套接字= IP地址+端口(数字地址) 它们一起标识机器上网络连接的端点。(我刚刚是不是网络基础课不及格?)
A socket represents a single connection between two network applications. These two applications nominally run on different computers, but sockets can also be used for interprocess communication on a single computer. Applications can create multiple sockets for communicating with each other. Sockets are bidirectional, meaning that either side of the connection is capable of both sending and receiving data. Therefore a socket can be created theoretically at any level of the OSI model from 2 upwards. Programmers often use sockets in network programming, albeit indirectly. Programming libraries like Winsock hide many of the low-level details of socket programming. Sockets have been in widespread use since the early 1980s.
ref http://compnetworking.about.com/od/basicnetworkingconcepts/l/bldef_port.htm
ref http://compnetworking.about.com/od/itinformationtechnology/l/bldef_socket.htm
This example will walk you thru the process of connecting to a website, such as Wiley. You would open your web browser (like Mozilla Firefox) and type www.wiley.com into the address bar. Your web browser uses a Domain Name System (DNS) server to look up the name www.wiley.com to identify its IP address is. For this example, the address is Firefox makes a connection to the address and to the port where the application layer web server is operating. Firefox knows what port to expect because it is a well-known port . The well-known port for a web server is TCP port 80. The destination socket that Firefox attempts to connect is written as socket:port, or in this example, This is the server side of the connect, but the server needs to know where to send the web page you want to view in Mozilla Firefox, so you have a socket for the client side of the connection also. The client side connection is made up of your IP address, such as, and a randomly chosen dynamic port number. The socket associated with Firefox looks like Because web servers operate on TCP port 80, both of these sockets are TCP sockets, whereas if you were connecting to a server operating on a UDP port, both the server and client sockets would be UDP sockets.
套接字是特定于协议的-因此,TCP/IP和UDP/IP都使用* (ipaddress:port)的唯一性实现与eg不同。, IPX (Network, Node, and…嗯哼,套接字——但是一个不同的套接字是指一般的“套接字”术语。IPX套接字号相当于IP端口)。但是,它们都提供了唯一的可寻址端点。
UDP is connection-less - meaning no virtual circuit between the 2 endpoints is ever created. However, we still refer to UDP sockets as the endpoint. The API functions make it clear that both are just different type of sockets - SOCK_DGRAM is UDP (just sending a message) and SOCK_STREAM is TCP (creating a virtual circuit). Technically, the IP header holds the IP Address, and the protocol on top of IP (UDP or TCP) holds the port number. This makes it possible to have other protocols (eg. ICMP that have no port numbers, but do have IP addressing information).
In a broad sense, Socket - is just that, a socket, just like your electrical, cable or telephone socket. A point where "requisite stuff" (power, signal, information) can go out and come in from. It hides a lot of detailed stuff, which is not required for the use of the "requisite stuff". In software parlance, it provides a generic way of defining a mechanism of communication between two entities (those entities could be anything - two applications, two physically separate devices, User & Kernel space within an OS, etc)
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