Question: Does the user have a choice to kill the application
unless we put a menu option in to kill it? If no such option exists,
how does the user terminate the application?
Answer: (Romain Guy): The user doesn't, the system handles this automatically. That's what the activity lifecycle (especially onPause/onStop/onDestroy) is for. No matter what you do, do not put a "quit" or "exit" application button. It is useless with Android's application model. This is also contrary to how core applications work.
我其实很期待为Android平台开发,因为它解决了Windows Mobile和。net中存在的许多问题。然而,上周对我来说有点令人失望……我希望我不必放弃Android,但它现在看起来不太好=(
我会考虑阅读Addison-Wesley出版的“Android Wireless Application Development”。我刚刚完成它,它是非常彻底的。
Also, I think you need to let go of a line-for-line port of the existing app. In order to port your application to the Android platform, some of the application design is going to change. The application-lifecycle used is necessary as mobile devices have very limited resources relative to desktop systems and allows Android devices to run several applications in an orderly and resource-aware fashion. Do some more in depth study of the platform, and I think you will realize that what you are wanting to do is entirely feasible. Best of luck.
我会考虑阅读Addison-Wesley出版的“Android Wireless Application Development”。我刚刚完成它,它是非常彻底的。
Also, I think you need to let go of a line-for-line port of the existing app. In order to port your application to the Android platform, some of the application design is going to change. The application-lifecycle used is necessary as mobile devices have very limited resources relative to desktop systems and allows Android devices to run several applications in an orderly and resource-aware fashion. Do some more in depth study of the platform, and I think you will realize that what you are wanting to do is entirely feasible. Best of luck.
public void onBackPressed(){
// Exit
public void onBackPressed(){
// Going back....
Intent intent = new Intent(ActivityB.this, ActivityA.class);