

static bool ByteArrayCompare(byte[] a1, byte[] a2)
    if (a1.Length != a2.Length)
        return false;

    for (int i=0; i<a1.Length; i++)
        if (a1[i]!=a2[i])
            return false;

    return true;


java.util.Arrays.equals((sbyte[])(Array)a1, (sbyte[])(Array)a2);




我开发了一个方法,稍微击败memcmp() (plinth的答案)和非常轻微击败EqualBytesLongUnrolled() (Arek Bulski的答案)在我的PC上。基本上,它以4而不是8展开循环。




using System.Runtime.Intrinsics.X86;

public static unsafe bool Compare(byte[] arr0, byte[] arr1)
    if (arr0 == arr1)
        return true;
    if (arr0 == null || arr1 == null)
        return false;
    if (arr0.Length != arr1.Length)
        return false;
    if (arr0.Length == 0)
        return true;
    fixed (byte* b0 = arr0, b1 = arr1)
        if (Avx2.IsSupported)
            return Compare256(b0, b1, arr0.Length);
        else if (Sse2.IsSupported)
            return Compare128(b0, b1, arr0.Length);
            return Compare64(b0, b1, arr0.Length);
public static unsafe bool Compare256(byte* b0, byte* b1, int length)
    byte* lastAddr = b0 + length;
    byte* lastAddrMinus128 = lastAddr - 128;
    const int mask = -1;
    while (b0 < lastAddrMinus128) // unroll the loop so that we are comparing 128 bytes at a time.
        if (Avx2.MoveMask(Avx2.CompareEqual(Avx.LoadVector256(b0), Avx.LoadVector256(b1))) != mask)
            return false;
        if (Avx2.MoveMask(Avx2.CompareEqual(Avx.LoadVector256(b0 + 32), Avx.LoadVector256(b1 + 32))) != mask)
            return false;
        if (Avx2.MoveMask(Avx2.CompareEqual(Avx.LoadVector256(b0 + 64), Avx.LoadVector256(b1 + 64))) != mask)
            return false;
        if (Avx2.MoveMask(Avx2.CompareEqual(Avx.LoadVector256(b0 + 96), Avx.LoadVector256(b1 + 96))) != mask)
            return false;
        b0 += 128;
        b1 += 128;
    while (b0 < lastAddr)
        if (*b0 != *b1) return false;
    return true;
public static unsafe bool Compare128(byte* b0, byte* b1, int length)
    byte* lastAddr = b0 + length;
    byte* lastAddrMinus64 = lastAddr - 64;
    const int mask = 0xFFFF;
    while (b0 < lastAddrMinus64) // unroll the loop so that we are comparing 64 bytes at a time.
        if (Sse2.MoveMask(Sse2.CompareEqual(Sse2.LoadVector128(b0), Sse2.LoadVector128(b1))) != mask)
            return false;
        if (Sse2.MoveMask(Sse2.CompareEqual(Sse2.LoadVector128(b0 + 16), Sse2.LoadVector128(b1 + 16))) != mask)
            return false;
        if (Sse2.MoveMask(Sse2.CompareEqual(Sse2.LoadVector128(b0 + 32), Sse2.LoadVector128(b1 + 32))) != mask)
            return false;
        if (Sse2.MoveMask(Sse2.CompareEqual(Sse2.LoadVector128(b0 + 48), Sse2.LoadVector128(b1 + 48))) != mask)
            return false;
        b0 += 64;
        b1 += 64;
    while (b0 < lastAddr)
        if (*b0 != *b1) return false;
    return true;
public static unsafe bool Compare64(byte* b0, byte* b1, int length)
    byte* lastAddr = b0 + length;
    byte* lastAddrMinus32 = lastAddr - 32;
    while (b0 < lastAddrMinus32) // unroll the loop so that we are comparing 32 bytes at a time.
        if (*(ulong*)b0 != *(ulong*)b1) return false;
        if (*(ulong*)(b0 + 8) != *(ulong*)(b1 + 8)) return false;
        if (*(ulong*)(b0 + 16) != *(ulong*)(b1 + 16)) return false;
        if (*(ulong*)(b0 + 24) != *(ulong*)(b1 + 24)) return false;
        b0 += 32;
        b1 += 32;
    while (b0 < lastAddr)
        if (*b0 != *b1) return false;
    return true;



static bool ByteArrayEquals(byte[] a1, byte[] a2) 
    return a1.Zip(a2, (l, r) => l == r).All(x => x);


if(myByteArray1.Length != myByteArray2.Length) return false;
if(myByteArray1.Length == 8)
   return BitConverter.ToInt64(myByteArray1, 0) == BitConverter.ToInt64(myByteArray2, 0); 
else if(myByteArray.Length == 4)
   return BitConverter.ToInt32(myByteArray2, 0) == BitConverter.ToInt32(myByteArray2, 0); 




public enum CompareDirection { Forward, Backward }

private static unsafe bool UnsafeEquals(byte[] a, byte[] b, CompareDirection direction = CompareDirection.Forward)
    // returns when a and b are same array or both null
    if (a == b) return true;

