
WHERE Name IN ('ruby','rails','scruffy','rubyonrails')


我不喜欢使用专门的存储过程(或XML),但如果有一些特定于SQL Server 2008的优雅方式,我愿意接受。


对于SQL Server 2008,可以使用表值参数。这有点麻烦,但可以说比我的其他方法更干净。


CREATE TYPE dbo.TagNamesTableType AS TABLE ( Name nvarchar(50) )


string[] tags = new string[] { "ruby", "rails", "scruffy", "rubyonrails" };
cmd.CommandText = "SELECT Tags.* FROM Tags JOIN @tagNames as P ON Tags.Name = P.Name";

// value must be IEnumerable<SqlDataRecord>
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@tagNames", tags.AsSqlDataRecord("Name")).SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Structured;
cmd.Parameters["@tagNames"].TypeName = "dbo.TagNamesTableType";

// Extension method for converting IEnumerable<string> to IEnumerable<SqlDataRecord>
public static IEnumerable<SqlDataRecord> AsSqlDataRecord(this IEnumerable<string> values, string columnName) {
    if (values == null || !values.Any()) return null; // Annoying, but SqlClient wants null instead of 0 rows
    var firstRecord = values.First();
    var metadata= new SqlMetaData(columnName, SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50); //50 as per SQL Type
    return values.Select(v => 
       var r = new SqlDataRecord(metadata);
       return r;

更新 根据@Doug

请尽量避免var metadata = SqlMetaData。InferFromValue (firstRecord columnName);


因此,请尝试使用:var metadata= new SqlMetaData(columnName, SqlDbType. xml)。NVarChar maxLen);



我将传递一个表类型参数(因为它是SQL Server 2008),并做一个where exists,或内部连接。您也可以使用XML,使用sp_xml_preparedocument,然后甚至可以索引临时表。

I think this is a case when a static query is just not the way to go. Dynamically build the list for your in clause, escape your single quotes, and dynamically build SQL. In this case you probably won't see much of a difference with any method due to the small list, but the most efficient method really is to send the SQL exactly as it is written in your post. I think it is a good habit to write it the most efficient way, rather than to do what makes the prettiest code, or consider it bad practice to dynamically build SQL.

I have seen the split functions take longer to execute than the query themselves in many cases where the parameters get large. A stored procedure with table valued parameters in SQL 2008 is the only other option I would consider, although this will probably be slower in your case. TVP will probably only be faster for large lists if you are searching on the primary key of the TVP, because SQL will build a temporary table for the list anyway (if the list is large). You won't know for sure unless you test it.

I have also seen stored procedures that had 500 parameters with default values of null, and having WHERE Column1 IN (@Param1, @Param2, @Param3, ..., @Param500). This caused SQL to build a temp table, do a sort/distinct, and then do a table scan instead of an index seek. That is essentially what you would be doing by parameterizing that query, although on a small enough scale that it won't make a noticeable difference. I highly recommend against having NULL in your IN lists, as if that gets changed to a NOT IN it will not act as intended. You could dynamically build the parameter list, but the only obvious thing that you would gain is that the objects would escape the single quotes for you. That approach is also slightly slower on the application end since the objects have to parse the query to find the parameters. It may or may not be faster on SQL, as parameterized queries call sp_prepare, sp_execute for as many times you execute the query, followed by sp_unprepare.









具有表值参数的存储过程。如果列表变化很大,则在存储过程上使用WITH RECOMPILE,或者简单地使用不带参数的动态SQL为每个查询生成新的执行计划。

如果你有SQL Server 2008或更高版本,我会使用表值参数。

如果你不幸被困在SQL Server 2005上,你可以添加这样一个CLR函数,

    IsDeterministic = true,
    SystemDataAccess = SystemDataAccessKind.None,
    IsPrecise = true,
    FillRowMethodName = "SplitFillRow",
    TableDefinintion = "s NVARCHAR(MAX)"]
public static IEnumerable Split(SqlChars seperator, SqlString s)
    if (s.IsNull)
        return new string[0];

    return s.ToString().Split(seperator.Buffer);

public static void SplitFillRow(object row, out SqlString s)
    s = new SqlString(row.ToString());


declare @desiredTags nvarchar(MAX);
set @desiredTags = 'ruby,rails,scruffy,rubyonrails';

select * from Tags
where Name in [dbo].[Split] (',', @desiredTags)
order by Count desc

