfaces. Java has grown a lot over the years and this is an item that has apparently gained some interest. That it was looked at for Java 7 indicates that its risen to a level of interest that might result in a language change. I, for one, will be happy when I no longer have to instantiate an object just so I can call my non-static getter method to access a static variable in a subclass instance ...