    // if either is null or different lengths, can't be equal
    if (a == null || b == null || a.Length != b.Length)
        return false;

    const int UNROLLED = 16;                // count of longs 'unrolled' in optimization
    int size = sizeof(long) * UNROLLED;     // 128 bytes (min size for 'unrolled' optimization)
    int len = a.Length;
    int n = len / size;         // count of full 128 byte segments
    int r = len % size;         // count of remaining 'unoptimized' bytes

    // pin the arrays and access them via pointers
    fixed (byte* pb_a = a, pb_b = b)
        if (r > 0 && direction == CompareDirection.Backward)
            byte* pa = pb_a + len - 1;
            byte* pb = pb_b + len - 1;
            byte* phead = pb_a + len - r;
            while(pa >= phead)
                if (*pa != *pb) return false;

        if (n > 0)
            int nOffset = n * size;
            if (direction == CompareDirection.Forward)
                long* pa = (long*)pb_a;
                long* pb = (long*)pb_b;
                long* ptail = (long*)(pb_a + nOffset);
                while (pa < ptail)
                    if (*(pa + 0) != *(pb + 0) || *(pa + 1) != *(pb + 1) ||
                        *(pa + 2) != *(pb + 2) || *(pa + 3) != *(pb + 3) ||
                        *(pa + 4) != *(pb + 4) || *(pa + 5) != *(pb + 5) ||
                        *(pa + 6) != *(pb + 6) || *(pa + 7) != *(pb + 7) ||
                        *(pa + 8) != *(pb + 8) || *(pa + 9) != *(pb + 9) ||
                        *(pa + 10) != *(pb + 10) || *(pa + 11) != *(pb + 11) ||
                        *(pa + 12) != *(pb + 12) || *(pa + 13) != *(pb + 13) ||
                        *(pa + 14) != *(pb + 14) || *(pa + 15) != *(pb + 15)
                        return false;
                    pa += UNROLLED;
                    pb += UNROLLED;
                long* pa = (long*)(pb_a + nOffset);
                long* pb = (long*)(pb_b + nOffset);
                long* phead = (long*)pb_a;
                while (phead < pa)
                    if (*(pa - 1) != *(pb - 1) || *(pa - 2) != *(pb - 2) ||
                        *(pa - 3) != *(pb - 3) || *(pa - 4) != *(pb - 4) ||
                        *(pa - 5) != *(pb - 5) || *(pa - 6) != *(pb - 6) ||
                        *(pa - 7) != *(pb - 7) || *(pa - 8) != *(pb - 8) ||
                        *(pa - 9) != *(pb - 9) || *(pa - 10) != *(pb - 10) ||
                        *(pa - 11) != *(pb - 11) || *(pa - 12) != *(pb - 12) ||
                        *(pa - 13) != *(pb - 13) || *(pa - 14) != *(pb - 14) ||
                        *(pa - 15) != *(pb - 15) || *(pa - 16) != *(pb - 16)
                        return false;
                    pa -= UNROLLED;
                    pb -= UNROLLED;

        if (r > 0 && direction == CompareDirection.Forward)
            byte* pa = pb_a + len - r;
            byte* pb = pb_b + len - r;
            byte* ptail = pb_a + len;
            while(pa < ptail)
                if (*pa != *pb) return false;

    return true;


Another way of optimization similar to the approach shown above would be to store as much of your data as possible in a long[] rather than a byte[] right from the start, for example if you are reading it sequentially from a binary file, or if you use a memory mapped file, read in data as long[] or single long values. Then, your comparison loop will only need 1/8th of the number of iterations it would have to do for a byte[] containing the same amount of data. It is a matter of when and how often you need to compare vs. when and how often you need to access the data in a byte-by-byte manner, e.g. to use it in an API call as a parameter in a method that expects a byte[]. In the end, you only can tell if you really know the use case...

 using System.Linq; //SequenceEqual

 byte[] ByteArray1 = null;
 byte[] ByteArray2 = null;

 ByteArray1 = MyFunct1();
 ByteArray2 = MyFunct2();

 if (ByteArray1.SequenceEqual<byte>(ByteArray2) == true)
   MessageBox.Show("Don't match");