(编辑:如果表值参数不可用) 最好的方法似乎是将大量的IN参数分割为多个固定长度的查询,这样您就有了许多具有固定参数计数的已知SQL语句,并且没有虚值/重复值,也没有对字符串、XML等进行解析。


public static T[][] SplitSqlValues<T>(IEnumerable<T> values)
    var sizes = new int[] { 1000, 500, 250, 125, 63, 32, 16, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 };
    int processed = 0;
    int currSizeIdx = sizes.Length - 1; /* start with last (smallest) */
    var splitLists = new List<T[]>();

    var valuesDistSort = values.Distinct().ToList(); /* remove redundant */
    int totalValues = valuesDistSort.Count;

    while (totalValues > sizes[currSizeIdx] && currSizeIdx > 0)
    currSizeIdx--; /* bigger size, by array pos. */

    while (processed < totalValues)
        while (totalValues - processed < sizes[currSizeIdx]) 
            currSizeIdx++; /* smaller size, by array pos. */
        var partList = new T[sizes[currSizeIdx]];
        valuesDistSort.CopyTo(processed, partList, 0, sizes[currSizeIdx]);
        processed += sizes[currSizeIdx];
    return splitLists.ToArray();

(你可能有进一步的想法,省略排序,使用valuesDistSort.Skip(processed). take (size[…])而不是list/array CopyTo)。


foreach(int[] partList in splitLists)
    /* here: question mark for param variable, use named/numbered params if required */
    string sql = "select * from Items where Id in("
        + string.Join(",", partList.Select(p => "?")) 
        + ")"; /* comma separated ?, one for each partList entry */

    /* create command with sql string, set parameters, execute, merge results */


SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE Id IN (@p1, @p2, @p3, ... , @p[batch-size])





一个有100个参数(批量大小), 然后是12个 另一个是6,


无论如何,最好有一个直接发送参数化SQL的数据库接口,而不需要单独的Prepare语句和句柄来调用。像SQL Server和Oracle这样的数据库通过字符串相等来记住SQL(值会改变,绑定SQL中的参数不会!)并重用查询计划(如果可用的话)。不需要单独的prepare语句,也不需要在代码中维护查询句柄!ADO。NET是这样工作的,但是Java似乎仍然使用prepare/execute by句柄(不确定)。

关于这个主题,我有自己的问题,最初建议用重复的IN子句填充,但后来更喜欢NHibernate样式语句split: 参数化SQL -在/不在与固定数量的参数,查询计划缓存优化?


EDIT: I noted that IN queries with many values (like 250 or more) still tend to be slow, in the given case, on SQL Server. While I expected the DB to create a kind of temporary table internally and join against it, it seemed like it only repeated the single value SELECT expression n-times. Time was up to about 200ms per query - even worse than joining the original IDs retrieval SELECT against the other, related tables.. Also, there were some 10 to 15 CPU units in SQL Server Profiler, something unusual for repeated execution of the same parameterized queries, suggesting that new query plans were created on repeated calls. Maybe ad-hoc like individual queries are not worse at all. I had to compare these queries to non-split queries with changing sizes for a final conclusion, but for now, it seems like long IN clauses should be avoided anyway.


public static class SqlWhereInParamBuilder
    public static string BuildWhereInClause<t>(string partialClause, string paramPrefix, IEnumerable<t> parameters)
        string[] parameterNames = parameters.Select(
            (paramText, paramNumber) => "@" + paramPrefix + paramNumber.ToString())

        string inClause = string.Join(",", parameterNames);
        string whereInClause = string.Format(partialClause.Trim(), inClause);

        return whereInClause;

    public static void AddParamsToCommand<t>(this SqlCommand cmd, string paramPrefix, IEnumerable<t> parameters)
        string[] parameterValues = parameters.Select((paramText) => paramText.ToString()).ToArray();

        string[] parameterNames = parameterValues.Select(
            (paramText, paramNumber) => "@" + paramPrefix + paramNumber.ToString()

        for (int i = 0; i < parameterNames.Length; i++)
            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(parameterNames[i], parameterValues[i]);

要了解更多细节,请参阅这篇博客文章-参数化SQL WHERE IN子句c#