我知道/在Linux中是非法的,下面这些在Windows中是非法的 (我认为)*。" / \ []:;|,


然而,我需要一份全面的指南,一份考虑到各种因素的指南 双字节字符。链接到外部资源对我来说很好。

我需要首先在文件系统上创建一个目录,其名称可能是 包含禁用字符,所以我计划将这些字符替换为 下划线。然后,我需要将这个目录及其内容写入一个zip文件 (使用Java),因此关于zip目录名称的任何其他建议 不胜感激。


I always assumed that banned characters in Windows filenames meant that all exotic characters would also be outlawed. The inability to use ?, / and : in particular irked me. One day I discovered that it was virtually only those chars which were banned. Other Unicode characters may be used. So the nearest Unicode characters to the banned ones I could find were identified and MS Word macros were made for them as Alt+?, Alt+: etc. Now I form the filename in Word, using the substitute chars, and copy it to the Windows filename. So far I have had no problems.

下面是替换字符(Alt +十进制Unicode):

⃰ ⇔ Alt8432 ⁄ ⇔ Alt8260 ⃥ ⇔ Alt8421 ∣ ⇔ Alt8739 ⵦ ⇔ Alt11622 ⮚ ⇔ Alt11162 ‽ ⇔ Alt8253 ፡ ⇔ Alt4961 ‵‵ ⇔ Alt8246 “ ⇔ Alt8243







I always assumed that banned characters in Windows filenames meant that all exotic characters would also be outlawed. The inability to use ?, / and : in particular irked me. One day I discovered that it was virtually only those chars which were banned. Other Unicode characters may be used. So the nearest Unicode characters to the banned ones I could find were identified and MS Word macros were made for them as Alt+?, Alt+: etc. Now I form the filename in Word, using the substitute chars, and copy it to the Windows filename. So far I have had no problems.

下面是替换字符(Alt +十进制Unicode):

⃰ ⇔ Alt8432 ⁄ ⇔ Alt8260 ⃥ ⇔ Alt8421 ∣ ⇔ Alt8739 ⵦ ⇔ Alt11622 ⮚ ⇔ Alt11162 ‽ ⇔ Alt8253 ፡ ⇔ Alt4961 ‵‵ ⇔ Alt8246 “ ⇔ Alt8243


在Unix shell中,您几乎可以用单引号引用每个字符。除了单引号本身之外,您不能表示控制字符,因为\没有展开。从带引号的字符串中访问单引号本身是可能的,因为您可以用单引号和双引号连接字符串,如'I' ' ' ' 'm',它可以用于访问名为"I'm"的文件(这里也可以使用双引号)。



在Windows 10(2019)中,输入以下字符时会出现错误,导致输入失败:

文件名不能包含以下字符: \ /: * ?< > |