
numbers <- c(4,23,4,23,5,43,54,56,657,67,67,435,






aggregate(numbers, list(num=numbers), length)

       num x
1        4 2
2        5 1
3       23 2
4       34 2
5       43 1
6       54 1
7       56 2
8       65 1
9       67 2
10     324 1
11     435 3
12     453 1
13     456 1
14     567 1
15     657 1

tapply(numbers, numbers, length)
  4   5  23  34  43  54  56  65  67 324 435 453 456 567 657 
  2   1   2   2   1   1   2   1   2   1   3   1   1   1   1 

by(numbers, list(num=numbers), length)
num: 4
[1] 2
num: 5
[1] 1
num: 23
[1] 2
num: 34
[1] 2
num: 43
[1] 1
num: 54
[1] 1
num: 56
[1] 2
num: 65
[1] 1
num: 67
[1] 2
num: 324
[1] 1
num: 435
[1] 3
num: 453
[1] 1
num: 456
[1] 1
num: 567
[1] 1
num: 657
[1] 1

一种相对快速处理长向量并提供方便输出的方法是使用长度(split(numbers, numbers))(注意长度后面的S):

# Make some integer vectors of different sizes
x <- sample.int(1e3, 1e4, replace = TRUE)
xl <- sample.int(1e3, 1e6, replace = TRUE)
xxl <-sample.int(1e3, 1e7, replace = TRUE)

# Number of times each value appears in x:
a <- lengths(split(x,x))

# Number of times the value 64 appears:
#~ 64
#~ 15

# Occurences of the first 10 values
#~ 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 
#~ 13 12  6 14 12  5 13 14 11 14 

输出只是一个命名向量。 速度似乎可以与JBecker提出的rle相媲美,甚至在非常长的向量上更快。下面是R 3.6.2中的一个微基准测试,其中包含了一些提议的功能:


f1 <- function(vec) lengths(split(vec,vec))
f2 <- function(vec) table(vec)
f3 <- function(vec) rle(sort(vec))
f4 <- function(vec) plyr::count(vec)

microbenchmark(split = f1(x),
               table = f2(x),
               rle = f3(x),
               plyr = f4(x))
#~ Unit: microseconds
#~   expr      min        lq      mean    median        uq      max neval  cld
#~  split  402.024  423.2445  492.3400  446.7695  484.3560 2970.107   100  b  
#~  table 1234.888 1290.0150 1378.8902 1333.2445 1382.2005 3203.332   100    d
#~    rle  227.685  238.3845  264.2269  245.7935  279.5435  378.514   100 a   
#~   plyr  758.866  793.0020  866.9325  843.2290  894.5620 2346.407   100   c 

microbenchmark(split = f1(xl),
               table = f2(xl),
               rle = f3(xl),
               plyr = f4(xl))
#~ Unit: milliseconds
#~   expr       min        lq      mean    median        uq       max neval cld
#~  split  21.96075  22.42355  26.39247  23.24847  24.60674  82.88853   100 ab 
#~  table 100.30543 104.05397 111.62963 105.54308 110.28732 168.27695   100   c
#~    rle  19.07365  20.64686  23.71367  21.30467  23.22815  78.67523   100 a  
#~   plyr  24.33968  25.21049  29.71205  26.50363  27.75960  92.02273   100  b 

microbenchmark(split = f1(xxl),
               table = f2(xxl),
               rle = f3(xxl),
               plyr = f4(xxl))
#~ Unit: milliseconds
#~   expr       min        lq      mean    median        uq       max neval  cld
#~  split  296.4496  310.9702  342.6766  332.5098  374.6485  421.1348   100 a   
#~  table 1151.4551 1239.9688 1283.8998 1288.0994 1323.1833 1385.3040   100    d
#~    rle  399.9442  430.8396  464.2605  471.4376  483.2439  555.9278   100   c 
#~   plyr  350.0607  373.1603  414.3596  425.1436  437.8395  506.0169   100  b  



x <- 23
length(subset(numbers, numbers==x))


x <- c("a", NA, "a", "c", "a", "b", NA, "c")

fn <- function(x) {
  u <- unique.default(x)
  out <- list(x = u, freq = .Internal(tabulate(match(x, u), length(u))))
  class(out) <- "data.frame"
  attr(out, "row.names") <- seq_along(u)


#>      x freq
#> 1    a    3
#> 2 <NA>    2
#> 3    c    2
#> 4    b    1


fn2 <- function(x) {
  y <- match(x, x)
  out <- list(x = x, freq = .Internal(tabulate(y, length(x)))[y])
  class(out) <- "data.frame"
  attr(out, "row.names") <- seq_along(x)


#>      x freq
#> 1    a    3
#> 2 <NA>    2
#> 3    a    3
#> 4    c    2
#> 5    a    3
#> 6    b    1
#> 7 <NA>    2
#> 8    c    2


match(x, x) %>% `[`(tabulate(.), .)

#> [1] 3 2 3 2 3 1 2 2


length(which(numbers == 4))