I am opening a file which has 100,000 URL's. I need to send an HTTP request to each URL and print the status code. I am using Python 2.6, and so far looked at the many confusing ways Python implements threading/concurrency. I have even looked at the python concurrence library, but cannot figure out how to write this program correctly. Has anyone come across a similar problem? I guess generally I need to know how to perform thousands of tasks in Python as fast as possible - I suppose that means 'concurrently'.



In a perfect world this would simply mean simultaneously starting 100,000 threads which output their results into a dictionary or list for later processing, but in practice you are limited in how many parallel HTTP requests you can issue in this fashion. Locally, you have limits in how many sockets you can open concurrently, how many threads of execution your Python interpreter will allow. Remotely, you may be limited in the number of simultaneous connections if all the requests are against one server, or many. These limitations will probably necessitate that you write the script in such a way as to only poll a small fraction of the URLs at any one time (100, as another poster mentioned, is probably a decent thread pool size, although you may find that you can successfully deploy many more).


Start a thread which launches new request threads until the number of currently running threads (you can track them via threading.active_count() or by pushing the thread objects into a data structure) is >= your maximum number of simultaneous requests (say 100), then sleeps for a short timeout. This thread should terminate when there is are no more URLs to process. Thus, the thread will keep waking up, launching new threads, and sleeping until your are finished. Have the request threads store their results in some data structure for later retrieval and output. If the structure you are storing the results in is a list or dict in CPython, you can safely append or insert unique items from your threads without locks, but if you write to a file or require in more complex cross-thread data interaction you should use a mutual exclusion lock to protect this state from corruption.







(另一个轻微的修改可以使这个检索相同的URL作为一个无限循环。提示:将while url和句柄更改为while句柄,将while nprocessed<nurls更改为while 1。)

import pycurl,io,gzip,signal, time, random
signal.signal(signal.SIGPIPE, signal.SIG_IGN)  # NOTE! We should ignore SIGPIPE when using pycurl.NOSIGNAL - see the libcurl tutorial for more info

NCONNS = 2  # Number of concurrent GET requests
url    = 'example.com'
urls   = [url for i in range(0x7*NCONNS)]  # Copy the same URL over and over

# Check args
nurls  = len(urls)
NCONNS = min(NCONNS, nurls)
print("\x1b[32m%s \x1b[0m(compiled against 0x%x)" % (pycurl.version, pycurl.COMPILE_LIBCURL_VERSION_NUM))
print(f'\x1b[37m{nurls} \x1b[91m@ \x1b[92m{NCONNS}\x1b[0m')

# Pre-allocate a list of curl objects
m         = pycurl.CurlMulti()
m.handles = []
for i in range(NCONNS):
  c = pycurl.Curl()
  c.setopt(pycurl.FOLLOWLOCATION,  1)
  c.setopt(pycurl.MAXREDIRS,       5)
  c.setopt(pycurl.CONNECTTIMEOUT,  30)
  c.setopt(pycurl.TIMEOUT,         300)
  c.setopt(pycurl.NOSIGNAL,        1)

handles    = m.handles  # MUST make a copy?!
nprocessed = 0
while nprocessed<nurls:

  while urls and handles:  # If there is an url to process and a free curl object, add to multi stack
    url   = urls.pop(0)
    c     = handles.pop()
    c.buf = io.BytesIO()
    c.url = url  # store some info
    c.t0  = time.perf_counter()
    c.setopt(pycurl.URL,        c.url)
    c.setopt(pycurl.WRITEDATA,  c.buf)
    c.setopt(pycurl.HTTPHEADER, [f'user-agent: {random.randint(0,(1<<256)-1):x}', 'accept-encoding: gzip, deflate', 'connection: keep-alive', 'keep-alive: timeout=10, max=1000'])

  while 1:  # Run the internal curl state machine for the multi stack
    ret, num_handles = m.perform()
    if ret!=pycurl.E_CALL_MULTI_PERFORM:  break

  while 1:  # Check for curl objects which have terminated, and add them to the handles
    nq, ok_list, ko_list = m.info_read()
    for c in ok_list:
      t1 = time.perf_counter()
      reply = gzip.decompress(c.buf.getvalue())
      print(f'\x1b[33mGET  \x1b[32m{t1-c.t0:.3f}  \x1b[37m{len(reply):9,}  \x1b[0m{reply[:32]}...')  # \x1b[35m{psutil.Process(os.getpid()).memory_info().rss:,} \x1b[0mbytes')
    for c, errno, errmsg in ko_list:
      print('\x1b[31mFAIL {c.url} {errno} {errmsg}')
    nprocessed = nprocessed + len(ok_list) + len(ko_list)
    if nq==0: break

  m.select(1.0)  # Currently no more I/O is pending, could do something in the meantime (display a progress bar, etc.). We just call select() to sleep until some more data is available.

for c in m.handles:


from tornado import ioloop, httpclient

i = 0

def handle_request(response):
    global i
    i -= 1
    if i == 0:

http_client = httpclient.AsyncHTTPClient()
for url in open('urls.txt'):
    i += 1
    http_client.fetch(url.strip(), handle_request, method='HEAD')


使用grequests,它是requests + Gevent模块的组合。



import grequests

urls = [


>>> rs = (grequests.get(u) for u in urls)


>>> grequests.map(rs)
[<Response [200]>, <Response [200]>, <Response [200]>, <Response [200]>, <Response [200]>]


from tornado import ioloop, httpclient, gen

def main(urls):
    Asynchronously download the HTML contents of a list of URLs.
    :param urls: A list of URLs to download.
    :return: List of response objects, one for each URL.

    def fetch_and_handle():
        httpclient.AsyncHTTPClient.configure(None, defaults=dict(user_agent='MyUserAgent'))
        http_client = httpclient.AsyncHTTPClient()
        waiter = gen.WaitIterator(*[http_client.fetch(url, raise_error=False, method='HEAD')
                                    for url in urls])
        results = []
        # Wait for the jobs to complete
        while not waiter.done():
                response = yield waiter.next()
            except httpclient.HTTPError as e:
                print(f'Non-200 HTTP response returned: {e}')
            except Exception as e:
                print(f'An unexpected error occurred querying: {e}')
                print(f'URL \'{response.request.url}\' has status code <{response.code}>')
        return results

    loop = ioloop.IOLoop.current()
    web_pages = loop.run_sync(fetch_and_handle)

    return web_pages

my_urls = ['url1.com', 'url2.com', 'url100000.com']
responses = main(my_urls)
