(如果可能的话)不要使用线程,使用actor /活动对象。易于测试。
Unit tests for classes that operate in a single thread and aren't thread aware -- easy, test as usual. Unit tests for Monitor objects (those that execute synchronized methods in the callers' thread of control) that expose a synchronized public API -- instantiate multiple mock threads that exercise the API. Construct scenarios that exercise internal conditions of the passive object. Include one longer running test that basically beats the heck out of it from multiple threads for a long period of time. This is unscientific I know but it does build confidence. Unit tests for Active objects (those that encapsulate their own thread or threads of control) -- similar to #2 above with variations depending on the class design. Public API may be blocking or non-blocking, callers may obtain futures, data may arrive at queues or need to be dequeued. There are many combinations possible here; white box away. Still requires multiple mock threads to make calls to the object under test.
GroboUtils for running multiple test threads alphaWorks ConTest to instrument classes to cause interleavings to vary between iterations Create a throwable field and check it in tearDown (see Listing 1). If you catch a bad exception in another thread, just assign it to throwable. I created the utils class in Listing 2 and have found it invaluable, especially waitForVerify and waitForCondition, which will greatly increase the performance of your tests. Make good use of AtomicBoolean in your tests. It is thread safe, and you'll often need a final reference type to store values from callback classes and suchlike. See example in Listing 3. Make sure to always give your test a timeout (e.g., @Test(timeout=60*1000)), as concurrency tests can sometimes hang forever when they're broken.
public void tearDown() {
if ( throwable != null )
throw throwable;
import static org.junit.Assert.fail;
import java.io.File;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler;
import java.lang.reflect.Proxy;
import java.util.Random;
import org.apache.commons.collections.Closure;
import org.apache.commons.collections.Predicate;
import org.apache.commons.lang.time.StopWatch;
import org.easymock.EasyMock;
import org.easymock.classextension.internal.ClassExtensionHelper;
import static org.easymock.classextension.EasyMock.*;
import ca.digitalrapids.io.DRFileUtils;
* Various utilities for testing
public abstract class DRTestUtils
static private Random random = new Random();
/** Calls {@link #waitForCondition(Integer, Integer, Predicate, String)} with
* default max wait and check period values.
static public void waitForCondition(Predicate predicate, String errorMessage)
throws Throwable
waitForCondition(null, null, predicate, errorMessage);
/** Blocks until a condition is true, throwing an {@link AssertionError} if
* it does not become true during a given max time.
* @param maxWait_ms max time to wait for true condition. Optional; defaults
* to 30 * 1000 ms (30 seconds).
* @param checkPeriod_ms period at which to try the condition. Optional; defaults
* to 100 ms.
* @param predicate the condition
* @param errorMessage message use in the {@link AssertionError}
* @throws Throwable on {@link AssertionError} or any other exception/error
static public void waitForCondition(Integer maxWait_ms, Integer checkPeriod_ms,
Predicate predicate, String errorMessage) throws Throwable
waitForCondition(maxWait_ms, checkPeriod_ms, predicate, new Closure() {
public void execute(Object errorMessage)
}, errorMessage);
/** Blocks until a condition is true, running a closure if
* it does not become true during a given max time.
* @param maxWait_ms max time to wait for true condition. Optional; defaults
* to 30 * 1000 ms (30 seconds).
* @param checkPeriod_ms period at which to try the condition. Optional; defaults
* to 100 ms.
* @param predicate the condition
* @param closure closure to run
* @param argument argument for closure
* @throws Throwable on {@link AssertionError} or any other exception/error
static public void waitForCondition(Integer maxWait_ms, Integer checkPeriod_ms,
Predicate predicate, Closure closure, Object argument) throws Throwable
if ( maxWait_ms == null )
maxWait_ms = 30 * 1000;
if ( checkPeriod_ms == null )
checkPeriod_ms = 100;
StopWatch stopWatch = new StopWatch();
while ( !predicate.evaluate(null) ) {
if ( stopWatch.getTime() > maxWait_ms ) {
/** Calls {@link #waitForVerify(Integer, Object)} with <code>null</code>
* for {@code maxWait_ms}
static public void waitForVerify(Object easyMockProxy)
throws Throwable
waitForVerify(null, easyMockProxy);
/** Repeatedly calls {@link EasyMock#verify(Object[])} until it succeeds, or a
* max wait time has elapsed.
* @param maxWait_ms Max wait time. <code>null</code> defaults to 30s.
* @param easyMockProxy Proxy to call verify on
* @throws Throwable
static public void waitForVerify(Integer maxWait_ms, Object easyMockProxy)
throws Throwable
if ( maxWait_ms == null )
maxWait_ms = 30 * 1000;
StopWatch stopWatch = new StopWatch();
for(;;) {
catch (AssertionError e)
if ( stopWatch.getTime() > maxWait_ms )
throw e;
/** Returns a path to a directory in the temp dir with the name of the given
* class. This is useful for temporary test files.
* @param aClass test class for which to create dir
* @return the path
static public String getTestDirPathForTestClass(Object object)
String filename = object instanceof Class ?
((Class)object).getName() :
return DRFileUtils.getTempDir() + File.separator +
static public byte[] createRandomByteArray(int bytesLength)
byte[] sourceBytes = new byte[bytesLength];
return sourceBytes;
/** Returns <code>true</code> if the given object is an EasyMock mock object
static public boolean isEasyMockMock(Object object) {
try {
InvocationHandler invocationHandler = Proxy
return invocationHandler.getClass().getName().contains("easymock");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
return false;
public void testSomething() {
final AtomicBoolean called = new AtomicBoolean(false);
subject.setCallback(new SomeCallback() {
public void callback(Object arg) {
// check arg here
这是Gerard Meszaros的书“xUnit测试模式”中的一个想法,被称为“Humble Object”(第695页):必须将核心逻辑代码和任何闻起来像异步代码的东西分开。这将产生一个用于核心逻辑的类,它同步地工作。
在此之上的任何测试(测试类之间的交互)都是组件测试。同样在这种情况下,如果你坚持使用“Humble Object”模式,你应该能够完全控制时间。
For J2E code, I've used SilkPerformer, LoadRunner and JMeter for concurrency testing of threads. They all do the same thing. Basically, they give you a relatively simple interface for administrating their version of the proxy server, required, in order to analyze the TCP/IP data stream, and simulate multiple users making simultaneous requests to your app server. The proxy server can give you the ability to do things like analyze the requests made, by presenting the whole page and URL sent to the server, as well as the response from the server, after processing the request.
In the end, you or someone will probably have to buckle down and analyze the code for blunders like the one I just mentioned. And an open discussion across departments, like the one that occurred, when we unfolded the problem described above, are most useful. But these tools are the best solution to testing multi-threaded code. JMeter is open source. SilkPerformer and LoadRunner are proprietary. If you really want to know whether your app is thread safe, that's how the big boys do it. I've done this for very large companies professionally, so I'm not guessing. I'm speaking from personal experience.